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  • Submitted: Nov 16 2012 10:51 PM
  • Last Updated: Nov 18 2012 11:59 AM
  • File Size: 450K
  • Views: 3183
  • Downloads: 592
  • Author: Samuel Ridout
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: The Pentateuch by Samuel Ridout

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Download Ridout, Samuel - The Pentateuch 1.0

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Samuel Ridout

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3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
The Pentateuch by Samuel Ridout

There can be no doubt that we are justified in taking the first five books of the Bible as forming a group by themselves.
The division of the Old Testament Scriptures into the Law, the Prophets (former and latter) and the Hagiographa or Kethubhim, (the Sacred Writings) has always been recognized and is the division implied by our Lord Himself where He says: "That all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses, and in the Prophets, and in the Psalms concerning Me" (Luk_24:44); the "Psalms" here including the other poetical books.

There can be no question either that these first five books were written by Moses. This does not raise the question of whether other writings more or less connected may have been used by him, for instance in the book of Genesis; but we have evidently there, as a continuous narrative with a distinct object, from the first chapter to the close of the book, that which is the product of one inspired person, whatever material he may have used in the preparation of his work; just as an author now may quote largely and use much material gathered by others in the preparation of a work which is distinctly his own.

The subject, however, of the Mosaic authorship and structure of Genesis would come up in a work devoted more especially to that book. It must suffice us here to point out that our Lord evidently considered the first five books of the Bible as the inspired product of Moses. "He wrote of Me." "If ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe My words?" (Joh_5:47.)

Table of Contents

Part 1.

General View

Chapter 1. — Introductory

The Pentateuch as Introductory to the Scriptures as a Whole

1. Doctrinally

2. Structurally

The Pentateuch as Introductory to the Entire Old Testament

The Pentateuch as Introductory to the Historical Books

Chapter 2. — The Value and Significance of Numbers

1. In relation to the Godhead

2. In relation to man

Chapter 3. — Preliminary Questions

The Authorship of the Pentateuch

The Inspiration of the Pentateuch

The Object of the Pentateuch

The Method of the Pentateuch

Part 2.

The Books in Detail

Chapter 1. Genesis

Chapter 2. Exodus

Chapter 3. Leviticus

Chapter 4. Numbers

Chapter 5. Deuteronomy

Part 3.

Literature on the Pentateuch

Works on the Pentateuch as a Whole

Separate Works upon Single Books of the Pentateuch

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