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  • Submitted: Nov 18 2012 01:48 AM
  • Last Updated: Nov 18 2012 01:48 AM
  • File Size: 866K
  • Views: 3924
  • Downloads: 684
  • Author: Samuel Ridout
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: The Four Gospels by Samuel Ridout

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Samuel Ridout

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3.x - 4.x

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The Four Gospels by Samuel Ridout

"God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son." Heb_1:1.

God has been speaking from the beginning. Creation itself is an expression of His thought, and all His providential government — where there are eyes to see — gives witness to His eternal power and Godhead, so that men are without excuse. In a special way, He has spoken through the prophetic ministry of His servants during the entire period covered by the Old Testament. These Old Testament Scriptures give us the record and manner of God's speaking in time past.

The instruments He used were the prophets, but the Author is God.

But there is a change in the Gospels — the Son Himself has come, and is speaking. "In these last days" — an expression significant of a change from His former methods of appealing to man, as well as a declaration that no further unfolding remains to be revealed — "He hath spoken unto us by His Son," or to be absolutely literal, "in a Son." This does not suggest that there are other sons, but gives the great fact of His Son standing out all alone. There is but One; no need even to designate Him in any exclusive way.

The expression shows us that God's manner of communication has changed. It is not merely that we have inspired and authoritative messengers who declare unto us the will of God in many parts and in many ways — in details of biography, in historic events, in types, etc. but God Himself is present in the Son.

Table of Contents

Introductory — The Incarnation
Chapter 1. — The Relation of the Gospels to the other Scriptures

The Relation of the Gospels to the Old Testament

The Relation of the Gospels to the New Testament

Chapter 2. — The Gospels Themselves: Preliminary Question

1 Why Are There Four?

2 The Harmony of the Four Gospels

3 The Question of Inspiration

Chapter 3. — The Object of each Gospel

1. — The Manner in which our Lord is Presented

1 The Presentation of Christ in Matthew

2 The Presentation of Christ in Mark

3 The Presentation of Christ in Luke

4 The Presentation of Christ in John

2. — The Aspect of the Lord's Death as presented in each Gospel

1 The Last Supper

2 Gethsemane and the Betrayal

3 The Trial before the High Priest

4 Pilate's Judgment-hall and Herod

5 The Crucifixion

6 The Burial

3. — The Resurrection

4. — The General Theme in harmony with this presentation of Christ

Chapter 4. — Parallel Passages

1 Omissions

2 Characteristic Differences

3 Recurrence of the same word or phrase

Chapter 5. — The Relation of the Gospels to Each Other

1 The Three Synoptists

2 The Gospel of John

3 Their Order and United Testimony

Chapter 6. — Analysis of Each Gospel.

1 Matthew

2 Mark

3 Luke

4 John

Chapter 7. — The Parables and Miracles

1 The Parables

2 The Miracles

Chapter 8. — Doctrinal Teachings of the Four Gospels

1 The Doctrine as to God — the Trinity

2 The Attributes of God

3 The Doctrine as to Man

4 The Doctrine of Salvation

Chapter 9. — Typical and Symbolic Representations of the Four Gospels

1 The Curtains of the Tabernacle

2 The Colors of the Curtains

3 The Ingredients of the Ointment and Incense

4 The Offerings

5 The Cherubic Figures

6 Other General Suggestions

Chapter 10. — Literature on the Four Gospels

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