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Peter Pellerin's Content

There have been 12 items by Peter Pellerin (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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Church Fathers (Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post Nicene) Scripture Reference Link Commentary 2.0 in Commentaries

Rodrigo, The commentary was generated with an autmated tool. As you...

Church Fathers (Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post Nicene) Scripture Reference Link Commentary 2.0 in Commentaries

Hi Andrew, I just saw your note. Are you still having problems?

Full Vocalized Hebrew Bible Compilation from Westmister (OT) and Salkinson-Ginsburg (NT) 2.0 in Bibles

Hello, I think you would have to buy this from theWord.net. http://www.theword.net/index.php?purchase-item&pid=15&l=english

Lamb and Lion Ministries - First Coming Weblogs 1.0 in Books

All, if you like to study prophecy check out Dr. Dave's...

Church Fathers (Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post Nicene) Scripture Reference Link Commentary 2.0 in Commentaries

All, if you were one of the 10-15 people who downloaded...

Full Vocalized Hebrew Bible Compilation from Westmister (OT) and Salkinson-Ginsburg (NT) 2.0 in Bibles

Note: If you downloaded this file before, the NT has...

Fleming, Don - Bible Lands, Then and Now in Books

Jorge, I discovered after making these books that the old version of...

Stephanus Textus Receptus with interlinear, lemmas, accents, Strongs and Morphology 1.2 in Bibles

Excellent! I wish I had the skills to do things like this.

Bengel, John - Gnomon of the NT (Commentary + Dictionary) - (5 vols) in Commentaries

Josh, It is much more useful to have the commentary this way....

The Pilgrim Church in Books

Thankyou for making this module. I have a hard copy...

Peters, George N. H. - The Theocratic Kingdom (3 Vols) 1.1 in Books

There were errors in the 1st revision of this module. ...

Smith, James and Lee, Robert - Handfuls on Purpose 1.0 in Books

What a difference that hierarchical structure makes on this module! This module...