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  • Submitted: Dec 28 2014 01:01 PM
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Download Early Church Teachings-Church Fathers

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Church Fathers, Early Chruch Teachings

What Did those early Church Fathers teach, those who inherited the church from the apostles in the those first 2-5 centuries long before all of the devision. St Ignatius of Antioc, and St PolyCarp were trained by St John The Gospel writer.....

The Bible states in 1 Timothy 3:15, "The church is the pillar and foundation of truth."
Cardinal Henery Neuman was a convert from Calvinism to the Anglican Church and finally to the Catholic Church. He stated "to be deep in the study of the History of the church is to cease to be Protestant". Its Collary is also true, "to be deep in the study of the History of the church is to become Catholic".
Rules for interpreting Scripture: Established by Pope Leo XIII in Providentissimus Deus (1893) seconded and confirmed by Pope Benedict XV in Spiritus Paraclitus (1920) and by Pope Pius XII in Divino Afflante Spiritu (1943) Pope Pius XII declared in Divino... that Leo's encyclical Providentisisimus for interpreting the bible to "the supreme guide in Biblical studies"
Four rules for interpreting the Bible for the Catholic Church
1. Always pay attention to the Magisterium the authority of the Church (source: The Catechism of the Church, encyclicals, church councils etc.)
2. Be guided by what the early fathers had to say about a particular passage. When they are in agreement one cannot suddenly come up with new interpretations. (Source, Church commentaries on Scripture which quote extensively from church fathers, early church teachings on the disc, early church fathers writings and homilies)
3. Always to be guided by what the Bible has to say as a whole (not key phrases here and there for defining ones theology and ignoring passages which do not fit one's theology, see opening quote). One must take into account all of Scripture which pertains to a given doctrinal truth. (Source a good Catholic Concordance or Doctrinal concordance, lists words or Doctrines and Scriptural passages containing those words or Doctrines)
4. Always take the Bible Literally unless it is reasonably unattenable
I will maintain that a protestant who will follow the last three rules will well over 90% of the time arrive at the same truths as the Catholic Church!! The true church must be that church which follows the teachings of those immediate successors of the Apostles. These are the Apostolic fathers who learned the faith at the foot of the Apostles. The Catholic church teaches the same things as those taught by the Apostolic fathers. It has not veered to the left or ritght but teaches the same today. If a Church comes a long 1,500 years later and teaches something different how can they have the truth. They claim truth based on their own authority yet teach things that are in contradiction to the Apostolic fathers. While they maintain a portion of the same teachings as the Apostolic teachings professing Christ as redeemer and savior and hence have portion of the Catholic heritage never the less they only have a portion of the loaf of bread. For since the Catholic churche teaches the same as the Apostolic Fathers only they have the complete loaf of bread.
Most outside of the Catholic Church would ignore rule number one. But all Christians outside of the Catholic church ought to pay attentions to the last three rules particulary rule number "2" and "3". Rule "2" states to always be guided by what the early church fathers had to say. Why? First we were not there to hear and see everything and can easily be fooled into reading something not there into Scripture or reading something out of Scripture. The First Fathers were trained by the Apostles and the preceding Fathers are closer to the time frame allowing for less corruption of the teachings to occur. We are 2,000 years removed from the original source. Second and Most Important is that Scripture is clear on this and is repeated often by Paul that we are to pay attention to both the Sacred Oral word as well as the Sacred Written word passed down. The Oral word ultimately is passed on through the church fathers writings
1 Thessalonians 2:13 ...Thank God constantly for this, that when you receivedthe word of God Which your heard from us,...
2 Thessalonians 2:15, "So then, brethren, stand firm, and hold teachings that you have learned whether by word (Sacred oral teaching) or by letter of ours."

2 Thesalonians 3:6 6* Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any brother who is living in idleness and not in accord with the tradition that you received from us ( Sacred oral teachings)

Malachi 2:7; "The lips of the priest shall keep knowledge, and they shall seek the law at this mouth. (Sacred Oral teaching)"

2 Timothy 2::2, "and the things that thou hast heard from me through many witnesses, commend to trust-worthy men who shall be competent in turn to teach others."

1 Corinthians 11:2, "Now I praise you, brethren, because in all things you are mindful of me and hold fast my precepts as I gave them to you."

We are told that first Christian "were persevering in the doctrine of the apostles" (Acts 2, 42) which was the oral teaching that was given long before the New Testament was written.
1Cor 11:2 and hold fast my precepts (oral teaching)
2Tim 1: 13 Hold to the form of sound teaching which thous has heard from me.
Titus 1:3 manifested his word through the preaching committed to my trust by the Command of God
1Thes 2:13 …you heard and received from us the word of God

1Cor 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached (Oral teaching) unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

Furthermore John tells us that everything has not been written down.
John 21:25, "There are, however, many other things that Jesus did; but if every one of these would be written not even the world itself, I think, could hold the books that would have to be written." (Not everything concerning Christ is in the Scripture per John)

John 20:30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not recorded in this book.
Joh 5:39 Search the scriptures: for you think in them to have life everlasting. And the same are they that give testimony of me.

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