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- Submitted: Sep 12 2017 10:11 AM
- Last Updated: Sep 12 2017 10:11 AM
- File Size: 786.78K
- Views: 2077
- Downloads: 178
- Author: Dr. Christopher Cone
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Foreshadowing & Fulfillment - The New Testament Use of the Old Testament in John
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Foreshadowing & Fulfillment - The New Testament Use of the Old Testament in John

Dispensationalism Bible Interpretation Hermeneutics

Dr. Christopher Cone
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3.x - 4.x
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Foreshadowing & Fulfillment - The New Testament Use of the Old Testament in John
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Foreshadowing, Fulfillment New Testament Use of the Old Testament
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Foreshadowing and Fulfillment The New Testament Use of the Old Testament in John - Christopher Cone.gbk.twm
Two nuanced views are discernible in classic dispensationalist understanding of the New Testament (NT) use of the Old Testament (OT), and are well represented by Robert Thomas’ Inspired Sensus Plenior Application (ISPA) and David Cooper’s Law of Double Reference (LDR) concepts. These two explanatory devices argue that seemingly non-literal interpretations of OT prophecy by NT authors do in fact fit within the framework of literal grammatical historical understanding. While both are plausible and have significant advantages, their limitations may point us to another device (referred to here as the Johannine Parallelism of Foreshadowing and Fulfillment [JPFF]) in order to more strongly affirm that the NT use of the OT is indeed rooted in and consistent with the literal grammatical historical method (LGH).
The JPFF device is most readily observed in John’s Gospel, and particular in his usage of fulfillment language and sign metaphor. It is evident that the Johannine concept of fulfillment is more consistently the culmination of foreshadowing than it is the simple occurrence of predicted events. While sharing important advantages of ISPA and LDR, JPFF is also promising in that it addresses the most significant difficulty shared by ISPA and LDR, and in so doing may provide a stronger affirmation that the NT use of the OT is fully compatible with the literal grammatical historical hermeneutic.
An appendix follows these considerations, drawing brief comparison to three non-classic dispensationalist approaches to determine whether JPFF is to be preferred over the three models, and if so on what basis.
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