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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Dec 31 2020 10:37 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 21 2021 08:50 PM
  • File Size: 488K
  • Views: 1766
  • Downloads: 90
  • Author: Various Sources
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: SLOE v.1
  • Suggest New Tag:: Theological Education, Inter-Denominational, Conservative, Protestant
  • Module Identifier: b042382051183

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theWord Module Download:
Download Seminary Lite Online-Ed v.1

- - - - -
Various Sources

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
SLOE v.1

Suggest New Tag::
Theological Education, Inter-Denominational, Conservative, Protestant

Module Identifier:

This module is a book module broken up into different topics, which are links to online theological courses hosted and produced by their respective sites instead. ***Wifi or Internet access is necessary to use.*** Links to websites, or to freely accessible online resources are not copyrightable, as links in themselves do not consist of any copyrightd material, and this module is simply a list of links to such theological resources (theological lecture courses) freely accessible to all online.

ALL CLASSES IN THIS MODULE ARE A 100% FREE to view or listen to on their respective websites. "Seminary Lite" or this module is in no way associated or affiliated with the creators of the linked content in this module, ("Seminary Lite" is only the name of "this" module list for the sole purpose of differentiating from other such lists ) nor were any specific permissions requested nor deemed necessary to create this module, or utilize the direct hyperlinks as links themselves do not contain copyrighted material.

All content in this module can be accessed using Linux, thus, the reason Itunes resources are excluded.

The links included in this module are set up so that clicking the link included under the topic of the class, takes you directly to the class online from within theWord itself. No copying or pasting into an external search engine is necessary.

The criteria for consideration when including these courses is that they derive from people, churches, institutions, colleges, and seminaries that hold to a conservative, orthodox, evangelical, Protestant interpretation of scripture and theology.

This list will be periodically updated to include new courses or to remove links that are no longer valid. The updated versions will be apparent by the change in version numbers, i.e. "v.1, v.2," etc.

There are over 150 courses ranging from topics such as Systematic Theology, Original Languages, Biblical Studies, Biblical Counseling, Pastoral Care, and the list can go on. Doctrinal Statements have been provided for each course creator when possible.

***A special heartfelt thank you to the content creators for enabling many of us to access a level of theological education that apart from these courses would most likely be otherwise unattainable.



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