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  • Submitted: Mar 02 2012 09:06 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 04 2016 02:43 PM
  • File Size: 1.41MB
  • Views: 4954
  • Downloads: 1,427
  • Author: Hunter, Henry
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Sacred Biography
  • Module Identifier: jb13

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Download Hunter, Henry - Sacred Biography, or the History of the Patriarchs (7 volumes) 1.0

* * * * * 3 Votes
Bible Characters Biography Devotional
Hunter, Henry

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Sacred Biography

Module Identifier:

A classic in devotional literature, this seven volume work connects verses to paint beautiful biographical sketches of the patriarchs of the Bible. Beyond a history lesson, Hunter forms practical conclusions on daily living and spirtiual growth.

The first few volumes discuss the patriarchs and later volumes deal exclusively with women and the Lord Jesus Christ. In the introduction, Hunter says ficition cannot compare with a biography given to us by God himself.

Table of Contents
Adam to Abraham: Volume I
-----Adam Lived
-----Adam and Christ Compared
-----Cain and Abel
-----Noah--A Man to Comfort
-----Noah--Remembered by God
-----Noah and Christ Compared
-----Abram--Get Out!
-----Abram--Man of Peace
-----Abram--Offering and Covenant
-----Abram--The Man of Patience
-----Abram--Man of Hospitality
-----Abraham--Man of Faith
-----Abraham--Offering of Isaac
-----Abraham--Seeker of Heaven
Isaac to Moses: Volume II
-----The Patriarchs Live
-----Isaac--Blessed by God
-----Isaac--A Man of Worship
-----Isaac--The Blessing of His Sons
-----Jacob--Purchaser of the Birthright
-----Jacob--Trip to Syria
-----Jacob--Love for Rachel
-----Jacob--Seeks Remuneration
-----Jacob--Fearing Esau
-----Jacob--Protector of Benjamin
-----Jacob and Joseph--Coat of Colors
-----Joseph--Trusted by Potiphar
-----Joseph--Ruler of Egypt
-----Joseph--Greets Brothers
-----Jacob and Joseph--Joseph Lives!
-----Jacob and Joseph--Blesses Children
-----Joseph--Commissions Family in Faith
-----Moses--Birth and Hiding
Moses: Volume III
-----The God of the Living
-----Moses--Egyptian Glory Forsaken
-----Moses--Bondage of Egypt
-----Moses--Pharaoh Judged
-----Moses--Let the People Go!
-----Moses--Egypt Smitten
-----Moses--Joseph's Bones Moved
-----Moses--Red Sea Crossed
-----Moses--Song of Deliverance
-----Moses--Manna Sent
-----Moses--Water from Horeb
-----Moses--War with Amalek
-----Moses--Family Reunited
-----Moses--Mount Sinai Experience
-----Moses--The Law-Giver
Moses to Balaam: Volume IV
-----Moses--The Tablets
-----Moses--Aaron's Calf
-----Moses--Witness of God's Glory
-----Moses--Radiant Glory
-----Moses--The Tabernacle
-----Moses--Tabernacle Furniture
-----Aaron--Moses' Brother
-----Aaron--High Priest
-----Aaron--Death of Nadab and Abihu
-----Aaron--His Death
-----Balaam--His Way
-----Balaam--His Works Betray His Words
-----Balaam--The Madman
-----Balaam--Blesses Israel
-----Balaam--His Doctrine
Moses: Volume IV
-----The Great Judgment
-----Moses--The Brazen Serpent
-----Moses--Facing Death
-----Moses--Avenges the Midianites
-----Moses--Cities of Refuge
-----Moses--Speech to Israel
-----Moses--Joshua Commissioned
-----Moses--Joshua Commanded
-----Moses--Blessing on Israel
-----Moses--Blessing on Israel
-----Moses--Views Promised Land
-----Moses--Memorial Service
----------Eulogium of Moses
-----Moses--The Model Prophet
Deborah to Hannah: Volume VI
-----The Help Meet for Him
-----Deborah--The Judge
-----Deborah--Her Song
-----Deborah--Dominion over the Mighty
-----Deborah--Heaven Fought Sisera
-----Ruth--A Moabitess
-----Ruth--Experienced Sorrows
-----Ruth--Moves to Bethlehem
-----Ruth--Providential Direction
-----Ruth--Industrious Boaz
-----Ruth--Generosity of Boaz
-----Ruth--The Kinsman
-----Ruth--Blessed of God
-----Hannah, the Mother of Samuel--Troubled Yet Polite
-----Hannah, the Mother of Samuel--Quiet Prayer
-----Hannah, the Mother of Samuel--Samuel's Birth
-----Hannah, the Mother of Samuel--Samuel Given to Eli
-----Hannah, the Mother of Samuel--Her Song
-----Hannah, the Mother of Samuel--Samuel Grows
-----Hannah, the Mother of Samuel--The Evil Sons of Eli
-----Hannah, the Mother of Samuel--Samuel Grows
Jesus Christ: Volume VII
-----Jesus Christ--The Word
-----Jesus Christ--His Generation
-----Jesus Christ--His Divinity
-----Jesus Christ--John's Birth
-----Jesus Christ--The Virgin Mary
-----Jesus Christ--Nativity
-----Jesus Christ--Childhood
-----Jesus Christ--Adolescence
-----Jesus Christ--His Baptism
-----Jesus Christ--Temptation
-----Jesus Christ--Rejected by Home-Town
-----Jesus Christ--Healer
-----Jesus Christ--Survives Assassination Attempt
-----Jesus Christ--Preacher and Teacher
-----Jesus Christ--Omnipotent
----------Before the Administration of the Lord's Supper.
----------Prayer in consecrating the Elements.
----------Address to Communicants at the Sacramental Table.
-----Jesus Christ--The Marriage Feast
-----Jesus Christ--Healing in Galilee
-----Jesus Christ--Cleansing the Temple
-----Jesus Christ--Resurrection
-----Jesus Christ--The Resurrection of the Saints
-----Jesus Christ--Heals Nobleman's Son
-----Jesus Christ--Centurion's Faith
-----Jesus Christ--Feeding the Multitude

So I decided to look up more info about Henry Hunter, Wikipedia is generally my default go to for biographical info: http://en.wikipedia...._Hunter_(divine) Of course I had to download after reading more about Rev Hunter, I look forward to using this lovely resource, thanks again Josh!

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