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- Submitted: Sep 12 2012 12:13 PM
- Last Updated: Sep 12 2012 12:13 PM
- File Size: 426K
- Views: 3230
- Downloads: 643
- Author: David Roberts Dungan
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Dungan - Sabbath or Lord's Day
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Dungan, D.R. - Sabbath or the Lord's Day, Which? 1.0
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Ecclesiology Apologetics / Evangelism Expository Topics Sermon Helps
David Roberts Dungan
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
Dungan - Sabbath or Lord's Day
This book, The Sabbath or the Lord's Day, Which?, is a thorough treatment on the topic of whether Christians are to worship on the first day of the week or the last.
This book is divided into two parts, the first dealing with arguments for the Sabbath day as binding on Christians today, and the second dealing with arguments for the Lord's Day (Sunday) as binding upon Christians today. Arguments put forth by the Seventh-Day Adventists are examined and exposed as contrary to Scripture. Quotations from prominent Adventist works are also given and shown to be false.
About the Author:
D.R. Dungan is best-known for his book "Hermeneutics," which is still in print and is a required textbook in many religious seminaries and universities. His skill as a logician was recognized by almost all who knew him. He passed away in 1920.
Table of Contents:
Part One: The Sabbath
- The Statement of the Question
- Reasons for Keeping the Sabbath Examined upon the Hypothesis of a Pre-Mosaic Requirement
- To Whom was the Law of the Sabbath Given?
- Was the Law of the Sabbath Perpetuated in Christ?
- Is the Decalogue Yet Binding?
- The Law, of Which the Sabbath was a Part, was Done away in Christ
- The Sabbath Itself has no more Claim upon the Christian than any other Part of the Law Given at Mt. Sinai
- The Source of Knowledge
- The View Entertained by Christians in General
- Unfair Methods of Advancing the Sabbath and of Opposing the Lord's Day
- History Shows the Lord's Day has been Sacred in All Ages of the Church
- The Teaching of the Scriptures Respecting the Day in Which Christians Should Meet for Worship
- How the Apostles Understood the Topic of the Lord's Day
TheWord version has been proofread and re-formatted for ease of reading. Obvious spelling mistakes have been corrected, and duplicate words have been deleted ("of of" has been changed to "of"). Main points in the chapters have been bolded and italicized. Lists within paragraphs have frequently been formatted into numbered lists, now appearing like the table of contents above.
A reformatted and fully-searchable pdf file of this book can be found here.
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