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  • Submitted: Sep 13 2012 07:31 PM
  • Last Updated: Sep 13 2012 07:31 PM
  • File Size: 324K
  • Views: 2245
  • Downloads: 361
  • Author: A.R. Main
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Main - First Principles

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Download Main, A.R. - First Principles 1.0

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Bibliology (BibleDoctrine) Christology Ecclesiology Pneumatology Soteriology (Salvation) Expository Topics Jesus Studies Women Prayer Church of Christ

A.R. Main

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Main - First Principles

A.R. Main was a preacher and Christian Educator in Australia in the first half of the 20th century. He was the Principal (we'd call it the president in the USA) of the College of the Bible, as well as editor of The Australian Christian.

The spelling in this book has been changed to American usage (practice instead of practise, for example) by the uploader. Other features unique to theWord version of this book are: Chapters are broken up into smaller sections, each dealing with specific topics (see table of contents below); Long paragraphs consisting of lists (a, b, c, etc...) have been divided up by sub-point and indented for ease of use.

Quoted from the Preface:

Primarily, this hand-book has been written for teachers and senior scholars using the lessons and preparing for examination on them. But the articles are intended also to help all others who may be so much interested in the great themes as to read them...Above all, it is hoped that there is no misrepresentation of Bible teaching; if there is, it is so unwittingly. Exigencies of space prevent detailed treatment, but it is trusted that the studies will not be found scrappy.

It is appropriate that in Bible lessons many references be made to the Scriptures. It is recommended that the passages quoted or referred to be carefully read, preferably in the Revised Version. It is not intended that all these references be forced on scholars, or that junior classes should be expected to get up all the matter dealt with in these articles. Bible Classes could profitably use this booklet as a text-book, each member of the class possessing a copy. The questions appended to the lessons are suitable some for intermediate and some for senior classes. No answer of "Yes" or "No" merely should be accepted by the teacher of these classes. Reasons should always be given, and older scholars should be encouraged to support their answers with citations from Scripture. The teacher is reminded of Colet's famous advice: "Teach lovingly what thou hast learned diligently."

Table of Contents:
01 - The Bible, God's book
02 - The Bible - Why do We Accept the Bible's Claims?
03 - The Bible - It's Divisions
04 - Sin and Its Cure
05 - Jesus Christ - His Person
06 - Jesus Christ - His Office
07 - The Holy Spirit - The Work of Inspiration
08 - The Holy Spirit - Spiritual Gifts
09 - The Holy Spirit - Baptism in the Holy Spirit
10 - The Holy Spirit - The Spirit's Work in Conversion
11 - The Holy Spirit - The Spirit's Work in Sanctification
12 - Faith - What is Faith?
13 - Faith - How is Faith Produced?
14 - Faith - The Importance of Faith
15 - Faith - What Must We Believe to be Saved?
16 - Repentance - What is Repentance?
17 - Repentance - What Produces Repentance?
18 - Repentance - The Results of Repentance
19 - Confession - What is Confession?
20 - Confession - What Promises are Attached to Confession?
21 - Confession - Reasons for the Good Confession
22 - Baptism - The Action [mode] of Baptism
23 - Baptism - Subjects of Baptism
24 - Baptism - The Significance of Baptism
25 - The Church - Its Establishment
26 - The Church - Its Membership
27 - The Church - Its Worship
28 - The Church - Its Ministry

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