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- Submitted: Mar 08 2012 11:48 AM
- Last Updated: Mar 08 2012 11:49 AM
- File Size: 340K
- Views: 4841
- Downloads: 695
- Author: F.B. Meyer
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Peter
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Meyer, FB - Peter: Fisherman, Apostle, Disciple
2 Votes
Bible Characters Biography Devotional
F.B. Meyer
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
This book captures the complex life of Peter, from his first call to leave his nets to fish for men through his denial of the Lord to the Day of Pentecost and ending with Peter's death in Rome.
F.B. Meyer's powerful prose illustrates Peter's life with grace and power without straying from a Biblical understanding of Peter. Thoughout Peter: Fisherman, Disciple, Apostle, Meyer gives us glimpses of Jesus in his narrative of Peter, and we see the love of Christ toward His sometimes wayward and sometimes faithful disciple. The life of Peter is ultimately a grand story of the power of redemption and the continuous transforming power of Jesus in our daily lives, and Meyer brings that story and its applications to life. (This is a large book--see the table of contents below!)
As you would expect, theWord version of this resource is properly organized by Chapter with subtopic chapters in theWord's hierarchy system.
About F.B. Meyer
Frederick Brotherton Meyer (1847–1929). Baptist pastor, Bible conference speaker and writer. Born in London, Meyer was convinced from his childhood that he would be a preacher.
While at Priory Street Church in 1873, Meyer befriended Dwight L. Moody and Ira D. Sankey, who had arrived in England to minister but had found that the two men who had invited them had died. Invited to York, Moody found Meyer very helpful in getting his campaign started. This friendship resulted in Moody inviting Meyer to America in 1891, the first of twelve trips. He spoke at the East Northfield Summer Conference for two weeks and proved to be so popular that he was asked to give post-conference addresses. In one meeting at Northfield, J. Wilbur Chapman was touched by Meyer’s preaching and testified later to a life-changing commitment made there.
Prior to his coming to the U.S., his written works had received much attention. His biographies of Bible characters gained great popularity, as did his expositional and devotional works.
Table of Contents
-----The Coming of the Son of Zacharias
-----The Baptist's Influence on Peter
-----Peter's First Interview with the Lord
Early Days in the Master's College
-----Walks and Talks
-----The Marriage Feast of Cana
-----Growing Influence of the Master
The Settlement as to the Supreme Control
A Fisher of Men
-----Successful Soul-winning Is Generally Based on a Deep Consciousness of Personal Sinnership
-----Failure and Sin do not Necessarily Exclude from the Divine Partnership in Soul Winning
-----Soul Winning, to be Successful, Must be the Absorbing Purpose of Our Lives
Primer Lessons
-----The First Lesson was that Association with Himself would inevitably involve them in Spi...
-----The Second Lesson Was the Need for Gentleness in Ministry
-----The Third Lesson was a Glimpse into the Anguish of the World
-----The Fourth Lesson Was about the Source of Power
The Second Primer
-----Trusteeship for Others Depends on the Denial of Self
-----Rulership Depends on Self Giving
-----Divine Power Must Never Be Used for Purposes of Vainglory or Display
To Whom, If not to Christ?
-----The Urgency of the Question
-----The Alternatives to Christ
-----The Imperishable Supremacy of Jesus
I Give unto Thee the Keys
-----The Master's Searching Question
-----The Foundation of the Church
-----The Gift of the Keys
With Him on the Holy Mount
-----The Accessories of the Transfiguration
-----The Theme of the Celestial Visitants
-----The Enfolding Cloud
For Me and Thee
-----Christ Pays the Charges for His Penniless Disciples
-----Our Master Links Himself to a Sinful Man
-----Christ Makes Mortals His Almoners
The Shepherd on the Watch
-----The Case of Judas
-----The Case of Peter
The Evening of the Denial
-----He Provided Him with a Friend
-----He Assured him of a Complete Cleansing
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
-----‑Let not your heart be troubled! (John 14:1) ‑I have prayed for thee (Luke 22:32)
-----‑Let not your hearts be troubled! ... I go to prepare a place (John 14:1-2)
-----‑Let not your heart be troubled! ... I will receive you unto myself John 4:1-3
And Peter
-----Love Is Strong as Death
-----Many Waters Cannot Quench Love
He Was Seen of Peter
-----The Scene of His Bitter Sorrow Is not Revealed
-----The Fact of the Resurrection Broke on Him Gradually
-----Finally the Lord Appeared to Him
The Renewed Commission
-----The Scene
-----Passionate Devotion to Christ
-----Unfeigned Humility
-----Indomitable Courage
A Witness of the Resurrection
-----The Salient Feature of Peter's Lifework
-----Peter's Equipment for his Lifework
-----The Characteristics of Peter's Lifework of Witnessing
In the Name
-----What Peter Saw
-----What Peter Did
-----How Peter Preached
You Builders
-----The Rival Builders
-----The Irrepressibility of the Christ Life
-----The Attestation of the Holy Spirit
Peter's Deepening Experiences of the Holy Spirit
-----Peter's Previous Experiences
-----The Holy Spirit's Presidency of the Church
-----The Co-Witness of the Holy Spirit
-----The Superlative Superiority of the Holy Spirit
The Door of Faith unto the Gentiles
-----There Arose a Murmuring of the Grecian (Hellenist) Jews against the Hebrews
-----Then Came the Great Arguments, Apology, and Martyrdom of Stephen
-----The Mission to Samaria Followed
-----The Process Was Still Further Accelerated by the Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
-----The Process Was Completed at Joppa
The Breaking of the Yoke
-----Cesarea: 3 P.M.
-----Joppa: Noon
-----Cesarea: 3 P.M.
-----The Challenge of the Mother Church
I Will Go with Thee to Prison
-----‑The Kings of the Earth Set Themselves
-----The Prayer of the Church
-----The Opening of the Iron Gate
My Decease
-----Peter's Itinerant Labors
-----His Final Residence in Babylon
-----The Closing Scene
Life's Afterglow
-----Comfort amid Trial
-----The Sacrificial Nature of the Savior's Death
-----The Certainty of Future Glory
-----The Urgency for a Holy Life
-----The Nature of Death
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