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  • Submitted: Jan 03 2013 12:54 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 03 2013 12:54 PM
  • File Size: 122K
  • Views: 2168
  • Downloads: 482
  • Author: W W Fereday
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Solomon and His Temple by W W Fereday

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W W Fereday

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3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Solomon and His Temple by W W Fereday

The days of Solomon were unique in the history of Israel and of the world; and the house that he built unto the name of Jehovah was also unique. It was all a bright foreshadowing of days of glory and blessing yet to be brought in by the Lord Jesus. The nations of the world will then cease to strive, and will dwell peacefully under His righteous sway, and the Temple in Jerusalem will be sought unto from the ends of the earth because Jehovah is there.

Table of Contents

Kingship in Israel
David and Solomon
Adonijah's Usurpation
The Kings Dream
Supremacy and Prosperity
The Daughter of Pharaoh
Provision for the House
The Temple
Bringing up the Ark
Solomon's Great Public Prayer
The Feast of Tabernacles
Jehovah Speaks Again
I made me Great Works
The Queen of Sheba
Horses, Gold, Wives
Apes and Peacocks
Closing days
In Solomon's Porch

W. W. Fereday was born in England in 1863, was saved at 16 and almost immediately started to preach.

He spent the whole of his life in the study and exposition of the Scripture of Truth, travelled extensively and spent a considerable time in Scotland and the continent of Europe. He was a faithful expositor of the Word of God. He knew no fear and never compromised for one moment, one could not help but love him.

He lived for many years in Rothesay, Scotland, and the last five years of his life at Machermore Eventide Home, Scotland, from where he went to be with the Lord at the age of 96.

He was of a worthy kind - John Nelson Darby - William Kelly - William Woldridge Fereday. Brother Fereday always had two life size portraits of these two revered men of God in his large study; he knew them both personally and they were guides to him in his early formative years.

Many lovers of the Scriptures have spent long hours immersing themselves in the writings of J. N. Darby and have found them at first reading almost beyond understanding. However, after further reading, the truth conveyed gradually shone through and one could grasp the writer's meaning and then would gladly acknowledge that what he wrote was undoubtedly worth the effort and I hasten to add, a very sweet portion.

However W W Fereday was different. Precise, accurate, lucid, brief; he was as succinct in his written ministry as in his public addresses. One of his favourite expressions was "I do not give lectures, I state facts". He never wasted a word, wrote in the briefest possible way, taught the same truths as J.N.D. and W.K. but in a language that was simple, interesting, and often thrilling; in fact just in the form that young Christians will appreciate today.

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