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  • Author: Gordon, Samuel Dickey (S.D.)
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
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Download Gordon, Samuel Dickey (S.D.) - "Quiet Talks" Series (18 vols) 1.3

* * * * * 9 Votes
Christian Living Devotional Dispensationalism Baptist
Gordon, Samuel Dickey (S.D.)

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Quiet Talks: ...

New Book added: A Quiet Talk about the Babe of Bethlehem. Zip file of all Gordon books are at the bottom of the Download screen (next page)..

theWord Edition
theWord edition includes 18 of S.D. Gordon's books, over 3,400 pages. His books originally sold millions of copies and millions more have been sold in reprints. His material is similar to F.B Meyer—the same vein of Christian Living and motivational/expository topics with devotional overtones. Some dispensational doctrine is also presented.

Also included are some of Gordon's lesser known books. Some books in this collection have never before been digitized.

Do YOU have an S.D. Gordon book not included in this list? Send me the physical book, I'll digitize the text, and make a theWord module!

The titles and chapters are shown below. All modules are organized with theWord's hierarchical structure, sometimes three levels deep.

About Samuel Dickey (S. D.) Gordon
Gordon, Samuel Dickey (1859–1936). Devotional speaker and writer. Born and educated in Philadelphia, Gordon was involved in various parachurch organizations, the most notable of which was the YMCA.

Following his years with that organization, he initiated a ministry of preaching and lecturing on religious issues in the U.S. Beyond American shores he traveled for four years in Europe and the Orient, where he conducted Bible conference and missionary conventions.

He captured the hearts of his hearers by his informal and intimate style. He had a gentle spirit, and his quaint phrases stuck in the mind. He remains one of the very few early twentieth century speakers widely published.

In 1895, Gordon gave a notable series of lectures at Moody Bible Institute. About this time his first "Quiet Talk" book was published, the first in a series of approximately 25 devotional books. These books were widely used by clergy and lay leaders alike, as well as common church goers. Millions of copies from his “Quiet Talks” series have been printed and reprinted

An incessant and tireless itinerant, Gordon never lacked for opportunities to preach. He never called himself a preacher, preferring the title of lecturer. In a real sense he was unique. His manner of speaking, never dull, always illustrated by parabolic stories, had gripping power to hold the attention and stir the heart."

Quiet Talks on Service
Quiet Talks on the Crowned Christ of Revelation
Quiet Talks on Following the Christ
Quiet Talks on Home Ideals
Quiet Talks on John's Gospel
Quiet Talks on Life After Death
Quiet Talks on Personal Problems
Quiet Talks on Power
Quiet Talks on Prayer
Quiet Talks with Those Who Weep
Quiet Talks with World Winners
Quiet Talks About Calvary
Quiet Talks About Jesus
Quiet Talks About Our Lord's Return
Quiet Talks About the Healing Christ
Quiet Talks About the Tempter

Prayer Changes Things

Book and Chapter List
Quiet Talks On Service
Chapter 1: Personal Contact with Jesus
----The Beginning of an Endless Friendship
----An Ideal Biography
----The Eyes of the Heart
----We are Changed
----The Outlook Changed
----Talking with Jesus
----Getting Somebody Else
----The True Source of Strong Service
Chapter 2: The Triple Life
----On An Errand for Jesus
----The Parting Message
----A Secret Life of Prayer
----An Open Life of Purity
----An Active Life of Service
----The Perspective of True Service
----A Long Time Coming
Chapter 3: Yokefellows
----The Master's Invitation
----Surrender a Law of Life
----Free Surrender
----Yoked Service
----In Step with Jesus
----The Scar-marks of Surrender
----Full Power through Rhythm
----He is Our Peace
----The Master's Touch
Chapter 4: A Passion for Winning Men
----A Day off
----Moved with Compassion
----Counting on Us
----The Secret of Winsomeness
----"As the Stars"
----The Finest Wisdom
----Three Essentials
----A Blessed Library Corner
----"Two Missing"—"Go Ye"
Chapter 5: Deep-Sea Fishing
----A Water Haul
----Living up in the Spirit Realm
----Saved to Serve
----Ambition in Service
----Use What You Have
----Expectancy in Service
----Jesus Went into the Deeps
Chapter 6: Money
----Touching a Limitless Circle
----Peculiar Effects of Money
----Jesus' Law for the Use of Money
----Foreign Exchange
----Gold-Exchanged Lives
----Spirit Alchemy
----The Fragrance of the Life in the Gift
----Sacrifice Hallows and Increases the Gift
----A Living Sacrifice
Chapter 7: Worry
----Fear Not
----A Fence of Trust
----A Lord of the Harvest
----Do Your Best—Leave the Rest
----Anxious for Nothing
----Thankful for Anything
----Prayerful about Everything
----A Steamer Chair for His Friend
----He Has You on His Heart
----Paul's Prison Psalm
----He Touched Her Hand
Chapter 8: Gideon's Band
----God Wants the Best
----God's Use of Weak Things
----Call for Volunteers
----A Willing People
----Courageous Volunteers
----Irresistible Logic
----Hot Hearts
----God Still Sifting

Quiet Talks on the Crowned Christ of Revelation
Chapter 1: The Christ Crowned, The Fact
----Coronation Gift
----The Music of a Name
----Our Great Kinsman
----Is Christ Reigning Now?
----The Greatness of Patience
----Taking with Your Life
----Working by the Light of the Throne
Chapter 2: The Crown Book
----The Crowning Book
----Jesus' Bosom Friend
----Old and New Woven Together
----Jesus' Plea to His Friends
----More Alike than Different
----Doing Leads to Understanding
Chapter 3: A Sight of the Crowned Christ
----Transfigured by a Look
----Some Transfigured Men
----Heart Stimulant for the Brain
----A Fresh Vision Needed
----Christ as He Is Now
----The Identifying Mark
----The Outstanding Characteristic
----What Christ Sees
----One in the Midst.
----And on you.
Chapter 4: A Message from the Crowned Christ
----Patmos Spells Patience
----The Unity of the Message
----The Seven-fold Message
----A Heart-breaking Sight
----Wooing Promises
----The Decisive Trait of Faith
Chapter 5: An Advance Step in the Royal Programme
----A Look into Heaven
----Rest in the Midst of Unrest
----They See His Face
----Going to School to God
----God's Ideal of Creation
----The Significant Book
----Taking Possession
Chapter 6: A Clearing-Up Storm in the Realm
----The Area of the Storm
----Studying the Weather Forecast
----Three Great Unfulfilled Events
----Forecast of the Great Storm
----Getting a Broad, Clear Outlook
----A General Look at the Storm and Its Close
----Evil Let Loose
----God's Faithful Witnesses
----The Lawless Leader
----A Bitter Cup to Its Dregs
----Hallelujah! He Comes
----Still He Waits
Chapter 7: The Crowned Christ Reigning
----Day Is Coming
----The Final Crisis of Choice
----Home at Last
----The Master's Last Words
Chapter 8: Watching the Horizon
----The Thrill of Expectancy
----A Calendar of Events
----The Beginning of the End
----The Climax—He Comes
----Intelligent Watching
----A Spirit Sensitiveness

Quiet Talks on Following the Christ
Chapter 1: The Lone Man Who Went Before
----A Call to Friendship
----Climbing the Hilltops
----The Dependent Life
----Poor—Except in Spirit
----A Father-pleasing Life
----The Obedient Life
----Sinless by Choice
----A Fellow-Feeling
----When You Don't Have To
The Long, Rough Road He Trod
----The Book's Story
----God on a Wooing Errand
----The Rough Places
----When Your Heart's Tuned to the Music
The Pleading Call To Follow
----Hungry for the Human Touch
----Called to Go
----"Follow Me."
----The Deeper Meaning
----Getting in Behind
----Selling All
Chapter 2: What Following Means
----A Look Ahead
--------Saltless Salt
--------The Thing in Us That Wants Things
--------Outstanding Experiences
--------At the Loom
----The Main Road—Experiences of Power And Privilege
--------The Bethlehem Birth
--------The Jordan Baptism of Power
--------Power Is in the Current
--------Living a Nazareth Life
--------Live It
--------The Galilean Ministry
--------The Father's Image in the Common Crowd
----The Valleys—experiences of Suffering And Sacrifice
--------The Never-absent Minor
--------The Wilderness
--------"Lead Us Not."
--------The Underground Road
--------What Is Sacrifice?
--------How Much It Cost God
--------What Obedience Has Meant for Some
----The Hilltops—Experiences of Gladness and Glory
--------Valley Music
--------The Transfiguration Mount
--------Resurrection Power—A Present Experience
--------The Ascension Life—Power in Possession
--------The Coming Glory
Chapter 3: Shall We Go?
----The Deeper Meaning of Friendship
----Following Wholly
----The Tuning-Fork for the Best Music
----How to Follow
Chapter 4: Finger-Posts
----The Parable of the Finger-Posts
----The Lineage of Service
----Not Quite In Is Outside
----"Light Obeyed Increaseth Light."
----The Olivet Vision
----The Spirit of Obedience
----The Heart of Love
Chapter 5: Fellow-Followers
----God's Problem
----A Confession of Faith in Wood and Nails
----Befriending God
----A Yet Deeper Meaning
----Through Fire
Chapter 6: The Glory Of The Goal,—Face to Face
----"With You Always."
----Closer Acquaintance
----The Final Goal

Quiet Talks on Home Ideals
Chapter 1: Ideals
----Idealizing Light.
----Through God's Eyes.
----An Opened Eye.
----God's Tuning-forks.
----"It's Raining Roses Down."
----The Secret of Beauty.
----The Practical Idealist.
----Flying the Flag at the Tip-top.
----The Secret of Making Ideals Real.
Chapter 2: The Finest Friendship
----The Master Loomsman.
----Clear Thinking Helps Right Living.
----A Choosing Love.
----Love's Sure Marks.
----The Basis of Friendship.
----God's Ideal Friendship Plan.
----"Perfect Music unto Noble Words."
----"Even as Christ."
----The Divine-Human Trinity.
----"Behold a Friend!"
----A Bit of Real Life.
Chapter 3: Home — Where Love Reigns, And Trains
----"Love, and the Smiling Face of Her."
----The Birthplace of Institutions.
----The Genius of Home.
----The Holy of Holies.
----The Nursery of Full-grown Souls.
----The Birth of a Home.
----The Meaning of Love.
----The Real Test.
----The Nazareth Home.
Chapter 4: The Finest Friendship's Finest Fruit
----The Heart Mood.
----"The Place Whereon Thou Standest is Holy Ground."
----Fellow-workers with God.
----"More of Reverence."
Chapter 5: Father—Mother
----A Mothering Father.
----The Greatest Word.
----A Fathering God.
----Learning to Father.
----Father Language.
----The Finest School Work.
----A Window into Fatherhood.
----The Superlative Degree of Woman.
----The Symphony of Motherhood.
----Teaching Life's Language to Baby Lips.
----In Search of a Mother.
----The Highest Union.
Chapter 6: The Babe
----The Latest Marvel of Creation.
----A Child for an Answer.
----The Child Character Fresh from God.
----The Babe is Telling the Glory of God.
----"Their Angels."
----Hurting a Child.
----The Babe's First Request.
----The Babe Preacher.
----Some Blessed Sermons.
----A Rare Experience.
----Life's Best Finishing School.
Chapter 7: Heredity
----The Lineal Face.
----Fascinating Possibilities.
----The Help of Heredity.
----"The Blood is the Life."
----Precious, Awful Power.
----Deciding the Life-bent.
----The Brooding Father.
Chapter 8: Training
----The University of Arabia.
----The Value of Training.
----Blood and Training.
----A Study in Shoes.
----A Three-fold Cord.
----Street Weeds.
----The Heart Touch upon the Mind.
----The Home Atmosphere.
----The Child a Mirror of his Parents.
----The Home University.
----Waking a Queen.
----"Tom Never Left Down the Bars Again."

Quiet Talks on John's Gospel
Chapter 1: John's Story
----The Heart-strings of God
----The Fourfold Message
----God on a Wooing Errand
----The Water-Mark of John's Gospel
----Jesus the Dividing Line
----Spelling God
----Three Keys
----He Comes to His Own
Chapter 2: The Wooing Lover
----In His Own Image
----The Gospel According to—You
----God in Human Garb
----God at His Best
----Packing Most in Least
----The Heart-road to the Head
----Tarshish or Nineveh?
----Living Martyrs
----The Forgotten Preacher
----The One Thing to Aim At
----The Real Thing of Light
----Looking for Recognition
----A Heart-breaking Verse
----He Came to His Own
----The Oldest Family
----How We Don't Get In, and How We Do
----Our Tented Neighbour
----Grace and Truth Coupled
----Grace Flooding
----The Spokesman of God
----John's Picture—A Man Coming
Chapter 3: The Lover Wooing
----The Mother of all Love-Words
----Five Pictures of Jesus
----Climbing towards the Climax
----Way-marks in John's Narrative
----Tapestry Threads
----Growing Faith
----The Bethany Height of Faith
----The Ugly Thread in the Weaving
----The Glory-Coloured Thread
----Intenser Wooing
----Love Wooing Yet More
----Jesus Recognised by all the Race
Chapter 4: Closer Wooing
----Teaching Three Things in One Action
----The Great Vine Picture
----Taken into the Innermost Life
----Simplified Spelling
Chapter 5.
----Wider Wooing
----Masterful Dying
Chapter 6: An Appointed Tryst Unexpectedly Kept
----The Appointment
----How the Appointment Was Kept
----Our Guarantee of His Promises
Chapter 7: Another Tryst
----Jesus Unrecognized
----The Same Jesus Here Now

Quiet Talks on Life After Death
Chapter 1: Death, the Ceaseless Tragedy of Life
----Commonplace, But Always Sacred
----Death Always a Tragedy
Chapter 2: Those In Touch Of Heart With God Who Died—What Can We Know About Them?
----The Oldest Question
----A Small Group of Facts
----Christianity a Fact
----Christ a Fact
----Inspired Revelation a-Fact
----Muddy Scholarship, and the Real
----The Bible Practical
----Our Question Aswered
----The Changed Outlook
----Service According to Ability
----Now Turn to the Book
----Some Incidental Teachings
----Outstanding Passages — Job
----Other Old Testament Bits
----Jesus' Teachings—A Test Case
----The Betrayal-Night Talk
----Jesus' Resurrection Incidentals
----From Paul's Pen
----The Patmos Book
----A Underscoring of Facts
----The Chariots of the Skies
----The Transfiguration
----The Damascus Road Event
----In Touch of Heart
----Because of Jesus' Blood
Chapter 3: The Others Who Have Died—What Can We Know About Them?
----A Painful Story
----Bad Pendulum Swings
----Some War-time Teachings
----Spirit-Level Accuracy
----Truth Makes a Clean Cut
----A Hard List to Quote
----The Meaning of "Torment."
----In Their Own Shoes
Chapter 4: Can We Have Communication With The Dead?
----A True Human Instinct
----An Aftermath of the War
----Three Groups
----An Uncharted Realm of Mental Science
----The Responses That Do Come
----The Authoritative Answer
----The Evil Purpose Underneath
----The Witch of Endor
----Meeting Our Human Need
----Getting in Touch
Chapter 5: What Is Death
----Pleasing, But Not True
----The Meaning Pictured
----No Change in God
----Tracing the Trail
----Five Things Jesus Did
Chapter 6: Is There Another Chance For Salvation After Death?
----Four Common Answers
----The True Answer
----God's Fixed Principle of Action
----Two Flaming Proclamations
----The Process
----A Dramatic Illustration
----A Study in Chances
----Love Never Faileth

Quiet Talks on Personal Problems
A Bit Ahead
Chapter 1: The Problem of Sin
----The Law of Sin.
----Six Sides of Sin.
----Seven Facts about Sin.
----Unloosing the Demons of Sin.
----The Logical Result of Sin.
----The Sinless Man.
----Opening the Life-door.
----Sin Needs Double Treatment.
Chapter 2: The Problem Of Doubt
----Perplexed Searchers.
----Taking away a Cripple's Crutches.
----Some Marks of Honest Doubt.
----The Best Book on Christian Evidences.
----The Spirit of Search.
----The Book.
----The Man.
----The Call of the Christ.
Chapter 3: The Problem Of Ambition or What Is Best Worth While
----The World's Under-Master.
----God Needs Men.
----The Brooding Need.
----"Forgetting, I Press Forward."
----A Double Trinity.
----A High Aim.
----A Strange Coat-of-arms.
----A Higher Aim.
----The Man Waiting to Go Along.
Chapter 4: The Problem Of Self-Mastery
----The Greatest Battlefield
----Ditching Life's Stream.
----The Original Image.
----"Study to Keep Quiet."
----Living Musically.
----In Step with God.
----Living in the Essentials.
----The Foes of Self-Mastery.
----The Mastery of Jesus.
Chapter 5: The Problem Of Pain
----The Commonness of Pain.
----Sorts of Pain.
----The Source of Pain.
----Jesus and Pain.
----The Mission of Pain.
Chapter 6: The Problem Of Guidance
----A Guide over Life's Trail.
----God Plans every Life.
----God Tells us His Plan for us.
----Accepting God's Plan.
----A Disciplined Judgment.
----Unhurried Waiting.
----Guided in Judgment.
----The Boys and the Tramps.
----Instructed in the Night Seasons.
----Finding the Life-plan.
----"My Sheep Hear My Voice."
Chapter 7: The Problem Of The Church
----Some Wrong Ideas.
----The Tie of Blood and Spirit.
----A Picture of the True Family.
----Fellowship and Service.
----The New Church Unity.
----The True Church Spirit.
Chapter 8: The Problem Of Questioned Things
----Glimpses of Real Life.
----Questions that are Not Questions.
----The Sabbath Question.
----Giving Comfort to the Enemy.
----Paul's Advice.
----Not to Judge but to Save.
----The Law of Love.

Quiet Talks on Power
Chapter 1: Choked Channels
----An Odd Distinction
----The Night Visitor
----Tightly Tied Up
----The Master's Ideal
----An Unlikely Channel
----A Clogged Channel
Chapter 2: The Olivet Message
----Searchlight Sights
----The Olivet Message
----A Double Center
----Five Essentials
Chapter 3: The Channel of Power
----A Word that Sticks and Stings
----A Mother-Heart
----Your Personality Needed
----God's Sub-Headquarters
----The Highest Law of Action
Chapter 4: The Price of Power
----The Law of Exchange
----In The Footprints of Jesus
----A Fixed Purpose
----A Character Sketch
----The Battle of the Forks
Chapter 5: The Personality of Power
----A Personally Conducted Journey
----Power is a Person
----A Significant Name
----A Pictorial Illustration
----On A Higher Level
----How To Find The Meaning
----End Note
Chapter 6: Making and Breaking Connections
----Many Experiences, But One Law
----A Four-Sided Truth
----Broken Couplings
----The Real Battlefield
----Power Manifest In Action
----Three Laws of Continuous Power
Chapter 7: The Flood-tide of Power
----God's Highest Ideal
----A Transfigured Life
----The All-Inclusive Passion
----The Fullness of the Stature of Man
----Saved and Sent To Serve
----The Music of the Wind Harp
Chapter 8: The Channel of Power
----"As The Dew"
----A Transition Stage
----The After-Teaching
----Friends With God
----A Bunch of Keys

Quiet Talks on Prayer
Part 1: The Meaning And Mission Of Prayer
----Chapter 1: Prayer The Greatest Outlet Of Power
--------Five Outlets of Power.
--------In touch with a planet.
--------Intercession is Service.
--------The Spirit Switchboard.
--------The Broad Inner Horizon.
----Chapter 2: Prayer The Deciding Factor In A Spirit Conflict
--------A Prehistoric Conflict.
--------Prayer is Projecting One's Spirit Personality.
--------Giving God a Fresh Footing.
----Chapter 3: The Earth, The Battle-Field In Prayer
--------Prayer a War Measure.
--------Three Forms of Prayer.
--------The Climax of Prayer.
--------Six Facts Underlying Prayer.
--------The Victor's Great Plan.
----Chapter 4: Does Prayer Influence God?
--------How God Gives.
--------A Very Old Question.
--------The Greatest Prayer.
Part 2: Hindrances to Prayer
----Chapter 5: Why The Results Fail
--------Breaking with God.
--------A Coaling Station for Satan's Fleet.
--------The Shortest Way to God.
--------Search Me.
----Chapter 6: Why The Results Are Delayed
--------God's Pathway to Human Hearts.
--------For the Sake of a Nation.
--------That More Might be Given and Gotten.
--------The Best Light for Studying a Thorn.
--------Shaping a Prayer on the Anvil of the Knees.
----Chapter 7: The Great Outside Hindrance
--------The Traitor Prince.
--------Praying is Fighting.
--------A double Wrestling Match.
--------Prayer Concerns Three.
--------A Stubborn Foe Routed.
Part 3: How to Pray
----Chapter 9: The "How" Of Relationship
--------God's Ambassadors.
--------Six Sweeping Statements.
--------Words With a Freshly Honed Razor-Edge.
--------The Controlling Purpose.
--------The Threefold Cord of Jesus' Life.
----Chapter 10: The "How" Of Method"
--------Touching the Hidden Keys.
--------Making God's Purpose Our Prayer.
--------The Trysting Place.
--------Our Prayer Teacher.
--------The Power of a Name.
--------The Birthplace of Faith.
----Chapter 11: The Listening Side Of Prayer
--------A Trained Ear.
--------Through the Book to God.
--------A Spirit Illumined Mind.
--------Wide Reading.
--------A Mirror Held up to God's Face.
----Chapter 12: Something About God's Will In Connection With Prayer
--------He Came to His Own.
--------The One Purpose of Prayer.
--------The Spirit's Prayer Room.
--------How to Find God's Will.
----Chapter 13: May We Pray With Assurance For The Conversion Of Our Loved Ones
--------God's Door into a Home.
--------A Free Agent Enslaved.
--------The Place Where God is Not.
--------Saving the Life.
--------Giving God a Clear Road for Action.
Part 4: Jesus' Habits of Prayer
----Chapter 14: Jesus' Habits Of Prayer
--------A Pen Sketch.
----Chapter 15: Dissolving Views
----Chapter 16: Deepening Shadows
----Chapter 17: Under The Olive Trees
----Chapter 18: A Composite Picture

Quiet Talks with Those Who Weep
A Foreword
Chapter 1: Breaking Hearts
Chapter 2: If The Grief Died Too
Chapter 3: The Absent One
Chapter 4: The Throne View
Chapter 5: Maybe Nearer Than We Think
Chapter 6: The Pilot’s Face

Quiet Talks with World Winners
Part 1: World-Winning
----The Master Passion
--------The Earliest Calvary Picture
--------The Love Passion
--------The Genesis Picture
--------God Giving Himself
--------God's Fellow
--------The Genesis Water-mark
--------A Human Picture of God
--------On a Wooing Errand
--------Jesus' World-passion
----The Master's Plan
--------Will the World Be Won?
--------Some Bad Drifts
--------Great Incidental Blessings
--------The World Really Lost
--------God's Method of Saving
--------The Programme of World-winning
--------Early Moorings
--------Service Unites
--------The World-winning Climb
----The Urgent Need
--------Three Great Groups
--------The Needle of the Compass of Need
--------A Quick Run Round the World
--------West by Way of the East
--------Christian Lands
--------The Greatest Need
--------Groping in the Dark
--------Living Messages of Jesus
--------The Great Unknown Lack
----The Present Opportunity
--------Somebody's Knocking at the Door
--------They're Standing in the Dark
--------Who's There?
--------The Coming Great Leaders
--------What Do They Want?
--------Returning Our Call
----The Pressing Emergency
--------The October Panic
--------Danger and Victory Eying each other
--------Spirit Contests
--------A Crisis of Neglect and Success
--------A Westernized Heathenism
--------A Powerless Christianity
--------Death or Deep Water
--------Saved by Saving
----The Past Failure
--------Some of God's Failures
--------Where the Reproach of Failure Lies
--------God's Sovereignty
--------The Church Mission
--------"Christ also Waits."
--------"Somebody Forgets."
----The Coming Victory
--------Failure Swallowed by Victory
--------The Revised Missionary Motto
--------Ahead, But Behind
--------In a Swift Current
--------Power of Leadership
--------A Minority Movement
--------A Great World-chorus
--------The Oratorio of Victory
Part 2: Winning Forces
----The Church
--------Forces That Win
--------The Divine Law of Leadership
--------God's Messenger
--------Reaching Out For a World
--------"Keep Step."
--------"Find My World and Win it Back."
----Each One of Us
--------Our Drawing Power
--------Sowing Ourselves in Life's Soil
--------Our Need of a World to Win
--------Living Broad Lives in Narrow Alleys
--------Giving God Free Use of Ourselves
--------Growing Bigger for Service's Sake
--------My Mission-field
--------Our Spirit-touch
--------Jesus Draws Men
--------Jesus Draws Out the Best
--------Many Doors, but One Purpose
--------Make it a Story
--------How Peter Told Paul
--------"A More Excellent Way."
----The Holy Spirit
--------The Last Talk Together
--------The Partnership of Service
--------The Power That Never Fails
--------The Trinity of Service
--------Living on the Top Floor
--------Partial Weavings of the Strands
--------Unbroken Connection Above
--------The Greatest Doing Is Praying
--------At the Other End
--------A Weekly Journey round the World
--------Prayer a Habit
--------A Praying Bent of Mind
--------The Man is the Prayer
--------Unseen Changes Going On
--------The Best Partnership
--------Jesus' Teaching
--------Be Your Own Executor
--------Missing the Master's Meaning
--------Money Talks
--------Rusty Money
--------Are We True To Our Friend's Trust?
--------One Hank Over For the Candle
--------Sin's Healing Shadow
--------The Underground Way into Life
--------A Rare Harvest
--------The Fellowship of Scars
--------"Won't You Save Me?"

Quiet Talks About Calvary
Chapter 1: The Calvary Foreshadowings
----The Principle of Calvary
----An Inner Picture
----Adrip With Blood
----Living the Message
----Look for the Man
Chapter 2: The Calvary Fact
----Our Lord's Purpose in Dying
----A Living Sacrifice
----The Indignities Upon His Person
----The Cross
----The Climax—Resurrection
Chapter 3: The Calvary Spirit
----Follow Me
----The Soil of Mens Need
----The Greek Door
----Living Martyrs
----Walking to Georgia

Quiet Talks About Jesus
A Bit Ahead
The Purpose of Jesus
----The Purpose in Jesus' Coming
--------God Spelling Himself out in Jesus.
--------Jesus Is God, Following Us Up.
--------The Early Eden Picture.
--------Man's Bad Break.
--------Outside the Eden Gate.
--------Sin's Brood.
--------God's Treatment of Sin.
--------A Bright Gleam of Light.
--------The Broken Tryst.
--------God's Wooing.
----The Plan for Jesus' Coming
--------The Image of God.
--------Fastening a Tether Inside.
--------The First Touches on the Canvas.
--------A Full-length Picture in Colors.
--------Back to Eden.
--------Strange Dark Shadowings.
----The Tragic Break in the Plan
--------The Jerusalem Climate.
--------The Bethlehem Fog.
--------The Man Sent Ahead.
--------The Contemptuous Rejection.
--------The Aggressive Rejection.
--------The Murderous Rejection.
--------Suffering the Birth-pains of a New Life.
----Some Surprising Results of the Tragic Break
--------The Surprised Jew.
--------The Surprised Church.
--------The Surprising Jew.
----The Human Jesus
--------God's Meaning of "Human."
--------The Hurt of Sin.
--------Our Fellow.
--------There's More of God Since Jesus Went Back.
----The Divine Jesus
--------God's Spokesman.
--------Whom Moses Saw.
--------Jesus is God Wooing Man.
----The Winsome Jesus
--------The Face of Jesus
--------The Music of God in the Voice of Jesus.
----The Jordan: The Decisive Start
--------The Anvil of Experience.
--------Our Brother.
----The Wilderness: Temptation
--------The University of Arabia.
--------Earth's Ugliest, Deepest Scar.
--------Love Never Tests.
--------The Devil Acknowledges the King.
----The Transfiguration: An Emergency Measure
--------God in Sore Straits.
--------Fire and Anvil for Leaders.
--------An Irresistible Plan.
--------"The Glory of that Light."
--------A Vision of Jesus.
----Gethsemane: The Strange, Lone Struggle
--------The Pathway In.
--------The Climax of Jesus' Suffering.
----Calvary: Victory
--------Yielding to Arrest.
--------The Real Jewish Ruler.
--------Held Steady by Great Love.
--------An Obstinate Roman.
--------A Savage Duel.
----The Resurrection: Gravity Upward
--------A New Morning.
--------Jesus Seeking Out Peter.
--------Made Known in the Breaking of Bread.
--------Gravity Upward.
--------The Life Side of Death.
----The Ascension: Back Home Again Until——
--------Tarry Ye—Go Ye.
--------Coming Again.
Study Notes
----Analysis and References
----I. The Purpose of Jesus.
--------The Purpose in the Coming of Jesus.
--------The Plan for the Coming of Jesus.
--------The Tragic Break in the Plan.
--------Some Surprising Results of the Break.
----II. The Person of Jesus.
--------The Human Jesus.
--------The Divine Jesus.
--------The Winsome Jesus.
----III. The Great Experiences of Jesus' Life.
--------The Jordan: The Decisive Start — Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22.
--------The Wilderness: Temptation — Mat_4:1-11, Mar_1:12-13, Luk_4:1-13.
--------The Transfiguration: An Emergency Measure — Matthew 16:28-17:8, Mark 9:1-8, Luke ...
--------Gethsemane: The Strange, Lone Struggle — Mat_26:36-46, Mar_14:32-42, Luk_22:39-46...
--------Calvary: Victory — Matthew 26:47 to 27:Mark 14:43 to 15:Luke 22:47 to 23:...
--------The Resurrection: Gravity Upward — Matthew 28:1-15, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-49, Jo...
--------The Ascension: Back Home Again Until—

Quiet Talks on Our Lord's Return
About Our Lord Jesus
----A Brief Continuous Biography
----His Return,—the Centre and Climax of All His Plannings
On the Knees, With The Book, Finding Out Just What It Teaches About His Return
----Some School Rules
--------The Mosaic of Truth
--------Admission to the School
--------The Atmosphere of the Book
----From Our Lord's Own Lips
--------How the Gospels Grew
--------Clearing the Decks a Bit
--------The Olivet Talk
--------Luke's New Paragraph
--------The Startling Answer
--------The Startled Disciples
--------Steps in the Program
--------Paul's Letters
--------The Restraining One
--------A Prophetic Conversion
--------The Old Tent and the New
--------Jewish Expectations
--------The Gospel in a Single Word
--------An Echoed Longing
----Following the Trail Back Into the Older Pages
--------Open Door Into Prophecy
--------Four Prophetic Pictures
--------Seventy Sevens
--------The Real Beginning of the Olivet Talk
----The Last Word,—A Message Sent Back From the Upper Glory
--------The Patmos Message
--------A New Language
--------A Sight of Jesus
--------The Sealed Roll
--------First Full View
--------Loosening Out of Evil
--------The Lawless One
--------In a Nutshell
A Gathering Up in Simple Shape of what the Book Teaches About His Return
--------A World Event
--------A Terrible Forerunner
--------Fourfold Effect of the Coming
--------Blessed Kingdom Days
--------Love's Warnings
Some Difficulties and Questions
--------Tiptoe of Expectancy
--------The Patience of God
--------What Watching Means
--------When He Will Come
--------The Decisive Sign
A Small Group of Allied Subjects Which Help to a Clearer Understanding of His Plans
----The Broader Look
----The Whole Race—The Real Object of All His Tender Love and Planning
--------God so Loved the World
--------The Light of God Inside and Outside
--------There Is No Other Name
--------The Greatest Motive Power
----The Hebrew Nation,—The First Messenger-Body, and to Be the Last
--------The Hebrew Nation,—The First Messenger-Body, and to Be the Last
--------Amidst the Encircling Gloom
--------The Barred Door
----The Church,—God's Messenger to the First, Traitor-Messenger, and to All Men
--------New Messenger
--------A Threefold Mission
--------The Church Within the Church
----The Written Word,—An Oriental Message to Both Orient and Occident
--------A Simple Universal Language
--------God's Future Plans
--------The Prophetic Key
----The Holy Spirit,—A Brief Biography of His Entire Earth Mission
--------Five Brief Chapters
--------The Significance of Pentecost
----The Kingdom, and Worldwide Evangelization,—God's Plan for Winning the Race
--------Purpose of the Kingdom
--------The Characteristics of the Kingdom
----Judgment,—Love's Surgery; The Tenderness and Awfulness of Our Lord's Fixed Principle in D...
--------The Purpose
--------The Process
--------The Illustrations
--------The Breaking Storm

Quiet Talks About the Healing Christ
Chapter 1: The Christ Healing
----Humanly Impossible
----Hopeless Incurables
----Bubbling-over Power at Work
----Why Did Christ Heal?
Chapter 2: Is It Christ's Will to Heal Our Bodies Today?
----The World Is Sick
----A Blessed Healing Trail
----Teaching for Church Days
----The Answer of the Book
Chapter 3: Does God Send Sickness and Disease?
----Essentials and Incidentals
----Power, the Distinctive Trait
----A False Common Impression
----The Teaching of the Book
----The Protected Zone
----The Source of Disease
Chapter 4: How Does Christ Heal? The Conditions, The Method, The Use Of Means
----Natural and Supernatural
----Helping So As Not to Hurt
----The "How" of Conditions
----The "How" of Method
----The Seven Ways Healing May Come
----The Use of Means
----Sanity and Saintliness
Chapter 5: How Far May Christ's Healing Be Expected? Christ's Giving and Man's Taking
----Healed but Limping
----The Need the Measure of Power
----Ask Christ
----God's Giving: Our Taking
----The Limit of Our Consent
----Nine Things About Taking
Chapter 6: The Human Side Of Healing And Health
----Health? or Healing
----The Jew Health Trail
----The Eden Health Model
----The Christian and the True Human
----One's Mental Attitude
----The Power of Fear
----Faith Runs Fear Out-of-Doors
----The Body—Master or Servant?
----Six or Sick?
----The Blood is the Life
----Nine Bodily Sins
Chapter 7: God's School Of Suffering: Can We Hasten Graduation Day?
----Guard Your Strong Points
----Job the Scholar
----Job—First Session of School
----Job Sees God
----Paul's Thorn—The Man
----Paul's Thorn—Healing While Not Healed
----Jacob's Limp
----Keep Your Hand Out
Chapter 8: The Devil's Healing: Imitations And Counterfeits
----The Devil—the Ape of God
----Christ's Blood the Touchstone
----The Power of the Blood of Christ
----The School of Discernment

Quiet Talks About the Temper
--------Using God's Roads
--------How to Meet Temptation
--------Temptation's Weak Spot
--------How to Win
The Tempter
----The Story of His Career
--------The Keynote
--------Our Ignorance of His Devices
--------Three Sorts of Evidence
--------The Bible Viewpoint
--------Going to the Original Sources
--------The Ezekiel Picture
--------The Break with God
--------A Human Understudy
----His Aim and Ambition
--------The Trinity of Action
--------The Human Battlefield
--------An Unfailing Ally
--------The Awe of Power
--------The Itch of Power
--------The True Aim
--------A Sensitive Thermometer
----His Defeat
--------Opening a Way for God
--------The Spirit That Won
--------Defeated by a Life
--------A Running Fight
--------The Climax
--------The Second Defeat
----His Present Struggle
--------Each One Must Choose
--------We Have Only What We Take
--------The Real Struggle
--------The Battlefield
--------Proper Air Supply
----Personal Characteristics
--------Watch As Well As Pray
--------Some Important "Nots."
--------His Mental Status
--------The Immense Power of Experience
--------Unsurrendered Mental Powers
--------A Cowardly Weapon
--------At His Strongest—weak
Typical Temptations
----Eden: How the Tempter Works
--------Three Attacks
--------The One Aim in Temptation
--------The Eden Trail
--------How He Came
--------The Generations of Doubt
--------Some of the Results
----The Wilderness: How the Tempter Is Defeated
--------Forestalling the Tempter
--------The Holy Spirit's Generalship
--------Our Lord's Unfailing Response
--------The Temptation Itself
--------"Lead Us Not Into Temptation."
The Secret of Victory
----In the Victor
--------The Tempter Afraid of Jesus
--------The Tempter Couldn't Touch Jesus
--------No Sin
--------A New Experience for the Tempter
--------No Self
--------What Is Unselfishness?
--------Obedience Never so Hard
--------Aggressiveness of Love
----For the Overcomers
--------A Call Out of the Glory
--------"Follow Me."
--------A Narrow Path
--------Pushing Bravely On
--------Overcoming Armour
----Fighting Tactics: The Tempter's and Ours
--------Recognition Half the Fight
--------Two Lines of Approach
--------The Outworks
--------Attacking the Citadel
--------Some Actual Experiences
--------"On the Ground of the Blood."
--------"The Sword of the Spirit"
--------The Wondrous Name
--------Fearless Cheer
----The Tempter's Disguises and How to Detect Them
--------Working Under Cover
--------Hiding Behind Natural Desires
--------Hiding Behind Men
--------The Subtlest Yet
--------The "Angel-of-Light" Disguise
--------Good, or God's Will
--------The Jesus-Passion in Control
--------The "How" of Training
--------The "How" of Detection
----Authority to Take Possession of What has Been Redeemed From the Enemy
--------A New Spelling
--------Five Facts
--------Take Possession
--------Faith That Discerns
--------Power in the Name

Prayer Changes Things
"What Then?"
Chapter 1: Prayer Changes Things
----Regrets In Heaven
----Six Statements On Prayer
Chapter 2: New Spelling For The Word "Ask"
----A New Spelling
----Reaching The New Spelling
----Jesus As Our Substitute
----Winning Back What Was Lost
----Exercising New Authority
----Using The Name
Chapter 3: Pitching Tent On Olivet
----Hearing The Last Word
----The Arrangement
----A Serious Question
----Three Resources
----A Long Time Coming

What's New in Version 1.3 (See full changelog)

  • Added Bethlehem book found by David Saw.

Thank you for letting me download these volumes of sets of interesting "Quiet Talks"

I cannot comment on their content of course, until I have read them, however if the write up is correct, then we have will be having some "Quiet Talks" told by a very loud man!

Thank you in the name of The Lord.

I JUST WISH that this was 1 instaling instead of a MASSIVE seperate installs.

macandlinuxuser, on 09 September 2015 - 06:39 PM, said:

I JUST WISH that this was 1 instaling instead of a MASSIVE seperate installs.

You can download the whole set: Gordon, Samuel Dickey - Quiet Talks Set.zip
Please use Google before posting High Rated Gclubcenter Website 000_557
TWM files? Are you kidding?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate your enthusiasm for downloading the "Quiet Talks" volumes. It sounds like you're in for a meaningful reading experience! Gordon's style, known for its engaging and heartfelt approach, often brings profound insights, despite his informal and approachable manner. :)

Other files you may be interested in ..

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