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- Submitted: Feb 08 2013 01:01 AM
- Last Updated: Feb 08 2013 01:06 AM
- File Size: 837K
- Views: 4510
- Downloads: 489
- Author: Gordon, Samuel Dickey (S.D.)
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Bent Knee
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Gordon, Samuel Dickey (S.D.) - The Bent Knee (Devotional)
1 Votes
Living a Christian Life Christian Living Devotional
Gordon, Samuel Dickey (S.D.)
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
Bent Knee
The Bent Knee is S. D. Gordon's daily devotions book. Each day contains a Bible verse and a short devotional discussion for thought and prayer. Gordon uses a very casual writing style that blends well with devotions.
This module is in theWord's devotion's module format. I decided to OCR/digitize this text as further experimentation for larger OCR projects.
About Samuel Dickey (S. D.) Gordon
Gordon, Samuel Dickey (1859–1936). Devotional speaker and writer. Born and educated in Philadelphia, Gordon was involved in various parachurch organizations, the most notable of which was the YMCA.
Following his years with that organization, he initiated a ministry of preaching and lecturing on religious issues in the U.S. Beyond American shores he traveled for four years in Europe and the Orient, where he conducted Bible conference and missionary conventions.
He captured the hearts of his hearers by his informal and intimate style. He had a gentle spirit, and his quaint phrases stuck in the mind. He remains one of the very few early twentieth century speakers widely published.
In 1895, Gordon gave a notable series of lectures at Moody Bible Institute. About this time his first "Quiet Talk" book was published, the first in a series of approximately 25 devotional books. These books were widely used by clergy and lay leaders alike, as well as common church goers. Millions of copies from his “Quiet Talks” series have been printed and reprinted
An incessant and tireless itinerant, Gordon never lacked for opportunities to preach. He never called himself a preacher, preferring the title of lecturer. In a real sense he was unique. His manner of speaking, never dull, always illustrated by parabolic stories, had gripping power to hold the attention and stir the heart."
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