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  • Submitted: Feb 16 2013 10:05 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 05 2016 03:44 PM
  • File Size: 804K
  • Views: 3476
  • Downloads: 517
  • Author: Donald Fortner
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Grace

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Download Fortner, Donald - Grace For Today

* * * * * 3 Votes
Baptist Devotional Living a Christian Life Copyrighted
Donald Fortner

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:

About Grace for Today
This a book of daily devotions, one for each year. There are, of course, a hundred or more books of devotions in print already, so why another one? If another one, why this particular one is worthy of your time and attention?

Starting with Psalm 1:1-6, Fortner immediately sets the tone for the rest of the devotions. He is not only a preacher of the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27), but he does it with such forthrightness that some will be taken aback.

What other devotional writer will meet that standard? And especially, what Baptist preacher gives you the Doctrines of Grace with a sweetness of spirit as this one does? I can only think of Spurgeon's devotional classics. But having gone through Spurgeon, take this one next. You will find it on the same level of soundness.

Day 5 has these words:

"Rejoice evermore! Our sins are forgiven. We have the righteousness of God in Christ imputed to us. We are accepted in the Beloved. We are children of God by faith in Christ, heirs of God and joint-heirs with His Son, Jesus Christ. That One who loved us and gave himself for us is the sovereign Ruler of the universe. Why should we mourn? My Beloved is Mine, and I am my Beloved's (SOS 2:16). What then can keep me from rejoicing? I will rejoice in God my Saviour at all times. I cannot rejoice in sorrow, pain and trouble. But I can rejoice in my God in the midst of sorrow, pain and trouble."

We highly recommend it as an excellent means of inciting you to rejoice evermore.

(Description by Jay Green)

theWord Module Note:
This module has been optimally (and properly) formatted for electronic reading. "Day X" and other information rendered obsolete by theWord's features have been removed.

About Don Fortner
Don Fortner is pastor of Grace Baptist Church of Danville, KY. Only incidentally is he a widely published author, and conference speaker. This book bears his name, but his intent is to honor the God whom he has so faithfully declared to us over thirty years. His prolific and endless labor to comfort and feed us has made his computer a goldmine of Christ honoring material. Our website presents all of his unpublished material indexed by scriptural reference or subject. It is our prayer that you find the site useful in glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ.

Copyright by Evangelical Press and Donald S. Fortner
theWord module distributed with permission.

Donald S. Fortner, Pastor
2734 Old Stanford Road
Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438

Printed by Grace Baptist Church
By Gracious Permission From
Evangelical Press
16/18 High Street, Welwyn, Herts, AL6 9EQ, England

© Evangelical Press 1986

First published 1986

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Fortner, Donald S.
Grace For Today.
1. Devotional calendars.
1. Title
242’.2 BS390

ISBN O-85234-233-O

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