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  • Submitted: Mar 14 2013 11:27 AM
  • Last Updated: Mar 14 2013 11:56 AM
  • File Size: 963K
  • Views: 3985
  • Downloads: 825
  • Author: Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: History Kingdom

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Download Hengstenberg, E. W. - History of the Kingdom of God Under the Old Testament (2 vols)

* * * * * 3 Votes
Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
History Kingdom

Hengstenberg orgainzes and classifies Old Testament History, from Abraham to Macabbes, always with an eye on the Messiah and the age of grace. Hengstenberg deals with the cause and effect of God’s dealings with man leading to the age of grace, and that the Old Testament is largely the story God bringing a redeemer through the Jewish lineage. The author counters the liberalism of his day, defending the sources and integrity of the Old Testament books and Jewish history.

About Ernst Wilhelm Theodor Herrmann Hengstenberg
Hengstenberg, E. W. (1802 - 1869) was a German Protestant theologian and exegete. He received education from his father, a Lutheran clergyman. He studied at the University of Bonn (which he entered at the age of nineteen). He served as Professor of Theology at Berlin and later became editor of the Evangelische Kirckenzeitung, a publication which he had a wide influence on the religious life of his time. He defended evangelical truth with fearless daring, undaunted by the attacks of critics.

Hengstenberg is one of the older, towering names in Evangelical Christianity, perhaps best known for Christology of the Old Testament. Hengstenberg’s books are cited hundreds of times in works such as Pulpit Commentary and Keil & Delitzsch’s Commentary on the OT. The translator/editor of Calvin's Commentaries also makes frequent references to Hengstenberg.

theWord Edition
This text was provided by Bill Anderson @ StillTruth.com

First Period: From Abraham to Moses
-----§ 1. The Condition of the Human Race at the Time of Abraham’s Call
-----§ 2. History of Abraham
-----§ 3. Isaac
-----§ 4. Jacob
-----§ 5. Joseph
-----§ 6. Remarks on Government, Manners, and Culture
-----§ 7. Of the Religious Knowledge of the Patriarchs
-----§ 8. Of the External Worship of God Among the Patriarchs
Second Period: The Period of the Law, from Moses to the Birth of Christ
-----First Section: Moses
----------§ 1. Introduction
----------§ 2. The Call of Moses
----------§ 3. The Deliverance Out of Egypt: Exodus 7:8, to the End of Chap. 15
----------§ 4. The March Through the Wilderness Until the Giving of the Law on Sinai
----------§ 5. The Covenant on Sinai
----------§ 7. From the Breaking Up on Sinai to the Death of Moses: Numbers 10 to the End of ...
-----Second Section. History of Joshua
----------§ 1. From the Death of Moses to the Conquest of Jericho
----------§ 2. From The Taking of Jericho to the Division of the Land
----------§ 3. Division of the Land
----------§ 4. Return of the Trans-Jordanic Tribes.—Joshua’s Last Exhortations.—Accounts Give...
Essay on the Life and Writings of Hengstenberg
Second Period: The Period of the Law; From Moses to the Birth of Christ
-----Third Section. The Period of the Judges; From Joshua’s Death to the Election of Saul
----------§1. Chronological Survey
----------§ 2. Introductory Remarks
----------§ 3. Principal Events
----------§ 4. The Civil Constitution at the Time of the Judges
----------§ 5. The Condition of Religion
-----Fourth Section. From the Establishment of Royalty to the Division of the Kingdom
----------§ 1. Events from the Election of Saul Till His Rejection
----------§ 2. From the Rejection of Saul to His Death; or, Saul and David
----------§ 3. David and Ish-Bosheth
----------§ 4. David King Over Israel
----------§ 5. The Life of Solomon
-----Fifth Section. From the Division of the Kingdom to the Babylonish Captivity
----------§ 1. Rehoboam and Jeroboam
----------§ 2. Abijam and Asa in the Kingdom of Judah. Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, and ...
----------§ 3. Jehoshaphat
----------§ 4. Ahaziah in the Kingdom of Israel
----------§ 5. Joram in the Kingdom of Israel and in the Kingdom of Judah
----------§ 6. Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, and Zechariah, the Five Kings of the Dyn...
----------§ 7. History of the Kingdom of Israel to the Time of Its Complete Dissolution
----------§ 8. Judea Under Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah
----------§ 9. From Manasseh to the Captivity
-----Sixth Section. Jewish History From The Captivity To The Destruction Of Jerusalem.
----------§ 1. The Babylonish Captivity.
----------§ 2. The New Colony on the Jordan to the Completion of the Building of the Temple; ...
----------§ 3. Ezra and Nehemiah
----------§ 4. From the Death of Nehemiah to the Time of the Maccabees
----------§ 5. The Time of the Maccabees
----------§ 6. The Jews under the Supremacy of the Romans

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