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  • Submitted: Jun 15 2013 10:51 AM
  • Last Updated: Jun 15 2013 10:51 AM
  • File Size: 195K
  • Views: 1690
  • Downloads: 405
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Mysteries Revealed

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Mysteries Revealed

Mysteries Revealed

Mysteries Revealed is a collection of articles mostly written by myself (Cupbearer7) over the years. My purpose has been to wake up the sleeping church. When religious people hear that they are to "wake up" they usually think they are to stop being lethargic and become more active in what they believe. Yeshua brought a whole now concept to "wake up". He said, "Get eyes to see and ears to hear". Open your spiritual eyes and get the illumination that was always meant to be there in God's Word. There is a literal interpretation of the Word and there is a spiritual interpretation of the Word. In the accounts of the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, there is indication that they all saw the spiritual interpretation. That is what made them righteous in the Lord's eyes. Paul talks about it as the dead letter (the natural interpretation) and the spiritual letter (the life coming through the spiritual meaning).

The best way I know to explain the difference between the two methods of interpretation is by the example of a seed. Yeshua in his parable of the Sower said that the seed is the Word. A seed has an outside coat (the dead letter), and an inside kernal which is meant to grow. When the Word of God (the seed) is placed within us (the dust of the earth), it can lay dormant, or if watered (by the revelation/eyesalve that the prophets are giving out), it will break open and start to grow. When the teacher, the Holy Spirit (also the water), reveals the spiritual meaning to us, our spiritual life, represented by the new plant, starts to grow. Paul said, "I travail in birth again till Messiach be formed in you". Now is the time to get illumination of God's Word so that we can become the resting place - so that we can become that Bride that is joined to Him.

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