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Download Goodwin, Thomas - The Works of Thomas Goodwin (12 Vols)

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Puritan Expository Topics Revelation Ephesians
Goodwin, Thomas

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3.x - 4.x

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This module contains The (Complete) Works of Thomas Goodwin in 12 volumes. Many consider Goodwin the “easy to read Puritan”, because his writing style is much easier to read than most from his era.

Goodwin was a very gifted bible scholar and experiential preacher. He and John Owen (1616-1683) team-preached on Sundays at Oxford between 1652-1657. According to scholars, much of the content in those precious volumes on the mortification sin and the glory of Christ were preached by Owen during these years. The bar was set high, and Owen was certainly more gifted, but Goodwin was an able counterpart.

Goodwin weaves a consistent thread through much of his writing: exalt the glory of Christ and encourage believers to fight personal sin. Goodwin majored in these important topics as an Oxford student between 1652-1657.

Goodwin was mighty in the scriptures and a scholar of the human heart. He was balanced in topics and so provides help for the preacher on various themes. He was never content with the superficial, but dove to the depths of divine wisdom.

His complete works provide us a lifetime of learning into the sin-killing glories of Calvary.

His editors said of his work:

"He had a genius to dive into the bottom of points, to 'study them down,' as he used to express it, not contenting himself with superficial knowledge, without wading into the depths of things."

Edmund Calamy said:

"It is evident from his writings, he studied not words, but things. His style is plain and familiar; but very diffuse, homely and tedious."

View one Bible scholar’s approach to reading Goodwin.

Volume Summary
Volume 1: Exposition of Ephesians Chapter 1

Volume 2: Exposition of Ephesians 2:1-11, An Exposition of Various Portions of Ephesians, Patience and Its Perfect Work

Volume 3: An Exposition of Revelation, A Child of Light Walking In Darkness, The Return of Prayers, The Trail of A Christian's Growth — The Vanity of Thoughts

Volume 4: Christ Set Forth, The Heart of Christ In Heaven Towards Sinners On Earth, Aggravation of Sin, Encouragements to Faith, The Glory of The Gospel, The Knowledge of The Father and His Don Jesus Christ

Volume 5: Of Christ The Mediator, Supereminence of Christ Above Moses, Reconciliation of The People of God By Christ's Death, The One Sacrifice, Reconciliation By The Blood Of Christ, Three Sermons on Hebrews Chapter 1:1,2,

Volume 6: The Work of the Holy Ghost In Our Salvation

Volume 7: Of the Creatures, and the Condition of Their State By Creation, Of Gospel Holiness in the Heart and Life, Of the Blessed State Which the Saints Possess After Death, Three Several Ages of Christians In Faith and Obedience, Man's Restoration By Grace, On Repentance

Volume 8: The Object and Acts of Justifying Faith

Volume 9: A Discourse of Election, A Discourse of Thankfulness

Volume 10: An Unregenerate Man's Guiltiness Before God

Volume 11: The Constitution, and Government of the Churches of Christ

Volume 12: Sermons and Notes of Sermons, Indexes - Thomas Goodwin was a massive theologian and a true Biblicist.

About Thomas Goodwin
Thomas Goodwin (1600-1679), known as 'the Elder', was an English Puritan theologian and preacher, and an important leader of religious Independents.

He served as chaplain to Oliver Cromwell and was imposed by Parliament as President of Magdalen College, Oxford in 1650. He was also a member of the Westminster Assembly, drafter of the Savoy Confession of Faith, and pastor at the most influential Independent church in London. Many place Goodwin in the ‘main stream of Puritan thought’.

Complete Table of Contents
Volume 1: Exposition of Ephesians 1
----General Preface
----Preface To The Reader
----Publisher’s Advertisement
----An Exposition of the First Chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians
-------- Sermon I: Ephesians 1:1-2
-------- Sermon II: Ephesians 1:3
-------- Sermon III: Ephesians 1:3
-------- Sermon IV: Ephesians 1:3
-------- Sermon V: Ephesians 1:4-5
-------- Sermon VI: Ephesians 1:5-6
-------- Sermon VII: Ephesians 1:5-6
-------- Sermon VIII: Ephesians 1:7
-------- Sermon IX: Ephesians 1:7
-------- Sermon X: Ephesians 1:10
-------- Sermon XI: Ephesians 1:10
-------- Sermon XII: Ephesians 1:10
-------- Sermon XIII: Ephesians 1:11-14
-------- Sermon XIV: Ephesians 1:11-14
-------- Sermon XV: Ephesians 1:13-14
-------- Sermon XVI: Ephesians 1:13-14
-------- Sermon XVII: Ephesians 1:14
-------- Sermon XVIII: Ephesians 1:15-16
-------- Sermon XIX: Ephesians 1:17
-------- Sermon XX: Ephesians 1:18
-------- Sermon XXI: Ephesians 1:18
-------- Sermon XXII: Ephesians 1:19-20
-------- Sermon XXIII: Ephesians 1:19-20
-------- Sermon XXIV: Ephesians 1:19-20
-------- Sermon XXV: Ephesians 1:19-20
-------- Sermon XXVI: Ephesians 1:19-20
-------- Sermon XXVII: Ephesians 1:19-20
-------- Sermon XXVIII: Ephesians 1:19-20
-------- Sermon XXIX: Ephesians 1:19-20
-------- Sermon XXX: Ephesians 1:20
-------- Sermon XXXI: Ephesians 1:20-21
-------- Sermon XXXII: Ephesians 1:21-22
-------- Sermon XXXIII: Ephesians 1:21-22
-------- Sermon XXXIV: Ephesians 1:21-23
-------- Sermon XXXV: Ephesians 1:22-23
-------- Sermon XXXVI: Ephesians 1:22-23

Volume 2: Exposition of Various Passages of Ephesians and Jas_1:1-5
----Memoir of Thomas Goodwin by Robert Halley, D.D.
----Memoir of Thomas Goodwin, D.D. by his Son
----An Exposition of the Second Chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians
--------Sermon I: Ephesians 2:1-10
--------Sermon II: Ephesians 2:1-2
--------Sermon III: Ephesians 2:2
--------Sermon IV: Ephesis 2:2
--------Sermon V: Ephesians 2:3
--------Sermon VI: Ephesians 2:3
--------Sermon VII: Ephesians 2:3
--------Sermon VIII: Ephesians 2:3
--------Sermon IX: Ephesians 2:3
--------Sermon X: Ephesians 2:4-6
--------Sermon XI: Ephesians 2:4-6
--------Sermon XII: Ephesians 2:4-6
--------Sermon XIII: Ephesians 2:4-6
--------Sermon XIV: Eph_2:5-6
--------Sermon XV: Eph_2:5
--------Sermon XVI: Ephesians 2:6
--------Sermon XVII: Ephesians 2:6
--------Sermon XVIII: Ephesians 2:7
--------Sermon XIX: Ephesians 2:7
--------Sermon XX: Ephesians 2:7
--------Sermon XXI: Ephesians 2:8-10
--------Sermon XXII: Ephesians 2:8-10
--------Sermon XXIII: Eph_2:8-10
--------Sermon XXIV: Ephesians 2:11
----Exposition of the Various Portions of Ephesians
--------To The Reader
--------A Sermon On Ephesians 2:14-16—Part I
--------A Sermon On Ephesians 2:14-16—Part II
--------A Sermon On Ephesians 3:17
--------The Second Sermon On Ephesians 3:16-21
--------A Sermon On Ephesians 5:30-32
----Patience And Its Perfect Work (James 1:1-5)
--------Section I
--------Section II
--------Section III
--------Section IV

Volume 3: Exposition of Revelation, Certain Select Cases Resolved, and The Vanity of Thought...
----A Preface To The Reader
----Exposition Of The Revelation
--------Part I (Revelation 1-14)
------------Chapter I (Revelation 4)
------------Chapter II (Revelation 5)
------------Chapter III (Revelation 6)
------------Chapter IV (Revelation 6)
------------Chapter V (Revelation 8-11)
------------Chapter VI (Revelation 12)
------------Chapter VII (Revelation 13)
------------Chapter VIII (Revelation 14)
--------Part II (Revelation 11, 14:6 - Revelation 20)
------------The Preface
------------Chapter I (Revelation 13:6-18, Revelation 14:6-20)
------------Chapter II (Revelation 15)
------------Chapter III (Revelation 16)
------------Chapter IV (Revelation 11)
------------Chapter V (Revelation 11 Continued)
------------Chapter VI (Revelation 11:7-10)
------------Chapter VII (Rev_11:11-15)
--------A Brief History of the Kingdom of Christ (Revelation)
--------A Discourse of Christ’s Reward (or of the Glory Which He Receives in Heaven)
----Certain Select Cases Resolved (The Comfort Of Believers In Their Chief And Usual Temptat...
--------A Child of Light Walking in Darkness
------------To The Reader
------------Part I: Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of his se...
------------Part II: Who is among you that feareth the Lord that obeyeth the voice of his se...
------------A Child Of Darkness Walking In Light
--------The Return of Prayers
------------To The Much-Honoured Knight
------------Chapter I: The main observation and subject of this discourse thence deduced: Th...
------------Chapter II: Three cases propounded: the first concerning prayers for the church,...
------------Chapter III: The second case, concerning prayers made far others, of our friends...
------------Chapter IV: The third case, about such prayers wherein others join with us.—How ...
------------Chapter V: Common directions helpful in all cases and prayers.—First, from such ...
------------Chapter VI: Further observations to be made on the dispositions and carriage of ...
------------Chapter VII: Observations to be made after prayer, upon the issue of what was pr...
------------Chapter VIII: Seven observations more, from the effects which the accomplishment...
------------Chapter IX: Considerations to quiet the heart, and to help it to discern an answ...
------------Chapter X: Application: a reproof of those that pray, but look not after the ret...
------------Tidings Of Peace: To Be Spoken To Consciences Distressed
------------The Folly of Relapsing: After Peace Spoken
--------The Trial of Christian’s Growth
------------To The Reader
------------Part I: Of Growth In Vivification, And Bringing Forth More Fruit
------------Part II: Of Growth In Mortification: Or, God’s Purging Out Corruption.
------------Part III: Resolving Some Questions Concerning Growth In Mortification And Vivifi...
--------The Vanity of Thoughts Discovered
------------Remedies Against Vain Thoughts

Volume 4
----Christ Set Forth
--------To The Reader
--------Section I: Shewing By Way Of Introduction That Christ Is The Example And Object Of J...
--------Section II: Christ, The Object And Support Of Faith For Justification, In His Death
--------Section III: Faith Supported By Christ’s Resurrection
--------Section IV: Faith Supported By Christ’s Ascension, And Sitting At God’s Right Hand
--------Section V: The Triumph Of Faith From Christ’s Intercession
----The Heart Of Christ In Heaven, Towards Sinners On Earth
--------Part I
------------Demonstrations from Christ’s last farewell to his disciples
------------Demonstrations from passages and expressions after his resurrection
------------Demonstrations from passages at and after his ascension into heaven
--------Part II
--------Part III
----Aggravation Of Sin
--------Aggravation Of Sin
--------Aggravations Of Sinning Against Knowledge
--------Aggravations Of Sinning Against Mercy
----Encouragements To Faith
--------A Preface
--------The Words Of The Text Opened
--------The Main Observation Out Of The Words
--------A Second Sort Of Demonstrations
--------The Second Part Of The Observation
--------Demonstrations From The Disposition Of Christ’s Heart, And His Carriage Upon Earth
--------Some Extrinsical Demonstrations Of God’s And Christ’s Willingness To Pardon Sinners
----The Glory Of The Gospel (Colossians 1:26-27)
--------Sermon I
--------Sermon II
----A Discourse Of The Glory Of The Gospel
--------Chapter I: The words of the text (Colossians 1:26-27) explained.—Though God had befo...
--------Chapter II: The excellency of the gospel proved from the profoundness of the knowled...
--------Chapter III: Another demonstration of the excellency of the gospel, that it is a sec...
--------Chatper IV: That the knowledge of the gospel is a most excellent wisdom, because, as...
--------Chapter V: The excellency of the gospel consists in the riches of spiritual knowledg...
--------Chapter VI: That the gospel is most excellent, because it is a most glorious revelat...
--------Chapter VII: How it is the glory of the gospel, that Christ is not only revealed in ...
--------Chapter VIII: The glory of the gospel farther manifested, forasmuch as Christ, the g...
----The Knowledge Of God The Father, And His Son Jesus Christ
--------Book I: Of the Godhead, and the three Persons within
------------Chapter I: That God is one in essence.
------------Chapter II: That this God, one in essence, is three in persons, who jointly co-o...
------------Chapter III: That these three persons in the Godhead are persons distinct one fr...
------------Chapter IV: That the three persons in the Godhead have an union and communion be...
------------Chapter V: Of giving glory to God.—That it is a duty incumbent upon us, proved b...
------------Chapter VI: A more punctual explication what it is to give glory to God in himse...
------------Chapter VII: The glory of God which appears in his kingdom and universal dominio...
--------Book II: Of the Son of God, the second person in the Trinity.
------------Chapter I: How greatly it imports us to have a true knowledge of the person of C...
------------Chapter II: Who this person was that existed from eternity.—The two titles which...
------------Chapter III: That he was the Son of God, who existed throughout all ages, and fr...
------------Chapter IV: What kind of Son he is to God, or in what sense he is the Son of God...
------------Chapter V: That the second person of the Trinity assumed human nature into perso...
--------Book III: Of the glories and royalties that belong unto Jesus Christ, considered as ...
------------Chapter I: A preface giving a short scheme or draft of the ensuing discourse.—An...
------------Chapter II: The personal native glories and royalties which belong to the Son of...
------------Chapter III: The honour and royalties that appertain unto Christ, God-man, as or...
------------Chapter IV: That by this designed union of the Son of God to this individual cre...
------------Chapter V: The glory which Christ, as God-man, had assigned him before the world...
------------Chapter VI: The exposition of some other passages in John 17, that God, having f...
------------Chapter VII: That God constituted from eternity Jesus Christ God-man, to be one ...
------------Chapter VIII: That the title of Lord, though it imports him that is God, and con...
------------Chapter IX: That all things do depend upon Christ as one Lord, as God-man, as we...
------------Chapter X: How all things depend on Christ, God-man; and what influence he hath ...
------------Chapter XI: That Christ as God-man is the Creator of all things, proved by scrip...
------------Chapter XII: That Christ, as God-man, is the Creator of all things, proved from ...
------------Chapter XIII: How Christ, God-man, is subservient to God in all the works of his...

Volume 5: Christ’s Fitness and Work as our Mediator
----Of Christ The Mediator
--------Book I: God the Father’s eternal counsel and transactions with Christ, to undertake ...
------------Chapter I: The exposition of the words of the text.—What is the great design of ...
------------Chapter II: Some observations premised.—That it is to the Father the reconciliat...
------------Chapter III: What as to our salvation was done by God the Father from all eterni...
------------Chapter IV: That God, in pursuance of his gracious design to save sinners, exerc...
------------Chapter V: To the effecting of all the designs, both of justice and mercy, it wa...
------------Chapter VI: The great difficulty was, to find out a person of strength equal to ...
------------Chapter VII: When God’s wisdom had found out a fit person, yet since this must b...
------------Chapter VIII: Christ’s acceptance of the terms which God the Father propounded t...
------------Chapter IX: That upon Christ’s accepting this agreement, God the Father, to rewa...
------------Chapter X: What is the reason that though we receive all these blessings by Chri...
------------Chapter XI: That upon the conclusion of this agreement or covenant of redemption...
--------Book II: The sole and peculiar fitness of Christ’s person for the work of redemption.
------------Chapter I: The fitness of Christ’s person for the work of a mediator, hath a gre...
------------Chapter II: That it was necessary for our mediator to be God.—He could not other...
------------Chapter III: Of the three persons in the Godhead, the Son is the fittest to be m...
------------Chapter IV: That it was necessary our mediator should be man.—The reasons why th...
------------Chapter V: That it was fit that our mediator should be both God and man in one p...
------------Chapter VI: How the two natures, the divine and human, which are so different, a...
------------Chapter VII: That it was not only fit that Christ should be man, but such a man ...
------------Chapter VIII: The Uses.—Since God hath thus fitted us with a Mediator, we may be...
--------Book III: The fulness of abilities which are in Christ to accomplish the work of our...
------------Chapter I: The all-sufficient abilities to accomplish our redemption, demonstrat...
------------Chapter II: That in Christ alone there was sufficient ability to take away sin.
------------Chapter III: That the most perfect creature, though having all the perfections o...
------------Chapter IV: The inability of the creature to redeem us, demonstrated from the na...
------------Chapter V: That no creatures could make that satisfaction which an injured God r...
------------Chapter VI: That Christ hath made full reparation of all which was lost by sin.—...
------------Chapter VII: That Christ hath repaired the loss of honour which God sustained by...
------------Chapter IX: The principal matter of Christ’s satisfaction was not only in a dimi...
------------Chapter X: The greatness and super-eminent worth of this satisfaction, as perfor...
------------Chapter XI: That upon the whole it is evident that there is all in the satisfact...
------------Chapter XII: That all the pleas which the law can make against a sinner are by t...
--------Book IV: Christ’s willingness to the work of redemption from everlasting till he acc...
------------Chapter I: That there are two things to be considered in the obedience which Chr...
------------Chapter II: That Christ renewed his consent as soon as he came into the world.—T...
------------Chapter III: Shewing the mystery of that appellation given him, ‘Jesus the Nazar...
------------Chapter IV: That Samson, and other Nazarites of the law, were types of Christ th...
------------Chapter V: How Christ was presignified as a Nazarite by these types.—The paralle...
------------Chapter VI: How God wisely ordered it that the Jews should call Christ a Nazarit...
------------Chapter VII: That another prophecy of Christ, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, and Ze...
------------Chapter VIII: That as Christ expressed his will and consent in the dedication of...
------------Chapter IX: That he did not shrink at the approach of his greatest sufferings, h...
--------Book V: Christ’s actual performance of our redemption.—In the general, he gave himse...
------------Chapter I: That God presently, on man’s fall, making the discovery to him of a R...
------------Chapter II: That Christ gave himself for us to redeem us.—What is implied in tha...
------------Chapter III: It is proved in the general, that Christ was made sin and a curse f...
------------Chapter IV: How Christ was made a curse for us.—That it was the curse of the mor...
------------Chapter V: An enumeration of the particulars of the curse which Christ endured.—...
------------Chapter VI: What were the sufferings of Christ, as bearing the curse of our sins...
------------Chapter VII: The tenth and eleventh verses explained, with suitable observations...
------------Chapter VIII: How Christ was taken and bound by those who came to apprehend him,...
------------Chapter IX: Peter’s denial of Christ.—That this was an addition to his sufferings.
------------Chapter X: The account of Christ’s examination before Caiaphas, in the nineteent...
------------Chapter XI: The last sufferings of Christ coming to his death.—Both the shame an...
------------Chapter XII: The extremity of pain which Christ our Redeemer endured in his body...
------------Chapter XIII: The greatest of all Christ’s sufferings were those of his soul.—Wh...
------------Chapter XIV: Uses of Christ’s being made sin and a curse for us.—We see here in ...
------------Chapter XV: The victory which Christ gained over Satan by his death.—The glory o...
------------Chapter XVI: How it was Christ’s great concern and interest to destroy the power...
------------Chapter XVII: The victory which Christ obtains over the devil, in us, and by us....
------------Chapter XVIII: The last and complete victory which Christ and his saints have ov...
------------Chapter XIX: Christ’s fulness for our justification.—His fulfilling the law for ...
------------Chapter XX: That the perfect holiness of Christ’s nature is imputed to a believe...
------------Chapter XXI: That not only our legal, but our evangelical, righteousness is excl...
------------Chapter XXII: That God appointed Christ to be the great shepherd, to take care o...
--------Book VI: Of Christ our high priest, as entered into the holy of holies in the heaven...
------------Chapter I: The words of the text explained, That Christ is our great high priest...
------------Chapter II: The words of the text explained.—What is meant by the holiest.—How w...
------------Chapter III: That it is the privilege of believers under the New Testameat to en...
------------Chapter IV: The privilege of believers under the New Testament illustrated, and ...
------------Chapter V: That there is a fair and open invitation to enter into heaven when we...
------------Chapter VI: An enumeration of the particular invitements unto communion with God...
------------Chapter VII: The exercise of faith in prayer, which aptly present themselves und...
------------Chapter VIII: Another exercise of faith in praying is to confess all our sins un...
------------Chapter IX: Of occasional sacrifices for particular sins.—Their intendment then,...
------------Chapter X: Of the general atonement made for all sins once a year, when the high...
----A Discourse Of The Supereminence Of Christ Above Moses
----A Discourse Of The Reconciliation Of All The People Of God
----The One Sacrifice: A Sermon
----Reconciliation By The Blood Of Christ: A Sermon
----Three Sermons on Hebrews 1:1-2
--------Sermon I
--------Sermon II
--------Sermon III

Volume 6: The Work Of The Holy Ghost In Our Salvation
----Book I: A general and brief scheme of the whole of that work committed to the Holy Spiri...
--------Chapter I: Some general observations premised out of the fourteenth, fifteenth, and ...
--------Chapter II: Some further observations touching the coining of the Holy Ghost.—That h...
--------Chapter III: Of the works of the Holy Ghost upon Christ our Saviour
--------Chapter IV: His operations upon the church, the body of Christ; and that first as co...
--------Chapter V: His operations in every part and member of the church and body of Christ.
--------Chapter VI: The uses of the precedent doctrine
--------Chapter VII: How the Holy Ghost is the author of regeneration, or the first applicat...
--------Chapter VIII: How the Holy Ghost is the gift of God the Father to us, in and by Jesu...
--------Chapter IX: That we not only partake of the effects of the Holy Spirit’s operations ...
--------Chapter X: The uses of the foregoing doctrine.
----Book II: That there are two states or conditions through which God carries the elect: th...
--------Chapter I: The words of the text explained; from which, and other scriptures, it is ...
--------Chapter II: That it is by the new birth that an elect soul is transplanted from a st...
--------Chapter III: That all God’s elect do not indeed, before their regeneration, remain i...
--------Chapter IV: The reasons why God suffers his elect, grown into riper years, to contin...
--------Chapter V: Other reasons why God suffers his elect, who are adult, to continue for s...
--------Chapter VI: The uses of the foregoing doctrine.—That they who are brought into a sta...
--------Chapter VII: The second use we should make of the review of that wretched, sinful st...
--------Chapter VIII: That the thoughts of God’s excellent love in bringing us out of this w...
----Book III: The necessity of regeneration demonstrated by this argument, that all that God...
--------Chapter I: That notwithstanding what God and Christ have done for their reconciliati...
--------Chapter II: The necessity of our being reconciled to God evinced from Christ’s desig...
--------Chapter III: That we may be reconciled to God, it is necessary for us to be convince...
--------Chapter IV: How our reconciliation to God consists in renouncing all friendships and...
--------Chapter V: The application or uses of the foregoing doctrine.
----Book IV: Of the work which the Holy Spirit effecteth in us, as it is expressed under the...
--------Chapter I: The necessity of the new birth demonstrated, and the nature of it describ...
--------Chapter II: That by spirit, John 3:5, is not meant the indwelling of the Spirit.—Nor...
--------Chapter III: That by ‘spirit,’ John 3:6, is meant all those gracious dispositions in...
--------Chapter IV: What it is to have the heart elevated and suited to all things spiritual...
--------Chapter V: That this suitableness of the mind to spiritual things, is the great dist...
--------Chapter VI: How we may discern, value, and love spiritual things, purely as spiritua...
--------Chapter VII: That the blessings which we have by Christ are purely spiritual, proved...
--------Chapter VIII: That a spiritual heart desires heaven, as it is a spiritual happiness;...
----Book V: Of the work of the Holy Ghost in us, as it is represented to us under the notion...
--------Chapter I: That exciting and moving grace is not all that the Spirit doth for us, to...
--------Chapter II: That the Holy Ghost, when he makes us new creatures, works in us fixed a...
--------Chapter III: That the Holy Ghost, in regenerating us, works in us an abiding princip...
--------Chapter IV: That it is necessary, and congruous to the nature of things, that such i...
--------Chapter V: That the new creature wrought in us by the Spirit of God is a change of h...
--------Chapter VI: The new creature in us is a conformity to the image of Christ.
----Book VI: That the work of grace, wrought in us by the Spirit of God in regeneration, is ...
--------Chapter I: That all men being under a covenant of works, or a covenant of grace, the...
--------Chapter II: That the natural light of conscience in unregenerate men hath a great in...
--------Chapter III: That men are apt to regard the natural light of conscience, and the inf...
--------Chapter IV: A discovery of the defects wherein natural conscience falls short of tru...
--------Chapter V: What goodness, and of what kind, is to be acknowledged to be in this ligh...
--------Chapter VI: What is necessary to make conscience a good and holy conscience, which t...
--------Chapter VII: How a natural conscience, in its highest operations, is deficient in th...
--------Chapter VIII: The grounds of the mistake upon which men proceed, in judging the acti...
--------Chapter IX: That the natural conscience may approve of the law, and command the duti...
--------Chapter X: Though natural conscience may prevail with men to do the duties required,...
--------Chapter XI: Another deficiency in natural conscience is, that it may eye the command...
--------Chapter XII: The deficiency of natural conscience in another of its effects, viz., i...
--------Chapter XIII: The highest degree to which a temporary believer can possibly attain, ...
----Book VII: Of the difference of the works on temporary believers and those truly called, ...
--------Chapter I: That the apostle Peter, 2 Peter 1:3-4; 2 Peter 2:20-21, makes a clear dis...
--------Chapter II: The usefulness of this doctrine concerning temporary believers to many h...
--------Chapter III: That a genuine saving work of grace is specifically distinct from that ...
--------Chapter IV: That the work of grace in true believers differs in kind from that which...
----Book VIII: That there are three parts of our regeneration: 1. Humiliation for sin, and t...
--------Chapter I: That conviction of sin, humiliation for it, faith on Jesus Christ, sancti...
--------Chapter II: In which it is proved that to convince us of sin, and to humble us in th...
--------Chapter III: In which it is proved, from the instances of conversion in the time of ...
--------Chapter IV: The use and subservience of conviction of sin, and humiliation for it, t...
--------Chapter V: In which answers are given to several objections made against the usefuln...
--------Chapter VI: Of the last part of our conversion, which is our turning from our evil t...
----Book IX: Of the eminency of mercy and grace discovered in this work of regeneration, com...
--------Chapter I: The eminent mercy of God towards us in our regeneration evidenced, becaus...
--------Chapter II: The eminency of God’s mercy in our regeneration evidenced from these con...
--------Chapter III: The eminent mercy of God in our regeneration appears, inasmuch as all t...
--------Chapter IV: That there is an exceeding greatness of God’s power apparent in our rege...
--------Chapter V: The greatness of divine power in our regeneration manifested from instanc...
--------Chapter VI: That the virtual cause of regeneration is the resurrection of Jesus Chri...
----Book X: Of the two essential properties of inherent holiness and sanctification.—That a ...
--------Chapter I: That every man hath something which he makes his chiefest good.—What men ...
--------Chapter II: That we may know what we make our chiefest good, let us inquire in what ...
--------Chapter III: If we would know whether we make God our chiefest and supreme good, let...
--------Chapter IV: If we would know whether ice make God our chief good, we must inquire wh...
--------Chapter V: To know whether we make God our chiefest good, we must state the account ...
--------Chapter VI: How the new creature makes God and his glory its utmost end.
--------Chapter VII: That one eminent disposition immediately flowing from the new creature ...

Volume 7
----Of The Creatures, And The Condition Of Their State By Creation
--------Book I: That the creatures are not God, but the works of his power.—They were not co...
------------Chapter I: The creatures are not God.—The absurdities of those ranting opinions ...
------------Chapter II: The creatures were not from eternity existing in God.
------------Chapter III: The infinite distance between God and the creatures, in respect tha...
--------Book II: Of the first estate of men and angels by their creation.—What were the laws...
------------Chapter I: What was the law of creation on God’s Part?—It was but what became an...
------------Chapter II: The mutability of that first estate.—By its constitution and their o...
------------Chapter III: Of the first state men run through, viz., that of innocency.—A brie...
------------Chapter IV: Containing a short view of the happiness of Adam’s condition.
------------Chapter V: The image of God in Adam, how it was natural, how explained, and how ...
------------Chapter VI: That the covenant of works, the justification of Adam by that covena...
------------Chapter VII: Whether Adam knew God by the light of faith and supernatural revela...
------------Chapter VIII: How Adam and his state, according to the law of his first creation...
------------Chapter IX: The explication of the words of the text; in what particulars they m...
------------Chapter X: A more particular comparison between Adam and Jesus Christ in their p...
------------Chapter XI: What a more glorious condition than was Adam’s in innocence Christ w...
----Of Gospel Holiness In The Heart And Life of Gospel Holiness
--------Book I: That graces and holy dispositions wrought in the soul are the springs and pr...
------------Chapter I: The words of the text explained; what the apostle means by abounding ...
------------Chapter II: The inward effects of an holy disposition and temper in the soul are...
------------Chapter III: What is meant by these words in Philippians 1:10, ‘until the day of...
------------Chapter IV: How we may be said to be kept blameless until the day of Christ.
------------Chapter V: What it is to be filled with the fruits of righteousness in our cours...
------------Chapter VI: Of what kind those fruits of righteousness are, with which our obedi...
------------Chapter VII: That our obedience ought to be continued; that a man shall in the d...
--------Book II: The demeanour of a Christian, as it is expressed under the notion of friend...
------------Chapter I: The obedience of a Christian expressed under the notion of friendship...
------------Chapter II: How the apostle Paul and the apostle James are consistent in the acc...
------------Chapter III: Abraham called the friend of God, upon the performance of that act ...
------------Chapter IV: An exhortation unto friendship with God, from the considerations how...
------------Chapter V: What the conversation of a believer ought to be in performing the par...
------------Chapter VI: What our behaviour toward God, as his friends, ought to be, with res...
------------Chapter VII: What obedience and duty we owe unto God, as we are his friends.—We ...
------------Chapter VIII: Obedience to God described, as it is a service performed to him. T...
--------Book III: Evangelical motives to obedience, drawn from the obligation which God hath...
------------Chapter I: A motive to love and obedience, drawn from the consideration, that th...
------------Chapter II: That God’s love, in electing us, is a great motive to all acts of lo...
------------Chapter III: That the great love of God in electing of us should be a strong mot...
------------Chapter IV: Another motive to obedience deduced from God’s great love in giving ...
------------Chapter V: Motives against sin, because it is Satan’s great work and interest, w...
------------Chapter VI: A motive to holiness, and to flight against sin, drawn from the cons...
------------Chapter VII: Motives unto holy obedience, and unto a boldness in our Christian p...
------------Chapter VIII: Motives to evangelical obedience from this consideration, that it ...
--------Book IV: The danger of a loose, careless, and unfruitful profession; or the danger o...
------------Chapter I: The text in Hebrews 6:7-8, explained, with some observations from it.
------------Chapter II: That our worthy and suitable living under the ordinances of the gosp...
------------Chapter III: The danger of those who, being partakers of the sacrament of the Lo...
------------Chapter IV: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13.
------------Chapter V: The danger of those who being in church fellowship and communion, yet...
------------Chapter VI: Two cases concerning a regenerate man’s sinning against knowledge.—T...
------------Chapter VII: The other case resolved, wherein the sin against the Holy Ghost dif...
----Of The Blessed State Of Glory Which The Saints Possess After Death
--------Chapter I: Of the blessedness of a dying believer.
--------Chapter II: That the soul of a believer doth not sleep, or is not in a state of inac...
--------Chapter III: That the souls of believers, immediately after their separation from th...
--------Chapter IV: That the souls of believers do, immediately after the death of the body,...
--------Chapter V: A state of glory for believers upon their dissolution, demonstrated from ...
--------Chapter VI: That the clothing mentioned in the text, 2 Corinthians 5:3, doth import ...
--------Chapter VII: What is meant by the phrase, 2 Corinthians 5:3, of being ‘found naked.’
--------Chapter VII: The words of the text explained, and their coherence with the first and...
--------Chapter IX: The true and eminent grounds of a Christian’s groanings after dissolutio...
--------Chapter X: The positive ground or reason why a Christian desires dissolution is, tha...
--------Chapter XI: That as the soul is the immediate subject of grace, which is a preparati...
--------Chapter XII: The glory unto which the separate soul is received, demonstrated from t...
--------Chapter XIII: Whether the state of glory into which separate souls enter after death...
--------Chapter XIV: A particular enumeration of the glories of that state into which the se...
--------Chapter XV: Of the glories of heaven, and the happiness of glorified saints therein.
----Three Several Ages Of Christians In Faith And Obedience
--------Chapter I: The design of the apostle in the text explained. The characters of the se...
--------Chapter II: Of communion with the two persons of the Godhead, Father and Son; and ho...
--------Chapter III: The character of young men, or middle-aged Christians in Christ.— 1 Joh...
----Man’s Restoration By Grace
--------Chapter I: The design of the discourse.—The two texts of Scripture explained.
--------Chapter II: That there are three persons in the Godhead, who have undertaken distinc...
--------Chapter III: The common concurrence which the three persons have in other works besi...
--------Chapter IV: Of their distinct appearance in the work of man’s salvation.—And that th...
--------Chapter V: The reasons of the three persons making such a distinct discovery of them...
--------Chapter VI: The Uses.—See the great love of God, that all that is within him, all hi...
----On Repentance
--------Sermon I: Zephaniah 2:1-3
--------Sermon II: Zephaniah 2:1-3

Volume 8: The Object And Acts Of Justifying Faith.
----A Preface To The Reader
----Part I: Of the object of faith
[font=arial]--------Book I: The mercies in God’s nature the object, and support, and encouragement of fa...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter I: The words of the text opened.—That the mercies in God’s heart and nat...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter II: An explication how this assertion is to be understood: 1. On the neg...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter III: The proofs of this assertion: 1, by Scripture, and afterwards by re...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter IV: That the mercies of God’s heart and nature are the prime object of f...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter V: That the mercies of God’s nature, as they are proclaimed in Exodus 34...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VI: What is imported by the name Jehovah made use of in this proclamatio...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VII: The other name of God, [/font][font=arial]אל[/font][font=arial], El, used in this proclamation of mercy, ...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VIII: The next word in this proclamation of Exodus 34:6-7, explained; me...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter IX: The other part of the proclamation of the mercies of God’s nature in...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter X: Of the mercies of God’s heart and nature.—That mercy and grace are tr...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter XI: That mercy and grace in God are properties of his divine being and g...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter XII: Some of the principal objections why mercy should not be a natural ...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter XIII: That in every object there is some special attractive to affect th...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter XIV: The uses of the doctrine.—That the thoughts of the mercies in God’s...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter XV: That God, considered as justifying the ungodly, is the object of fai...[/font]
[font=arial]--------Book II: The second object of faith, Jesus Christ.—Of our being drawn to him by the ...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter I: That the mercies in God’s nature are not the object of our faith, but...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter II: That when we come to Christ, and believe on him, there is a concurre...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter III: The uses of the doctrine.—We should consider faith on the Lord Jesu...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter IV: Of a believer’s being drawn unto Christ by the Father.—The reasons w...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter V: That the Father teacheth us to know Christ as the great object of our...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VI: Christ our Saviour typified by Noah’s ark.—As Noah was instructed by...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VII: That Jesus is proposed to our faith as a spiritual Christ and Savio...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VIII: That Christ represented as a quickening Spirit is a proper object ...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter IX: That Christ’s person, as Son of God, in one person with the man Jesu...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter X: The uses of the foregoing doctrine.—How we are to exercise faith on t...[/font]
[font=arial]--------Book III: The free grace of God, as declared and proposed in the covenant, is the ob...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter I: How the soul may for its salvation treat with the free grace of God a...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter II: What high regards the faith of the apostle Paul had to the free grac...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter III: That absolute declarations about God and Christ, and absolute promi...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter IV: What act of faith it is which those that want assurance may exercise...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter V: That election-grace, and the immutability of God’s counsel indefinite...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VI: How absolute election and absolute promises are the ground of faith ...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VII: How the faith of a believer should depend on electing grace for sal...[/font]
[font=arial]----Part II: Of the acts of Faith[/font]
[font=arial]--------Book I: The acts of faith in the understanding is a sight of Christ, a discerning an...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter I: That faith in the understanding is a spiritual sight and knowledge of...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter II: That the mere assurance of the object, or a general assent to the tr...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter III: What the nature is of this special faith of application.—That besid...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter V: That a special act of faith on the free grace of God as justifying si...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter V: The acts of faith in the will.—The believing soul trusts in Christ al...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VI: That where there is true and unfeigned faith, the soul is prevailed ...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VII: What the errors are to which men are obnoxious in believing.—How th...[/font]
[font=arial]--------Book II: Of faith of assurance.—That all justifying faith is not assurance of our pe...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter I: That justifying faith is not assurance of our personal interest in Ch...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter II: The reason why there may be true justifying faith in a man, and yet ...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter III: That Assurance of Salvation may be obtained.[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter IV: The objections against assurance answered.[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter V: How assurance is produced in the heart of a believer, by three witnes...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VI: That since assurance is attainable, it is our duty earnestly to desi...[/font]
[font=arial]------------Chapter VII: Christ’s discovery of himself to the soul, instanced in the example...[/font]
------------Chapter VIII: Of joy in the Holy Ghost; that it springs from our comm



Thank you, Josh, for another gift to the community. There is such a wealth of deep, yet practical Biblical doctrine found in the Puritans, much of which is still untapped by Christians. I hope you have your hands on more of it and that we'll reap the benefits of your further labors as we have your past work. Thanks again for this contribution.
Thank you very much.
Hope your efforts are used by God to benefit His church.
May our Lord bless your family and your service.

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