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  • Submitted: Oct 10 2014 12:07 AM
  • Last Updated: Oct 10 2014 12:09 AM
  • File Size: 196.23MB
  • Views: 9356
  • Downloads: 3,872
  • Author: Exell, Joseph
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: BI

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Download Exell, Joseph - Biblical Illustrator (56 vols) - Updated V2

* * * * * 7 Votes

Exell, Joseph

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:

This is a module that is available in E-Sword, put together by Josh Bond. I did not see it in theWord, all I did was download it and convert it. I have installed it in theWord, and it seems to be working perfectly. Enjoy and God Bless. -File Size 196.23 MB-

Exell, Joseph - Biblical Illustrator (56 vols) - Updated V2

Joseph S. Exell edited and compiled the 56 volume Biblical Illustrator commentary. You will recognize him as the co-editor of the famous Pulpit Commentary (this commentary is even larger than the Pulpit Commentary). This remarkable work is the triumph of a life devoted to Biblical research and study. Assisted by a small army of students, the Exell draws on the rich stores of great minds since the beginning of New Testament times.

The Biblical Illustrator brings Scripture to life in a unique, illuminating way. While other commentaries explain a Bible passage doctrinally, this work illustrates the Bible with a collection of:
  • illustrations
  • outlines
  • anecodtes
  • history
  • poems
  • expositions
  • geography
  • sermons
  • Bible backgrounds
  • homiletics
for nearly every verse in the Bible. This massive commentary was originally intended for preachers needing help with sermon preperation (because who else in that day had time to wade through such a lengthy commentary?). But today, the Biblical Illustrator provides life application, illumination, inspiriation, doctrine, devotion, and practical content for all who teach, preach, and study the Bible.

The Biblical Illustrator includes material from hundreds of famous authors of the day, including:
  • Lightfoot
  • F.B. Meyer
  • Spurgeon
  • Barnes
  • Matthew Henry
  • D.L. Moody
  • John Trapp
  • J.C. Ryle
  • Alexander MacLaren
  • Thomas Manton
  • Handley C.G. Moule
  • John Wesley
  • Adam Clark
and so many more (listing them all would fill your monitor screen many times over). The collection also includes lesser known authors published in periodicles and smaller publications popular in that ara. Unlike modern publishers, Exell was apparently not under any pressure to consolidate the number of pages. The nearly 35,000 pages of material resulted in the largest e-Sword commentary known to exist, at 190+ megabytes.

While this commentary is not known for its Greek or Hebrew exposition, the New Testament includes hundreds of references to, and explanations of, Greek words. See John 4:46-54 for an example.

Included are two newspaper advertisements (one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament) to show you how this commentary was originally marketed. The NT ad is particularly interesting because it shows portraits of a number of the authors included.

Printed advertisement for the Biblical Illustrator - NT Set

Printed advertisement for the Biblical Illustrator - OT Set

"No matter how full his library may be, nor how empty his pocket-book, the minister who sees this work will want it." — Observer.

"It promises to be the most useful cyclopedia for ministers issued as yet." — Christian.

"Every volume is profusely treated and explained verse by verse, with apposite, varied and suggestive extracts from a vast number of ancient and modern authors. The meaning of words, the lessons deducible from the text, the doctrine it teaches, the duty it enjoins, pithy remarks of commentators and other writers upon it, and anecdotes with which to enforce its teachings follow each verse. . . The author has put the condensed substance of many commentaries
in one, giving the results reached by many learned experts." — Methodist Review.

"There is little or no exposition, properly so called, but an abun dant citation of the opinions of men called forth by the inspired writers. In this respect the book is unique." — Christian Intelligencer

"Mr. Exell here devotes more than 500 closely printed pages to one short epistle of six chapters. He has gathered together a vast quantity of sermonoutlines, anecdotes and illustrations of all kinds, intended to aid in the exposition of the Epistle to the Galatians. This kind of labour-saving apparatus ... is undoubtedly very popular at present, and, if wisely used, may be very serviceable, particularly to lay-preachers and Sunday-school teachers. If such work is to be attempted, it is at least carefully and well done by Mr. Exell. He has laid under contribution writers of all kinds, and inserts extracts of all sizes, sometimes consisting only of a line or two, sometimes extending to more than a page. The comments are judiciously chosen, generally from evangelical writers, and, for the most part, those of this century.
There is a great mass of information in the volume on the letter to the Ephesians, which will be exceedingly useful to all who make it a foundation for personal research and study. The best commentaries and sermons on the epistle have been laid under contribution; anecdotes and illustrations culled from all sources are here ready to hand for the preacher and teacher. The work has been skilfully done, and, properly used, will be of great service." —London Quarterly Review

Preface - Statement of Faith - Introduction to the Bible - Front Matter
The editor's preface, statement of faith on the Bible, his approach to Bible study and interpretation, the authencity of the Bible, and a general introduction to the Bible is shown separately in the topic file (also viewable by selecting Commentary > Info within e-Sword, but it's difficult to read).

Contents (Front Matter only, not the Commentary itself)
00. Title Page
01. Preface
02. General Introduction to The Holy Bible
03. The name "Bible."
04. Other Names for the Bible
05. The History and Structure of the Bible
06. The Perspective of the Bible
07. Infinite Diversity, yet Marvellous Unity, in the Bible
08. The Bible Human, and yet Divine
09. The Use of the Bible
10. Wants of the Spiritual Nature met in the Bible alone
11. The Inspiration of the Bible
12. Is the Bible God's Word?
13. The Literary Attractions of the Bible
14. Testimony to the Influence of the Bible
15. Testimony to the value of the English Authorized Version of the Bible
16. The Bible and other Books
17. General Introduction to the New Testament
18. The preparation for the gospel
19. The name--New Testament
20. The New Testament
21. Formation of the New Testament
22. Text of the New Testament
23. English Versions
24. The oral gospel
25. Oral teaching as the source of the gospels
26. The unwritten gospel
27. Origin of the gospels
28. The central figure
29. Titles of the gospels
30. The gospel narratives: their scope
31. The number of gospels-four

Thank You so much Josh Bond for another wonderful module. I tried making a module of just 3 vols. and had to give up because I have only gotten 20 pages done in 7 days out of 2000. It takes so much work to make these, I cant imagine "56 vols.", this module has blessed me just glancing at it. I have never gotten much out of the genealogies, but glancing at Matt. 1:1-15 has given me a world of insight to be seen more than just trying to read through the dry to get to the good. I never knew how, and took for granted the work all you module makers put in to provide these resources. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, and God Bless all you guys, for giving us (I am speaking for myself) poor folk, to be blessed with some of the richest theological material in history.
Thanks for this wonderful treasure. God bless you.

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