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  • Submitted: Jan 09 2013 11:35 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 09 2013 11:35 PM
  • File Size: 7.95MB
  • Views: 17446
  • Downloads: 7,033
  • Author: James Strong
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Strong

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Download Strong, James - Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary of the Bible

* * * * * 19 Votes
Greek Hebrew Word Study
James Strong

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:

This is the standard, Strong's Dictionary of Hebrew and Greek words.

Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary is one of the most popular word dictionaries, consisting of 8674 Hebrew words and 5624 Greek Words, all indexed by Strong's numbers. Strong assigned a number to each unique Hebrew and Greek word, creating what we now refer to as "Strong's Numbers".

Strong's dictionary of Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Aramaic, and Biblical Greek is a classic reference work for biblical studies and is accessible to the layperson. Each original language word is numbered, presented in Hebrew or Greek and in transliteration and is accompanied by a pronunciation guide. Each word is defined, and the translation(s) of that word in the King James version (Authorized Version) are presented. Strong's work was originally published in 1890 under the title A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Hebrew Bible and A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Bible.

I am so grateful for the grace and love from the saints who work so hard to provide the word modules…It’s been for me a great tool in preparing me for ministry…Thank you so much.

Frank Estremera
It is true that Strong's work (besides its "antiquity"...hahahha) is still quite popular and has proven to be useful tool in high quality but free Bible software like THE WORD. But there is a word of caution in place: Do not make a mistake to believe that when being able to use STRONGs would be all youi need. Some of the definitions in STRONGs are either outdated for some of the entries, others are incomplete. It does not mean that STRONG did not a good job or that his work is incomplete. He provided an excellent work according to the standard of philological scholarship at his time. But time has moved on, new manuscripts with eventual "new" meanings of words were found that are not included.
Probably all of us would agree that God's word is not be tampered with, and that Bible translation is a task with a high degree of responsibility a Bible translator bears.
Therefore, I suggest that a serious student of the Bible should use other, more up-to-date resources available in addition to the works of STRONG. .

gangs, on 07 May 2013 - 11:02 AM, said:

It is true that Strong's work (besides its "antiquity"...hahahha) is still quite popular and has proven to be useful tool in high quality but free Bible software like THE WORD. But there is a word of caution in place: Do not make a mistake to believe that when being able to use STRONGs would be all youi need. Some of the definitions in STRONGs are either outdated for some of the entries, others are incomplete. It does not mean that STRONG did not a good job or that his work is incomplete. He provided an excellent work according to the standard of philological scholarship at his time. But time has moved on, new manuscripts with eventual "new" meanings of words were found that are not included.Probably all of us would agree that God's word is not be tampered with, and that Bible translation is a task with a high degree of responsibility a Bible translator bears.Therefore, I suggest that a serious student of the Bible should use other, more up-to-date resources available in addition to the works of STRONG. .

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