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  • Submitted: Jul 20 2019 12:09 AM
  • Last Updated: Jul 20 2019 12:09 AM
  • File Size: 9.74MB
  • Views: 3663
  • Downloads: 262
  • Author: Whitaker's Words, Latin And English Texts In Public Domain
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Apocrypha Vulgate-English Translation Parallel With Latin-English Dictionary
  • Suggest New Tag:: Apocrypha, Books, Latin, English, Dictionary, Morphology, Latin-English
  • Module Identifier: ApocVulDLatE.dct

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Download Apocrypha Vulgate-English Translation Parallel With Latin-English Dictionary Of Select Books 0.8

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Whitaker's Words, Latin And English Texts In Public Domain

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Apocrypha Vulgate-English Translation Parallel With Latin-English Dictionary

Suggest New Tag::
Apocrypha, Books, Latin, English, Dictionary, Morphology, Latin-English

Module Identifier:

This is a book-dictionary type module featuring selected Apocrypha Latin and English texts along with a Latin-English dictionary that includes grammatical information.
The Text runs in a parallel style with the Latin and English under it according to the verse number.
The Latin Apocrypha text is hyperlinked that allows for popups when hovering over a word.
There is an accompanying Dictionary internal section that provides this feature that uses the returns of Whitaker's Word program output.

The Main Apocrypha Texts are as follows:
The Latin Clementine and The Douay English for the following books:
Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees.

The Apocrypha books of 1 Esdras, 2 Esdras:
Latin Text is from The Latin Library.
English Text is the English Revised Version (ERV).

Apocrypha book of Prayer Of Manasses:
Latin Text from The Latin Library
World English Bible (WEB)

Apocrypha books of Daniel chapter 13 and 14:
Latin Text from The Latin Library
Douay English Text

I have endeavored to create a usable Latin English resource in a given time frame.
This started out as a personal experimental module to see what would be possible to create.
It has been refined so that others may be able to be to make use of it.
As you may know, there are many free resources pertaining to Greek and Hebrew bible and Apocrypha texts that one may find and use.
Some of those have features such as Strong's and Morphological tagged words that were done prior to the height of the computer age.
Someone had to do this by hand, identify each word and make notations for this to be possible.
However, there are no such free resources like that available for Latin.

This resource is second best in that a computer program was used that will render definitions and grammical information available but being a computer program and dealing with a very sophisticated and variable language such as Latin means that every return may not be correct.

This means for the reader that there will be a few definitions that will not be correct, however the number of errors is very small in comparison but the reader should always be skeptical if the definition and/or morphology doesn't appear correct.

One particular category that there is the possibility for error is the perfect passive participle form.
Since the regular indicative passive and subjunctive passive forms of the perfect and pluperfect use the same endings, and understanding that the program is analyzing only a single word, it assumes the form is a perfect passive participle.
This is sometimes called periphrastic forms because they use the 'to be' helper verbs.
The principle endings for these are us, a, um, and they generally have this form tus, ta, tum and ti for plural.
I am aware of other errors, such as some compound Latin words but again, the benefits of this resource outweighs a few inaccurate returns.

Another consideration is that the reader will notice that some Latin words have multiple grammatical possibilities.
This is what I refer to as variables and is more common for Latin than is for Greek.
Only by studying context is it possible to determine which is the correct grammatical entry.
Please consult Latin grammars for more information.

The English translations I have included in this work follow the Latin text in a verse by verse style.
The reader does need to be aware of however that the Latin versification doesn't always line up properly with the English texts that are included.
The Douay text is used in most of the work and the same verse does align well most of the time but there are times when even the Douay may not line up correctly, most of the time in the preceding verse or sometimes the following verse may be the correct Latin verse.
Also the(ERV) and (WEB) English versions sometimes do not line up verse to verse with the Latin.
Especially in 1 Esdras and 2 Esdras, versification can be several verses out of alignment.
This resource aligns the given verse numbers of the Latin with the English counterpart throughout this work therefore the reader needs to be aware that there are differences in versification.

This module is presented so that the general reader may gain information and may be enriched by using the contents as a study tool of the Latin language.

In order to use, please place in correct folder, called 'Books' in TheWord, if using the full install version of TheWord, simply double clicking the module will install in proper location.

This module makes use of Segoe UI Semibold font for the Latin text which is a Preloaded font in Microsoft OS, it is part of Segoe UI, Windows 7, 8 should have it, I am unsure about W10.
If you OS already has this font, nothing else is necessary.
Final note: Most of the special font characters of the Clementine have been normalized in order to provide the dictionary returns contained in this work.

Thank you, brother. Do you also have plans of making one for the Greek LXX just like this: https://archive.org/...tversio1900bren
I couldn't use that particular text because of ocr errors but I do have clean (Brenton's?) Greek Apocrypha texts and Brenton's English text but they are not from the same source.

I may consider but only under the condition that I would make a Bible module of it and then there would need to be another module for indexing through the text.
So 2 modules for this to work.(See my thread about this subject)

The reason for this approach would be to make use of the custom Greek dictionaries available...morphological Greek dictionaries that will also have Strongs numbers (where available).
Otherwise I would have to tag every word with this information.

The other consideration is I have other projects going and only would move this up to a higher priority if I have extra requests for it.
After thinking a little more, actually I may could make a book module out of the Greek/English Apocrypha but would have to incorporate the dictionary into the module as I did this one but I would need access to a dictionary module to do this.
I may be able to help you with the digital format but I still need permission from the author. Thanks

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