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  • Submitted: Aug 02 2013 07:38 PM
  • Last Updated: Aug 02 2013 07:38 PM
  • File Size: 253K
  • Views: 3941
  • Downloads: 389
  • Author: Gray, James
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Master

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Download Gray, James - How to Master the English Bible

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Biblical Studies
Gray, James

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

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About How to Master the English Bible
Dr. Gray's guide to understanding God's Word has been recommended by many Christian preachers and teachers alike as a jewel, a timeless classic. Dr. James Gray, past president of Moody Bible Institute, urged all to get back to the Bible and provides a practical tool for mastering His Word. Kept alive since its 1904 inception by dozens of reprints, this short book remains invaluable.

From the Foreword by John MacArthur (in the reprinted edition):
"I am grateful for this new edition of an important classic. No one was more qualified than James M. Gray to write on the subject of mastering the English Bible. He trained thousands of young men and women at Moody Bible Institute, where he was president from 1904 to 1935. This legacy included several generations of Christian lay people who had mastered the English Bible under his tutelage. He also developed a Bible curriculum that has set the standard for the study of the English Bible in the Bible College and Bible Institute movement around the world. Dr. Gray's work contributed powerfully to the shaping of mainstream evangelicalism for virtually all of the twentieth century.

History reveals that wherever Scripture is available for widespread study and reading in the common languages, the spiritual health and vigor of God's people is elevated. Clergy and scholars skilled in the original languages certainly make a vital contribution, but lay people with a thorough mastery of the English Bible are the very lifeblood of a healthy church.

Dr. Gray's book has been used by God to help untold numbers of Christians gain a better grasp of the meaning of Scripture. It has also sparked in many hearts a deeper love for the Word of God and a greater confidence in Scripture's trustworthiness. Therefore I am pleased to see this book available in this new edition. May the Lord give it a vast audience once again."

As a young seminary student, someone gave me a copy of How to Master the English Bible. I remember the impact it had on me as a theological student. As I read it again recently I felt the same urging in my spirit to continue reading the books of the Bible. We need the emphasis of James M. Gray in our churches today. I heartily recommend this book to all who love the Word of God. -- Dr. David Jeremiah, President, Turning Point

Do you want to profit from the Word? Turn your quiet time into an opportunity to master the Word of God. This book will help you gain first hand knowledge of the Bible that will benefit you for the rest of your life. -- Philip Hiller, Pilgrim Books, Portland, Oregon

Many years ago I found a copy of James Gray's, How toMaster the English Bible in a used bookstore. I read it with great joy, as Gray was calling for something that I had recently iscoveredfor myself. Since that time I have recommended this little book to many others and have given away copies (when I could find them) for the benefit of others. I am very grateful that this valuable book is once again in print. I am confident it will motivate many to "let the word of Christ richly dwell within." --Scott Gilchrist, Radio Bible teacher, Downtown Bible Class

Over the last few years, I have had an interest in different Bible study methods. I have generally made use of Grant Horner's excellent 10 lists plan, but I had heard of James Gray's method as described in How to Master the English Bible. In 1904, Gray penned this short volume to encourage becoming saturated in the scriptures. Basically, his method involved having someone re-read a book of the Bible again and again until the person owned that book or rather was owned by it. He shares several "testimonies" of how people have benefited from this method. In the later sections of the book, he calls for a return to expository preaching, which had apparently been replaced with modern philosophies and psychologies even at that time. On the whole, I am intrigued by this message. I agree with his general premise that the basic unit in the Bible is not the word or the verse, but the book/letter as a whole. -- Internet User

Great book! Errata: The last section "Expository Outlines" under the heading, "The Character of the New Born." The references/tooltip should be 1 John not Romans (version 0.0 8/2/2013).
Gray is a great men. I've read a number his works. Never disappointed.

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