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  • Submitted: Jan 06 2014 10:19 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 07 2016 04:25 PM
  • File Size: 130.54MB
  • Views: 21170
  • Downloads: 9,250
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: ICCNT

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theWord Module Download:
Download ICCNT multi-volume module v.0.75

* * * * * 6 Votes

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:

This is a new multi-volume module containing all the ICCNT commentary modules completed thus far: Matthew to James, excluding Acts. Remaining volumes: Peter&Jude, Johannine Epistles, and Revelation. I will release those modules individually as completed, and when added to the multi-volume module, will increment the version number to 0.95. At that point, with all the individual volumes created, I'll be going back and doing a lot of editing to get to what I would consider a full 1.0 version release.

I will also keep up a list of "Works Cited," i.e. external modules that are linked to by the ICCNT modules. Currently, the list includes the following:

Trench's Synonyms: Trench's Synonyms.8thEdRev.gbk.twm

Godet: godet.cmt.twm

Bengel: gnomon.cmt.twm

Hastings Dictionary: Hastings NT Dictionary - Christ, Gospels, Apostolic Church.dct.twm

Schurer, Jewish People: Schurer, Emil - The Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ.gbk.twm

OT Apocrypha: OT Apocrypha with Additions.gbk.twm

NTSources: NTSources.ICCNT.gbk.twm

In addition, now that I have a multivolume module, I've begun to link "intra" volume citations (such as where Plummer, on Luke, cites Sandy-Headlam on Romans). No doubt the earliest modules in this project will need to be revisited at some point to improve the links (e.g., they will lack any links to Apocrypha or early Christian sources that began with the James and John modules).

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