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  • Submitted: Mar 13 2015 06:25 AM
  • Last Updated: Mar 13 2015 06:25 AM
  • File Size: 477K
  • Views: 3158
  • Downloads: 471
  • Author: Jean Koechlin
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Koechlin (Year2)

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Download Koechlin, Jean - Day by Day Devotional Year 2 of 5 1.0

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Jean Koechlin

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Koechlin (Year2)

Please read the Scripture passage carefully and prayerfully and then the notes. Take time to look up the Scripture references given in the notes. They are an integral part of the meditation and the extra time spent will be abundantly recompensed.

These notes originally appeared as "chaque jour les Ecritures" (3rd edition) published by La Bonne Semence, Valence, France. In sending them forth in the English translation we would echo the words of the author: "Never forget that 'All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.' (2
Timothy 3:16, 17). May the Lord grant us in reading His word to experience and progress in these things with Him."

See this as more important than your daily food - it is! Our spiritual lives are far and away more important - and we can completely trust that God will provide our daily needs 'seek ye first the kingdom of God'. How critically important it is to start the day with the Word of God - spiritual food - before the activities and stimuli and influences of the daily routine take over - indeed to provide a spiritual influence to help us to do all those things as to the Lord.

The Bible is a large book which we can never fathom, but it is essential to get all its instruction - to read the 780,000 words in one year would require reading more than 2000 words each day; this programme needs you to read just over 400 words each day (that is about 16 verses each day - less than an average chapter. The commentary is just over 200 words each day). If we only read the New Testament routinely then we limit ourselves to a quarter of what God has told us.

The scheme covers the greater part of the Bible (some genealogical sections and ones of moral embarrassment are omitted by brother Koechlin) with a daily Bible reading and commentary. It will be an aid to all who prayerfully read them to gain an overview of the entire Bible.

Year 1 - Genesis to Joshua.
Year 2 - Judges to Esther.
Year 3 - Job; Psalms 1 - 41; Proverbs 1 - 15; Isaiah; Matthew; Jeremiah; Lamentations of Jeremiah; Mark.
Year 4 - Psalms 42 - 89; Ezekiel; Luke - 2 Corinthians.
Year 5 - Psalms 90 - 150; Proverbs 16 - Song of Solomon; Daniel - Malachi; Galatians - Revelation.

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