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  • Author: Alexander, Archibald
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Alexander

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Download The Works of Archibald Alexander (20 vol) 2.0

* * * * * 5 Votes
Theology Bibliology (BibleDoctrine) Calvinism Presbyterian History Biography Education Sermons/Outlines
Alexander, Archibald

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:

*UPDATED* The update from version 1 to version 2 is a major one. Spacing has been corrected for all but two of the works (History of Israelitish Nation and Practical Truths). Countless punctuation corrections have been made (uppercase letters). Countless instances of emboldening where appropriate (titles, headings, etc.) have been made. In all, literally thousands of formatting corrections have been made. It is highly unlikely I will get back to working on this module for some time. I must move on to other modules. May God use these works for His glory!

"A member of a long line of the great Princeton theologians which includes Jonathan Edwards, B.B. Warfield, and Charles Hodge, Archibald Alexander was a dominating and highly influential Presbyterian theologian, and the founding principal of Princeton Theological Seminary. He wrote and preached extensively on theological topics, missions, and biblical authority, and—more than any other during his time—appropriated and defined Calvinism in the unique context of America.

The Archibald Alexander Collection contains twenty volumes of works on biblical studies and theology. This collection includes Alexander’s important writings on biblical authority—the first works in Princeton theology to defend biblical inspiration against the claims of higher critics—a project greatly expanded by his successors Charles Hodge and B.B. Warfield. The Archibald Alexander Collection also includes Alexander’s works on religious experience, church education, and his two massive volumes on the history of Israel. This collection also contains numerous sermons, lectures, and other addresses, including his address delivered at his own inauguration as professor of theology at Princeton." - Logos Product Description

Annals of the Jewish Nation during the Period of the Second Temple

Chapter I
History of the Jews, from the edict of Cyrus permitting their return to their own land, to the finishing of the second Temple.
Chapter II
The history of the Jews, from the completion of the building of the Temple, to the mission of Nehemiah.
Chapter III
The history of the Jews, from the arrival of Nehemiah, to the invasion of Asia by Alexander the Great.
Chapter IV
The history of the Jews during the reign of Alexander the Great—The invasion of Asia by Alexander—The conquest of the Persian Empire—Siege and capture of Tyre—Alexander’s visit to Jerusalem, to punish the Jews—Is met by Jaddua and the other priests in their pontificial robes—His strange behavior, said to have been occasioned by a dream, which he had in Greece—His kind treatment of the Jews—Conduct towards the Samaritans—Death of Darius—Invasion of India—Voyage of Nearchus—Capricious and violent character of Alexander—His death.
Chapter V
The history of the Jews, during the time of the immediate successors of Alexander the Great, to the death of Onias the high priest.
Chapter VI
The history of the Jews, from the accession of Simon the Just—Megasthenes, historian of India—The building of Seleucia—Destruction and desolation of Babylon, as predicted by Isaiah and Jeremiah—The death of Simon.
Chapter VII
Retrospect of the succession of kings and high priests who had authority over Judea, until the death of Simon the Just—Simon succeeded by Eleazar in the priesthood—By Antigonus as president of the Sanhedrim—Mishnical doctors—Sanhedrim—How conducted—Changes in the Jewish worship.
Chapter VIII
The history of the Jews, during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus—Tower of Pharos—Septuagint Version—Library of Alexandria.
Chapter IX
Origin of the Sadducees—Berosus, the Chaldean historian—Riches and commerce of Tyre—Alexandria—Arsinoe, her death and monument—Character of Ptolemy.
Chapter X
The history of the Jews, from the death of Ptolemy Philadelphus—Ptolemy Euergetes—Berenice—Prophecies fulfilled—The Arundelian marbles.
Chapter XI
Ptolemy Euergetes an encourager of learning—Seleucus defeated and taken prisoner—Origin of the kingdom of the Parthians—Remarkable history of Joseph—Great earthquake in the east.
Chapter XII
Accession of Ptolemy Philopater to the throne of Egypt—His contest with Antiochus—His cruelty—Visits Jerusalem and attempts to enter the sanctuary; but is prevented—Resolves to exterminate the Jews—Their providential deliverance—He dies and leaves the kingdom to his son Ptolemy Epiphanes, only five years of age. Antiochus endeavors to conquer Egypt—Engages in war with the Romans—Marches an army to the east to collect tribute—Robs the temple of Belus of its treasures, but is slain by the enraged populace—Remarkable story of Joseph and his son Hyrcanus.
Chapter XIII
Judea falls under the power of antiochus—Predictions respecting Seleucus—Good character of Onias the high priest—Jason’s wicked conduct—And the more wicked of Menelaus—Death of Onias—Robbery of the Temple by Lysimachus—Strange sights seen at Jerusalem—Temple desecrated by Antiochus—Wretched end of Menelaus—Antiochus invades Egypt, but is met by an embassy from Rome—Dreadful persecution of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes.
Chapter XIV
Asmonean family of Modin—Constancy of Matthias—He and his friends take refuge in the mountains—Martyrdom of Eleazar—Of the mother and her seven sons—Assideans—Antiochus aims to destroy all copies of the Law—Death of Matthias—Judas Maccabæus—Books of the Maccabees—Victories of Judas—Antiochus resolves to destroy the whole Jewish nation—Wonderful success of Judas—Occupies Jerusalem—Cleanses and dedicates anew the Temple—Prophecies respecting Antiochus Epiphanes.
Chapter XV
History of Judas continued—Distressing condition of the Jews—Death of Eleazar brother of Judas—Death of Antiochus—Miserable end of Menelaus—Civil war between the two brothers in Egypt—Interposition of the Romans—Demetrius succeeds Antiochus—Alcimus appointed high priest—The quarrel of the two brothers Ptolemy Philometor and Ptolemy Physcon brought before the Roman Senate, and decided.
Chapter XVI
The war renewed—Suicide of Razis—Victory of Judas and death of Nicanor—Bacchides is sent to succeed Nicanor—Death of Judas—Dreadful state of the Jews—Jonathan and Simon, brothers of Judas, make a successful stand—Death of Alcimus—The Jews enjoy rest for two years—War between the two Ptolemies renewed—Demetrius abandons himself to dissipation—An impostor arises to claim his crown—Both court the aid of Jonathan—Jonathan assumes the office of high priest—Alexander Balas obtains the throne of Syria.
Chapter XVII
Onias obtains the favor of the king and queen of Egypt—Builds there a Temple similar to that of Jerusalem, where daily offerings were made—Contentions between the Jews and Samaritans about the place of worship—Hipparchus the Astronomer—War between Alexander the impostor and Demetrius—The former, forsaken by his father-in-law, is overthrown and slain.
Chapter XVIII
Carthage and Corinth destroyed in the same year—History of Polybius—Cleopatra marries Physcon, who murders her son by her former husband—Syria in a disturbed state—Tyrranical conduct of Demetrius—Tryphon conspires against him and overcomes him—Theos is made king, who grants great privileges to Jonathan and Simon.
Chapter XIX
Jonathan renews his league with the Romans and Lacedemonians—He and Simon call a great council of the nation—Tryphon treacherously murders Jonathan—Simon succeeds him—Erects a famous monument for his brothers—Seizes and demolishes the strong fortress at Jerusalem—Demetrius goes against the Parthians, but is unsuccessful, and falls into their hands—His life is spared by Mithridates, who gives him his daughter in marriage—Cleopatra marries Antiochus Sidetes, who invades Syria, and overcomes and slays Tryphon—Simon sends an embassy to Rome to obtain their confirmation of his authority—Antiochus seeks the destruction of Simon—Beastly character of Ptolemy Physcon and Attalus—Simon treacherously murdered at Jericho.
Chapter XX
Antiochus invades Judea—Besieges Hyrcanus in Jerusalem—Terms of peace—Family of Josephus—Book of Ecclesiasticus—Antiochus Sidetes marches an army into the east, where he is attacked and slain by Phraates—Hyrcanus seizes the opportunity of delivering his country from subjection to the Syrian yoke—Demetrius restored to his throne—Invades Egypt—Is called back by a revolt at Antioch—Ptolemy raises up a youth who pretends to be the son of Alexander Balas—He raises an army and defeats Demetrius, who is slain at Tyre—Alexander Zebina reigns, over Syria—Vast swarm of locusts—Zebina defeated and put to death.
Chapter XXI
Remarkable season—Cleopatra dies by a potion prepared for her son—Disturbances in Syria—John Hyrcanus goes on prosperously—Is opposed by the Pharisees—Origin of this sect—Hyrcanus joins the Sadducess—His death—The castle of Baris.
Chapter XXII
Hyrcanus succeeded by Aristobulus his son, who forces the Itureans to embrace the Jewish religion, as his father had the Idumeans—Slays his brother Antigonus—But repents and dies in great agony—Story of Judas the Essene—Origin of this sect—Alexander succeeds his brother Aristobulus—Siege of Ptolemais—Defeat of Alexander by Lathyrus—Civil war—Anna the prophetess—Death of Alexander Janneus.
Chapter XXIII
Alexander bequeaths the kingdom of Judea to Alexandra his wife—Counsels her to conciliate the Pharisees—Origin of the family of the Herods—Disputes about the priesthood—Pompey comes into the east—His head quarters at Damascus—The quarrel between Aristobulus and Hyrcanus brought before him—Imprudent conduct of Aristobulus—Pompey is received into Jerusalem—Enters the sanctuary—Places Hyrcanus in the office of high priest—Orders the walls of Jerusalem to be demolished—Leaves a garrison in the city and departs.
Chapter XXIV
Octavius Cesar born—Diodorus Siculus—Alexander son of Aristobulus escapes from Rome—Seizes several strong places—Gabinius governor of Syria—Aristobulus himself escapes from Rome, and raises new disturbances in Judea—Crassus visits Jerusalem and robs the Temple of its treasures—The judgment of God overtakes him—Battle of Pharsalia—Cesar confirms Hyrcanus in the priesthood—Antipater accompanies Cesar in all his expeditions—His four sons—Herod arraigned for illegally putting certain thieves to death—Meditates the destruction of Hyrcanus and the whole Sanhedrim—Receives from Sixtus the government of Cœlo-Syria.
Chapter XXV
The Julian year—Death of Cesar—Malichus, his influence and character—Death of Antipater—Battle of Phillippi—Antigonus youngest son of Aristobulus claims the kingdom—The Parthians again cross the Euphrates—Are hired to invade Judea, to make Antigonus son of Aristobulus, king—His adherents are resisted by Herod and Phasael—Civil war within the city of Jerusalem—Flight of Herod and death of Phasael.
Chapter XXVI
Herod obtains the favor of Antony and is solemnly appointed king of Judea—Is successful against his enemies—Antony sends him two legions to reduce Jerusalem, still in the possession of Antigonus—Herod goes to Samosata to meet Antony—Returns to Judea with fresh forces—His brother Joseph slain in an expedition against Jericho—Herod lays siege to Jerusalem—Mariamne the wife of Herod—Jerusalem taken and given up to pillage—Abject spirit of Antigonus.
Chapter XXVII
Herod established on the throne of Judea—Destroys the whole Sanhedrim except two—Hillel and Shammai—Their distinguished descendents—Simon Gamaliel—Judah Hakkadosh—Scholars of Hillel—Chaldee Paraphrases—Their high estimation among the Jews—Jonathan Ben Uzziel and Onkelos.
Chapter XXVIII
Ananias made high priest by Herod in the place of Antigonus deceased—Hyrcanus, a captive among the Parthians, is treated with favor—His desire to return, and Herod’s reasons for wishing the same—Alexandra the mother of Aristobulus and Mariamne his sister, dissatisfied that he was passed over when Ananias was exalted to be high priest—Herod causes Aristobulus to be drowned—Cleopatra visits Jerusalem—Her manners so licentious that even Herod is disgusted—Great earthquake in Judea—Antony entirely defeated at Actium—Herod now seeks to conciliate the favor of the conqueror, and succeeds—Mariamne manifests the utmost hatred of Herod, on account of hearing that in case of his death, he had ordered her to be killed, lest she should be enjoyed by another—Suspecting that his uncle Joseph had communicated his secret, he became furious with jealousy, and put both him and her to death—Immediately he was seized with intolerable remorse, and fell sick—Becomes more severe—Is instigated to acts of cruelty by Alexandra and others—Conspiracy against his life.
Chapter XXIX
Divine judgments on the land—Herod erects a stately palace on Mount Zion—Erects another palace on a beautiful hill seven miles from Jerusalem—Aristobulus and Alexander, sons of Mariamne, sent to Rome for education—Herod repairs to Mytilene, to visit Agrippa—Augustus himself visits the east—is waited on by Herod—All accusations against him turn out to his benefit—Undertakes to rebuild the temple—The work commenced just fort-six years before Christ’s first passover.
Chapter XXX
Herod visits his sons at Rome—Attends the Olympic Games on his way—Is received with honor by Augustus—Brings his sons back to Jerusalem—The rebuilding of the temple is driven on—Imprudent speeches of Herod’s sons, Alexander and Aristobulus—Domestic troubles of Herod increase—Becomes more suspicious—The young men, his sons, continue to indulge in rash speeches—Archelaus king of Cappadocia and father-in-law to Alexander, comes to Jerusalem—Herod’s expedition to Arabia—Difference between him and his sons increases—Augustus recommends a council—Herod accuses his sons, and the judges pronounce sentence of condemnation against them—Herod causes this sentence to be carried into execution at Sebaste, by strangulation.
Chapter XXXI
Antipater conspires against the life of his father—Pheroras displeases his brother by refusing one of his daughters, and marrying a maid-servant—He joins the plot of Antipater—The Temple of Janus, at Rome, closed—The Angel Gabriel sent to Mary at Nazareth—Birth of Jesus Christ at Bethlehem—The registration which called them thither—Luke and Josephus reconciled—Visit of the Magians—Massacre of the infants—Herod causes his son Antipater to be put to death—Gives orders to slay all the eminent men of the country, that there might be mourning at his own death, which he perceived was near—Death of Herod—His family and descendants—Division of the kingdom among his sons.
Chapter XXXII
Joseph returns from Egypt—Vulgar era—Archelaus goes to Rome and is deposed—Cyrenius governor of Syria—The Jews resist the taxation by the Romans—Annas appointed high priest by the Romans—Death of Augustus.
Chapter XXXIII
Procuratorship of Valerius Gratus—Annas removed from the office of high priest and Ismael substituted—Eleazar son of Annas is put in his place—And the next year Gratus removes him and substitutes Simon son of Cannith—Caiaphas—Gratus recalled and succeeded by Pontius Pilate—Preaching of John the Baptist—Baptism of Christ—Death of John—Public ministry of Christ—Death of Christ—His resurrection and ascension—Pilates account of Christ, sent to the emperor—Pilate removed by Vitellius, governor of Syria, and sent to Rome—Whence he was banished to Gaul—Tiberius dies, and is succeeded by Caias Caligula.
Chapter XXXIV
Preaching of the apostles—Martyrdom of Stephen and ensuing persecution—Conversion of Paul—Caiphas removed from the high priesthood by Vitellius, and Annas substituted—Agrippa acquires the supreme power of Judea—Herod Antipas banished to Gaul—Embassy from Alexandria to Rome—Philo Judeus—Caius succeeded by Claudius—Tehophilus removed from the priesthood, and Simon put in his place—Petronius, governor of Syria, succeeded by Marsus—Agrippa, zealous for the Jewish religion, but severe towards the Christians—Remarkable death of Agrippa—His character and successors.
Chapter XXXV
Fadus made procurator of Judea—Dearth in the reign of Claudius—Proselytes to Judaism—False Messiah—Fadus recalled, and succeeded by Tiberius Alexander—Herod king of Chalcis displaced Joseph the son of Camus from the high priesthood, and substituted Ananias the son of Nebedeus—Tiberius Alexander recalled, and Cumanus appointed to succeed him—Commotions at Jerusalem—Dispute between the Galileans and Samaritans—Cumanus recalled and Felix appointed Procurator—Tumultuous conduct of the Jews—Death of Claudius—Succeeded by Nero—Anarchical state of Judea, during the Procuratorship of Felix—Is succeeded by Festus—Both reside at Cesarea—Festus dies—Is succeeded by Albinus—State of society more and more disordered—Ananus made high priest—Cestius Gallus visits Jerusalem.
Chapter XXXVI
Rome set on fire by Nero—Disturbances at Cesarea—Florus, the procurator, excites insurrection—His cruelty—The Jews complain to Agrippa—Eleazar son of the high priest, and master of the temple, persuades the Priests to reject all Pagan sacrifices—Dreadful commotions in Judea, and massacres in the temple—Cestius Gallus marches an army towards Jerusalem—The Jews, assembled at the feast of Tabernacles, furiously rush on the hostile army, and slay five hundred men—Agrippa interposes—Persuades the Jews to make peace—But in vain—Gallus brings back his army to the gates of Jerusalem—Retires again to Scopas—Is attacked in the defile of an ambuscade, and flies with a few hundred men—Josephus. the historian, appointed to the command of Galilee and Gamala—Nero sends Vaspasian to Judea—He first subdues Galilee—Bands of robbers infest the country—The Zealots—Parties in Jerusalem—Crueltics perpetrated.
Chapter XXXVII
Vespasians preparations for carrying on the war—State of parties in Jerusalem—Titus marches his army to Jerusalem and commences the siege—Great multitudes of people within the walls—External part of the city taken by Titus—Great efforts made to bring the Jews to terms, but in vain—Castle of Antonia Demolished—A lady eats her own child in the famine—The temple is set on fire and destroyed, contrary to the wishes and orders of Titus—The walls thrown down, and the site of the temple ploughed over—Dreadful infatuation of the Jewish nation—Their restoration clearly predicted.

Biographical Sketches of the Founder, and Principal Alumni of the Log College

Chapter I
the log college
Chapter II
memoir of rev. wm. tennent, sen.
Chapter III
memoir of rev. gilbert tennent
Chapter IV
memoir of rev. gilbert tennent
Chapter V
memoir of rev. gilbert tennent
Chapter VI
memoir of rev. gilbert tennent
Chapter VII
the new london school
Chapter VIII
memoir of rev. john tennent
Chapter IX
rev. wm. tennent’s letter
Chapter X
memoir of rev. wm. tennent, jr.
Chapter XI
remarks on the preceding narrative
Chapter XII
anecdotes of rev. wm. tennent
Chapter XIII
memoir of rev. charles tennent
Chapter XIV
memoir of rev. samuel blair
Chapter XV
memoir of rev. john blair
Chapter XVI
memoir of rev. samuel finley, d.d.
Chapter XVII
memoir of rev. wm. robinson
Chapter XVIII
memoir of rev. john rowland
Chapter XIX
memoir of rev. charles beatty

A Brief Compend of Bible Truth

Chap. I.—being of god
Chap. II.—personality and perfection of god
Chap. III.—the holy scriptures
Chap. IV.—unity of god
Chap. V.—spirituality and simplicity of the divine nature
Chap. VI.—character of god
Chap. VII.—the holy trinity
Chap. VIII.—divinity of christ
Chap. IX.—personality of the holy spirit
Chap. X.—creation
Chap. XI.—good angels
Chap. XII.—bad angels
Chap. XIII.—providence of god
Chap. XIV.—man’s primeval state
Chap. XV.—law of god
Chap. XVI.—fall of man
Chap. XVII.—covenant of grace; or, plan of redemption
Chap. XVIII.—the incarnation
Chap. XIX.—the expiatory sufferings of christ; or, the atonement
Chap. XX.—resurrection and ascension of christ
Chap. XXI.—mediatorial offices of christ
Chap. XXII.—justification
Chap. XXIII.—regeneration and conversion
Chap. XXIV.—repentance toward god and faith in our lord jesus christ
Chap. XXV.—sanctification; or growth in grace
Chap. XXVI.—good works; or, christian duties
Chap. XXVII.—prayer
Chap. XXVIII.—assurance of salvation
Chap. XXIX.—perseverance of the saints
Chap. XXX.—the sacraments
Chap. XXXI.—baptism
Chap. XXXII.—the lord’s supper
Chap. XXXIII.—the lord’s day and divine worship
Chap. XXXIV.—death
Chap. XXXV.—the resurrection
Chap. XXXVI.—the judgment
Chap. XXXVII.—heaven, or, the state of glorification
Chap. XXXVIII.—hell

The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, or the Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions

Part I
Introduction—The importance of ascertaining the true Canon of Holy Scripture
Section I
Early use and import of the word Canon
Section II
Constitution of the Canon of the Old Testament by Ezra—The Canon of the Old Testament, as it now exists, sanctioned by Christ and his Apostles—Catalogues of the books by some of the early Fathers—Agreement of Jews and Christians on this subject
Section III
Apocryphal books—Their origin—Importance of distinguishing between canonical and apocryphal books—Six books of the latter class pronounced canonical by the Council of Trent—Not in the Hebrew, nor received by the Jews, ancient or modern
Section IV
Testimonies of the Christian Fathers, and of other learned men, down to the time of the Council of Trent, respecting the Apocrypha
Section V
Internal evidence that these books are not canonical—The writers not prophets, and do not claim to be inspired
Section VI
No canonical book of the Old Testament has been lost
Section VII
The Oral Law of the Jews without foundation
Part II

Section I
Method of settling the Canon of the New Testament
Section II
Catalogues of the books of the New Testament—Canonical books only cited as authority by the Fathers, and read in the churches as Scripture
Section III
Order of the books of the New Testament—Time of the gospels being written—Notice of the Evangelists
Section IV
Testimonies to Matthew’s gospel—Time of publication—Language in which it was originally composed
Section V
Gospel of Mark—On what occasion published—Ascribed to the dictation of Peter by all the Fathers
Section VI
Gospel of Luke—Testimonies of the Fathers respecting it
Section VII
The objections of J. D. Michäelis to the canonical authority of the gospels of Mark and Luke, considered and answered
Section VIII
The gospel of John—Life of this Evangelist—Occasion and time of his writing—Canonical authority indisputable
Section IX
The Acts of the Apostles—Luke the author—Canonical authority undisputed by the Fathers—Rejected only by heretics
Section X
Testimonies to the canonical authority of the fourteen epistles of Paul
Section XI
Canonical authority of the seven Catholic Epistles
Section XII
Canonical authority of the book of Revelation
Section XIII
The titles given to the sacred Scriptures by the Fathers—These books not concealed, but partially known and referred to by enemies as well as friends—Citations—Ancient manuscripts—Remarks of Rennell
Section XIV
No canonical book of the New Testament has been lost
Section XV
Rules for determining what books are Apocryphal—Some account of the Apocryphal books which have been lost—All of them condemned by the foregoing rules—Reason of the abounding of such books
Section XVI
Apocryphal books which are still extant—Letter of Abgarus, King of Edessa, to Jesus, and his answer—Epistle to the Laodiceans—Letters of Paul to Seneca—Protevangelion of James—The gospel of our Saviour’s infancy—The Acts of Pilate—The Acts of Paul and Thecla
Section XVII
No part of the Christian Revelation handed down by unwritten tradition

Counsels of the Aged to the Young

Good Principles
Useful Knowledge
Good Habits
Good Company
A Good Reputation
Christian Consistency
The Social Virtues
Relative Duties
Government of the Tongue
A Good Conscience
Value of Time
Genuine Piety
Preparation for Death

A Dialogue between a Presbyterian and a “Friend”

A Discourse Occasioned by the Burning of the Theatre in the City of Richmond, Virginia, on the Twenty-Sixth of December, 1811

The Duty of Catechetical Instruction

Evidences of the Authenticity, Inspiration and Canonical Authority of the Holy Scriptures

Chapter I
The right use of reason in religion
Chapter II
It is impossible to banish all religion from the world, and if it were possible, it would be the greatest calamity which could befal the human race
Chapter III
If Christianity be rejected, there is no other religion which can be substituted in its place, at least no other which will at all answer the purpose for which religion is desirable
Chapter IV
Revelation necessary to teach us how to worship God acceptably—the nature and certainty of a future state—and especially, the method by which sinners may obtain salvation
Chapter V
There is nothing improbable or unreasonable in the idea of a revelation from God, and consequently nothing improbable or unreasonable in such a manifest divine interposition, as may be necessary to establish a revelation
Chapter VI
Miracles are capable of proof from testimony
Chapter VII
The miracles of the Gospel are credible
Chapter VIII
The rapid and extensive progress of the Gospel, by instruments so few and feeble, is a proof of divine interposition
Chapter IX
Prophecies respecting the Jewish nation which have been remarkably fulfilled
Chapter X
Prophecies relating to Nineveh, Babylon, Tyre, &c.
Chapter XI
Prophecies respecting Messiah—predictions of Christ respecting the destruction of Jerusalem
Chapter XII
No other religion possesses the same kind and degree of evidence as Christianity: and no other miracles are as well attested as those recorded in the Bible
Chapter XIII
The Bible contains internal evidence that its origin is divine
Chapter XIV
The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were written by the inspiration of God; and this inspiration, however it may be distinguished, was plenary; that is, the writers were under an infallible guidance, both as to ideas and words; and yet the acquired knowledge, habits, and peculiar dispositions, of the writers, were not superseded
Chapter XV
The inspiration of the books of the New Testament
Canonical Authority Of The Books Of Scripture
Chapter XVI
The importance of ascertaining the true canon of Holy Scripture
Chapter XVII
The care with which the books of the Old Testament were preserved—their canonical authority—the sanction given to these books by the Saviour and his apostles—and the method of ascertaining what books were in the canon at the time of Christ’s advent
Chapter XVIII
The books denominated apocryphal have no just claim to a place among the canonical Scriptures of the Old Testament
Chapter XIX
Canon of the New Testament—method of settling it—testimony of the Church—constitution of the canon—whence these books derive their authority—solicitude of early Christians to obtain these books—their care to distinguish them from others—autographs, &c.
Chapter XX
Testimonies in favour of the canonical authority of the books of the New Testament
Chapter XXI
Canonical authority of Paul’s Epistles
Chapter XXII
The canonical authority of the seven Catholic epistles, and of the book of Revelation
Chapter XXIII
Recapitulation of evidence on the canon of the New Testament

A History of the Israelitish Nation

From The Creation To The Death Of Joseph

From The Death Of Joseph To The Death Of Moses

From The Death Of Moses To The Commencement Of The Regal Government

From The Institution Of The Regal Government To The Babylonish Captivity

From The Babylonish Captivity To The Conquest Of Judea By The Romans

From The Conquest Of Judea By The Romans Until The Destruction Of Jerusalem

A Memorial of Mrs. Margaret Breckinridge

Chapter I
Life of Mrs. Breckinridge
Chapter II
Additional Illustrations of the Life and Character of Mrs. Breckinridge
Her Religious Character
Her dedication to the work of Foreign Missions
Her Sacrifices for the Church of God
Her Last Sickness and Death
Chapter III
Closing Reflections
A Sermon—by the Rev. A. Alexander, D. D.
letters of a grandfather
Letter I
Letter II
Human Nature
Letter III
The Way of Salvation
Letter IV
The Bible
Letter V
Letter VI
Cultivation of the Mind
Letter VII
Cultivation of the Heart and the Moral Habits
Letter VIII

A Missionary Sermon, Preached in the First Presbyterian Church

Practical Sermons to Be Read in Families and Social Meetings

Sermon I.—Obedience to Christ gives Assurance of the Truth of his Doctrines. John 7:17
Sermon II.—The Knowledge of Sin by the Law. Rom. 3:20
Sermon III.—The First and Greatest Commandment. Mark 12:29, 30
Sermon IV.—The Second like unto the First. Mark 12:31
Sermon V.—The Name Jesus. Matt. 1:21
Sermon VI.—The Incarnation. Luke 2:13, 14
Sermon VII.—Christ’s Gift of Himself for our Redemption. Titus 2:14
Sermon VIII.—The New Creation. Gal. 6:15
Sermon IX.—Repentance and Forgiveness the Gift of our exalted Saviour. Acts 5:31
Sermon X.—Receiving Christ by Faith. John 1:12
Sermon XI.—Privileges of the Sons of God. John 1:12, 13
Sermon XII.—Deceitfulness of the Heart. Jer. 17:9
Sermon XIII.—Wickedness of the Heart. Jer. 17:9
Sermon XIV.—Christ our Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption. 1 Cor. 1:30
Sermon XV.—The one Thing needful. Luke 10:42
Sermon XVI.—The Love of Christ. Ephes. 5:2
Sermon XVII.—Love to Christ. John 21:17
Sermon XVIII.—Keeping alive the Love of God. Jude 21
Sermon XIX.—Strength Renewed by Waiting on the Lord. Isa. 40:31
Sermon XX.—The true Israelite. John 1:47
Sermon XXI.—God to be glorified by those bought with a Price. 1 Cor. 6:19, 20
Sermon XXII.—The Way in which God leads his People. Isa. 42:16
Sermon XXIII.—Not slothful, but Followers of the Saints by Faith. Heb. 6:12
Sermon XXIV.—Christ the Believer’s Refuge and Consolation. Heb. 6:18
Sermon XXV.—Returning to our first Love. Rev. 2:4, 5
Sermon XXVI.—The Blessedness of trusting in God. Psa. 2:12
Sermon XXVII.—Faith’s Victory over the World. 1 John 5:4
Sermon XXVIII.—The Benefits of Affliction. Psa. 119:71
Sermon XXIX.—Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ. Phil. 3:8
Sermon XXX.—Holding forth the Word of Life. Phil. 2:16
Sermon XXXI.—The house of God desirable. Psa. 84:1, 2
Sermon XXXII.—The Misery of impenitent Sinners. Acts 8:23
Sermon XXXIII.—Spiritual Worship. Phil. 3:3
Sermon XXXIV.—The Difficulty of knowing our Faults. Psa. 19:12
Sermon XXXV.—God’s Grace sufficient. 2 Cor. 12:9
Sermon XXXVI.—The dying Martyr’s Prayer. Acts 7:59
Sermon XXXVII.—Christ’s gracious Invitation. Matt. 11:28

Practical Truths

“The Poor have the Gospel preached unto them”
Distribution of books no new thing
Value of a good book—Tennents’ Views of Revivals
The faithful Elder
Elder’s eldest Son
A great truth—Eve of great events
Walking by faith
Evils of War
William Wirt and the Blind Preacher
Why will ye Die?
Christianity in its nature aggressive
The almost Christian
Prayer a Privilege
A good Tree
The Godly and the Ungodly
“Thou Fool”
Looking unto Jesus
The King of Terrors
The Judgment
A distant view of New York
What the Disciples saw
Deceitfulness of Sin
Wells of Salvation
Christ the Believer’s Life
Answer to Prayer long deferred
Why Halt between Two Opinions?
Preparation for Death
The Cross
The Gospel no Failure
Christ Standing and Knocking at the Door
Fixedness of Purpose
Love of the Truth
The Peace of God
Unsearchable Riches of Christ
What I Desire
Fasting and Prayer
A Disciple
A Word to the Young
The Importance of Salvation
An amiable Youth falling short of Heaven
The Day of Judgment
The Misery of the Lost
Justification by Faith
Sinners welcome to come to Jesus Christ
Future Punishment; or, the Universalist Refuted
The Poor Man’s Guide and Friend
The New Settlement—a dialogue
The Colporteur and Cottager—a dialogue
The Colporteur and Farmer—a dialogue
The Colporteur and Aged Man—a dialogue
The Colporteur and Roman-catholic—in dialogues
Counsels, Encouragement, and Aid in the Work of the American Tract Society
Death of Dr. Alexander

The Sermon, Delivered at the Inauguration of the Rev. Archibald Alexander

Suggestions in Vindication of Sunday-Schools,

Thoughts on Religious Experience

Chapter I
Early religious impressions.—Different results.—Classes of persons least impressed.—Examples of ineffectual impressions
Chapter II
Piety in children.—Comparatively few renewed in infancy and childhood.—Soul awakened in different ways.—Legal conviction not a necessary part of true religion.—Progress of conviction
Chapter III
The new birth an event of great importance.—The evidences of the new birth.—Diversities of experience in Converts.—Examples.—Causes of diversity
Chapter IV
Causes of diversity in experience continued.—Effect of temperament.—Melancholy.—Advice to the friends of persons thus affected.—Subject continued.—Illustrative cases.—Causes of melancholy and insanity
Chapter V
Effect of sympathy illustrated.—Cautions in relation to this subject.—A singular case in illustration
Chapter VI
Erroneous views of regeneration.—The correct view.—The operation of faith.—Exercises of mind, as illustrated in President Edwards’ Narrative.—The operations of faith still further explained
Chapter VII
Considerations on dreams, visions, &c.—Remarkable conversion of a blind infidel from hearing the Bible read
Chapter VIII
Religious Conversation.—Stress laid by some on the knowledge of the time and place of conversion.—Religious experience of Halyburton
Chapter IX
Christian experience of R—— C——.—Narrative of Sir Richard Hill’s experience
Chapter X
Imperfect sanctification.—The spiritual warfare
Chapter XI
Narrative of G—— A—— S——, an Episcopal Clergyman. Narrative of a young Officer in the Army
Chapter XII
The spiritual conflict.—Various exhibitions of it.—Evil thoughts. A case in illustration
Chapter XIII
Growth in grace.—Signs of it.—Practical directions how to grow in grace.—Hinderances to it
Chapter XIV
Backsliding.—The Backslider restored
Chapter XV
The rich man and the poor.—The various trials of believers
Chapter XVI
Death-bed of the Believer
Chapter XVII
Death-bed exercises of Andrew Rivet
Chapter XVIII
Death-bed exercises and speeches of Rev. Thomas Halyburton
Chapter XIX
Dying Experience of Mr. John Janeway, the Rev. Edward Payson, and Rev. Samuel Finley, D. D.
Chapter XX
Remarks on Death-bed Exercises, with several illsutrative examples
Chapter XXI
Death-bed exercises of Mr. Baxter, and the Rev. Thomas Scott, D. D.
Chapter XXII
Preparation for death.—The state of the soul after death
PRAYER for one who feels that he is approaching the borders of another world

Thoughts on the Education of Pious and Indigent Candidates for the Ministry

Universalism: False and Unscriptural

Universalism characterized—Its contrariety to Scripture
The fallacious reasoning of Universalists answered
The Doctrine of Universal Salvation receives no support from the express declarations of Scripture
Universal salvation cannot be inferred from the limitation, in some instances, of the terms everlasting, eternal, for ever
Universalism disproved by express declarations of Scripture as well as by man’s relation to the divine law
The immoral tendencies of Universalism invalidate its pretensions to a divine origin
The argument against Universalism from general consent
The Nature of future Punishment

The Way of Salvation: Familiarly Explained in a Conversation between a Father and His Children

What's New in Version 2.0 (See full changelog)

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Thanks for the collection... I've been meaning to read: "Canon of the Old And New Testaments Ascertained" and "Authenticity, Inspiration and Canonical Authority of the Holy Scriptures".

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