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  • Submitted: Aug 10 2017 06:15 AM
  • Last Updated: Aug 10 2017 06:15 AM
  • File Size: 2.27MB
  • Views: 1555
  • Downloads: 107
  • Author: Dr. George Gunn
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Exegesis of Romans11:11-24
  • Suggest New Tag:: Exegesis
  • Module Identifier: Exegesis of Romans11:11-24

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Download Exegesis of Romans11:11-24

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Greek Romans

Dr. George Gunn

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3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Exegesis of Romans11:11-24

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Exegesis of Romans11:11-24

Romans 11:11-24 has suffered from gross misinterpretation due to its being viewed from a non-dispensational perspective. Covenant theologians, with their supercessionist presuppositions, have imported a soteriological theme to this passage that is foreign to the context. This presupposition has led some to see this passage as conveying faulty views of the relationship between Israel and the church. A common misunderstanding views the church as having been grafted into Israel. For example, Craig Keener writes, “Gentile Christians must remember that they are grafted into a Jewish faith, and that when they are grafted into the Old Testament people of God, they accept not only Israel’s spiritual history as their own but also Jews as in some sense their siblings….” Such a view is not only theologically unsound, but exegetically irresponsible. This exegetical study of Romans 11:11-24 will seek to demonstrate that Paul was discussing a primarily dispensational theme, not a primarily soteriological one. Though soteriology figures significantly in a secondary way in the development of Paul’s argument, the main theme has to do with how God administers His affairs in the world and the röle that national Israel plays in this administration.

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