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- Submitted: Aug 21 2017 11:28 AM
- Last Updated: Aug 21 2017 11:28 AM
- File Size: 298.48K
- Views: 2806
- Downloads: 89
- Author: Dr. Charlie Bing
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Why Is Lordship Salvation So Popular?
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- Module Identifier: Why Is Lordship Salvation So Popular - Dr. Charlie Bing.gbk.twm
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Why Is Lordship Salvation So Popular?

Soteriology (Salvation) Systematic Theology

Dr. Charlie Bing
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3.x - 4.x
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Why Is Lordship Salvation So Popular?
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"Lordship Salvation"
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Why Is Lordship Salvation So Popular - Dr. Charlie Bing.gbk.twm
A question often asked by those who hold the Free Grace position is Why is Lordship Salvation so popular? The Free Grace position teaches salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ alone, meaning that an unsaved person cannot do anything or make any commitment (such as submitting to Jesus as the Master of one's life) in order to be saved, and that believe means to be convinced or persuaded of the truth of the gospel. The Lordship view stands in opposition to the Free Grace position by teaching that an unsaved person must believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and submit to Him as Lord (or Master) of his life. They teach that believe includes submission, commitment, and obedience. Though specific biblical answers could be given (see past GraceNotes), here we simply state some reasons why Lordship Salvation is so popular.
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