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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Dec 12 2023 08:50 AM
  • Last Updated: Dec 14 2023 12:30 PM
  • File Size: 81.14MB
  • Views: 804
  • Downloads: 166
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: XR+WEB
  • Module Identifier: XR+WEB

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theWord Module Download:
Download XR (eXtended References) with WEB text - The ultimate cross-references module 1.0

- - - - -
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:

Module Identifier:

What is this
Hopefully, the best cross-references module.
Letting the Bible interpret itself is much better than relying on commentaries.
This module helps you find related verses.

May the Lord bless you as you try to know Him better (to serve Him better), through His Word!

How to install
For installation instructions, see the file readme-first-xr+web.md inside the downloaded ZIP.

Modules from this set Sources of data
  • TSKe (TSK Enhanced) from Bible Analyzer (Copyright 2010-2016, Timothy S. Morton www.BibleAnalyzer.com), used by permission (the license explicitly allows derivative works)
  • KJV Bible text from ebible.org, public domain outside the United Kingdom
  • WEB Bible text from ebible.org, public domain
  • You can use this module together with TheWord clipboard monitoring, to be able to see the Bible verse texts in your default Bible translation. To do this:
    • enable clipboard monitoring at File -> Preferences -> Clipboard monitoring
      • uncheck "Disable clipboard monitoring"
      • uncheck "Disable temporarily clipboard monitoring for content copied from within theWord"
    • select the verse references and copy them to clipboard (Ctrl+C)
  • Verse references that have a star * before them are more important/relevant than those that don't. This information comes from TSKe.
  • Removed extra TSKe info (book intros, chapter outlines, commentary text, etc.). Only the Bible references have been kept. This is a cross-reference module, not a commentary module.
  • The current verse text is at the top, using the text of the KJV. This is needed to know to which parts of the verse does the TSKe refer (the section titles below).
  • The current verse is also a hyperlink to itself. This allows you to hover the mouse over the link and see how the verse looks in his other translations (see File -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Display the verse references in these additional translations in popups -> Choose Bibles...). I don't use this much. Instead I use the module Self-referencing Cross Reference Commentary.
A big thank-you to
  • Timothy S. Morton from https://www.bibleanalyzer.com/
    • for all the work he did to correct and enhance Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
    • for allowing derivative works, like this module
  • the people at https://ebible.org/download.php
    • for giving us a modern Bible translation (WEB - World English Bible)
    • for making this translation public domain, allowing derivative works, like this module
Than you. God knows your work of love.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • initial version

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