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- Submitted: Sep 09 2024 10:40 AM
- Last Updated: Dec 07 2024 11:18 AM
- File Size: 81.57MB
- Views: 3037
- Downloads: 294
- Author: E.M. Zerr, David Lipscomb, Moses Lard, J.W. McGarvey, R.L. Whiteside, Barton W. Johnson, R.C. Bell, Foy E. Wallace, Guy N. Woods, Mark Copeland, Roger Dickson, and other Greats of the Restoration Movement
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: ZerrCBC
- Suggest New Tag:: Commentary,Conservative
- Module Identifier: Zerr Combined Commentary.cmt.twm
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Zerr's Combined Bible Commentary Version 2.4.6

New Testament Biblical Studies Language / Interpretation Exegesis Greek Hermeneutics Word Study Church of Christ Whole Bible Old Testament

E.M. Zerr, David Lipscomb, Moses Lard, J.W. McGarvey, R.L. Whiteside, Barton W. Johnson, R.C. Bell, Foy E. Wallace, Guy N. Woods, Mark Copeland, Roger Dickson, and other Greats of the Restoration Movement
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
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Module Identifier:
Zerr Combined Commentary.cmt.twm
Please See the Changelog below for the most recent updates....
The Zerr Combined Bible Commentary is a work in progress...Completed Books of the Bible
will feature anywhere from Two(2) to Six(6) Commentaries for each Completed Book of the Bible.
Numerous Maps and Graphicis throughout, but not necessarily every Completed Book.
Version 2.4.6 Module when unZIPped is approximately 304 MB (12/07/24) - 82 MB (Zipped)
Currently Adding Dickson Teacher's Bible by Roger Dickson
Addition of 58 Books of the Dickson Teacher's Bible is Now Complete
- New Testament - Matthrew thru Revelation[27 Books Complete! 11/29/24]
- Old Testament - Pentateuch and Books of History[17 Books Complete! 12/05/24]
- Old Testament - Poetry and Wisdom Books[Coming Soon!]
.....Job(TBA), Psalms(TBA), Proverbs(TBA), Ecclesiastes(TBA), Song of Solomon(TBA) - Old Testament - Major Prophets[Coming Soon!]
.....Isaiah(TBA), Jeremiah(TBA), Lamentations(12/05), Ezekiel(TBA), Daniel(12/07)
..........Daniel is Complete except for some work on Zerr's Bible Commentary
.........Daniel also includes Twenty(20) Expository Sermons - Lamentations has Six Expository Sermons
.........Major Prophets above Underlined in Green above are Complete - Old Testament - Minor Prophets [12 Books Completed 11/05/24]
..........Includes Expository Sermons For Hosea through Malachi
.....View Dickson Teacher's Bible online at https://www.roger-e-...g/teachersbible
.....From there you can also view the large Biblical Research Library.
Includes these Greek Word Studies as of 10/15/24
1. Nicoll's (5-Volumes) Expositor's Greek NT Commentary [Verse Notes]
2. Wuest NT Studies: Mark [copyright 1950] [Chapter Notes]
3. Wuest NT Studies: Romans[ copyright 1955] [Chapter Notes]
4. Wuest NT Studies:Galatians[ copyright 1944] [Book Notes]
Some Works Completed so far:
1. Zerr Bible New Testament Commentary [Chapter Notes] for Matthew thru Revelation (Completed 9/26/24)
2. Zerr Bible Old Testament Commentary [Chapter Notes] for Genesis thru Esther and Hosea thru Malachi (Completed)
3. Nicoll's Expositor's Greek Commentary for Matthew thru Revelation [Verse Notes] (Completed 10/14/24)
....As of 10/14/24 Nicoll's is Complete, but the formation of Links, etc. for Revelation isn't quite finished, but will be updated soon.
....Please note that Nicoll's is found at the beginning of the Verse Notes for each chapter, then related Verse-by-Verse Commentary
....will be located after Nicoll's Greek New Testament Commentary. This may change slightly when Vincent's NT Word Studies for
....most of the NT Epistles is added.
4. Extended Commentary, Charts and Maps [Verse Notes] for Matthew (Completed)
5. Extended Commentary [Verse Notes] for Mark (Completed)
6. Greek Word Studies for the Gospel of Mark and Book of Romans [Wuest][Chapter Notes] (Completed)
7. J.W. McGarvey Commentary on Matthew and Mark [Chapter Notes] (Completed)
....Commentary on Acts by J.W. McGarvery and More Maps for Acts [Chapter Notes] (Completed)
....Extensive Commentay For Acts by Lipscomb, Boles and several others (Completed)
8. H. Leo Boles Commentary on Matthew (Chapter Notes) (Completed)
9 Book Notes Introduction for Mark by C.E.W Dorris including some nice maps!
10. C.E.W Dorris Commentary on Mark (Chapter Notes) (Completed)
11. H. Leo Boles Commentary on Luke (Chapter Notes) (Completed)
12. David Lipscomb Commentary on John (Chapter Notes) (Completed)
13. Expanded Background Info and Maps for Matthew thru John (Chapter Notes) (Completed)
14. Commentary and Lessons by Moses Lard, R.L. Whiteside, R.C. Bell for Romans (Chapter Notes)(Completed)
..... These Notes include 90 Wordsearch puzzles on every chapter in Romans
15. Full Commentary on Romans by David Lipscomb (Chapter Notes)(Completed)
16. Full Commentary on 1st Corinthians by David Lipscomb (Chapter Notes)(Completed)
17. Full Commentary on 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians by David Lipscomb (Chapter Notes)(Completed)
18. Full Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians by David Lipscomb (Chapter Notes)(Completed)
19. Full Commentary on 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon by David Lipscomb (Chapter Notes)(Completed)
20. Full Commentary on Hebrews by Robert Milligan (Chapter Notes)(Completed)
21. Full Commentary on James by Guy N. Woods (Chapter Notes)(Completed)
22. Full Commentary on Peter/John/Jude--Guy N. Woods [Chapter Notes](Completed)
23. Full Commentary on Revelation--John T. Hinds [Chapter Notes](Completed)
24. Full Commentary on Revelation--Foy E. Wallace [Chapter Notes](Completed)
Up Next:
This is a small sample of what I have, with priority placed on the New Testament first,
then the Old Testament. However, I have a keen interest in the prophets [Isaiah thru Malachi].
There will be much more added beyond what is listed below:
1. Hebrews--J.B. Rotherham[Chapter Notes]
2. The Books of Revelation and Daniel --Homer Hailey [probably Chapter Notes]
3. Revelation: Vision for the Ages by Barton W. Johnson [maybe Verse Notes]
4. Extended Commentary, Charts and Maps [Verse Notes] for Genesis thru Malachi
5. Extended Commentary, Charts and Maps [Verse Notes] for Acts thru Revelation.
Special Note:
(1) This module when displayed is designed (on my system) with the Bible Panel on the left taking
up 50% of the screen. The other half, of course, is allocated to this module. With the two panels
evenly split like this, there should be no problems with the display of the text in the Commentary
view. Make the Panel too small and the display of the Commentary text may not display properly
(2)The Book of Romans includes approximately 100 Word search puzzles which are found located
at the end of the Chapter Notes for Romans. This feature may also be added for the other books,
down the road. For Romans I may rearrange things a bit, since I have Moses Lard's Commentary on
Romans duplicated in the Chapter Notes. Will eventually redo that to make the module smaller.
Some Information about this Commentary:
(1) This commentary created by a retired Preacher (50 yrs) and designed to be more like a library.
(2) The complete and Unabridged Commentary by E.M. Zerr for the book of Genesis thru Revelation. (Chapter Notes)
(3) Like in the e-Sword Version, there will be a large collection of "Verse-by-Verse" comments in
the New Testament verse notes. Am concentrating on the Book Notes and Chapter Notes for now. Then will add the
Verse-by-Verse Commentary to the Verse Notes, as I complete each New Testament Book.
(4) All verse notes for the entire New Testament will begin with Commentary from the Expositor's Greek New
.....Testament (5 volumes) as edited and published by W. Robertson Nicoll ©late 19th century. After the
..... Expositor's Greek NT commentary there will be scholarly commentary for each verse. There will be more for Greek Studies on each New Testament Book (provided I find the time to add this feature.)
(5) There will be a wide variety of Charts and Maps contained mostly in the Verse Notes, but there will also be
.....many in the Chapter Notes, as I find the time to embed them.
(6) Am also seeking permission from to add their sets of Commentaries to the Zerr's Combined Bible Commentary.
What's New in Version Version 2.4.6 (See full changelog)
- Ver 1.1.3 - Nicoll's Expositor's Greek Commentary for Luke added.(9/18/24)
- Ver 1.1.4 - Nicoll's Expositor's Greek Commentary Completed for Matthew 1 to John 1 (9/18/24)
- Ver 1.1.5 - McGarvey's Commentary on Mark (Completed) (9/18/24)
- Ver 1.1.6 - H.Leo Boles Commentary on Matthew (Completed) (9/20/24)
- Ver 1.1.7 - C.E.W. Dorris Book Notes for Mark (9/20/24)
- Ver 1.1.8 - C.E.W Dorris Commentary on Mark (Completed)(9/21/24)
- Ver 1.1.9 - H. Leo Boles Commentary on Mark (Completed) (9/22/24)
- Ver 1.2.0 - David Lipscomb Commentary on John (Completed) (9/23/24)
- Ver 1.2.1 - Expanded Additional Background/Maps Info for Matthew thru John (9/23/24)
- Ver 1.2.2 - Nicoll's Expositor's Greek Commentary for Matthew thru John (Completed)(9/25/24)
- Ver 1.2.3 - Added Zerr's Commentary [Chapter Notes] for Book of Acts (9/25/24)
- Ver 1.2.3 - Added some Book Notes for Acts (9/25/24)
- Ver 1.2.4 - Extended Verse Notes for Mark (9/25/24)
- Ver 1.2.5 - Zerr Commentary for Romans (Completed)(9/25/24
- Ver 1.2.6 - Zerr Commentary Completed for the New Testament (9/26/24)
- Ver 1.2.7 - Zerr Commentary for Genesis added (9/26/24)
- Ver 1.2.8 - Extended Commentary for Acts by McGarvey and others (9/26/24)
- Ver 1.2.9 - More Commentary on Acts [Chapter Notes] plus Maps (9/26/24)
- Ver 1.3.0 - More Extensive Commentary for ACTS 1-19 (9/28/24)
- Ver 1.3.1 - Finished Acts and Improved Nicoll's Greek Commentary for Acts (9/30/24)
- Ver 1.3.2 - Moses Lard, R.L. Whiteside, R.C.Bell Commentary and Studies on Romans (Completed)(10/02/24)
- Ver 1.3.3 - Add 100 Wordsearch puzzles to the Chapter Notes for Romans (10/02/24)
- Ver 1.3.4 - Added Full Commentary on Romans by David Lipscomb (10/03/24)
- Ver 1.3.5 - Added Full Commentary on 1st Corinthians by David Lipsconmb (10/03/24)
- Ver 1.3.6 - Added 2nd Corinthians, Galations and Ephesians by David Lipscomb (10/04/24)
- Ver 1.3.7 - Added Philippians thru 2nd Thessalonians by David Lipscomb (10/04/24)
- Ver 1.3.8 - Added 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon by David Lipscomb (10/04/24)
- Ver 1.3.9 - Added Commentary on Hebrews by Robert Milligain (10/04/24)
- Ver 1.4.0 - Added Commentary on James by Guy N. Woods (10/04/24)
- Ver 1.4.1 - Added 1Peter thru Revelation (10/06/24)
- Ver 1.4.2 - Finished up Commentary on Revelation by Hinds and Wallace (10/06/24)
- Ver 1.4.3 - Completed Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary for Romans and 1st Corinthians (10/08/24)
- Ver 1.4.4 - Added 2nd Corinthians of Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary (10/09/24)
- Ver 1.4.5 - Added Galatians of Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary (10/09/24)
- Ver 1.4.6 - Added Ephesians of Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary (10/10/24)
- Ver 1.4.7 - Added Philippians and Colossians of Nicoll's Greet NT Commentary (10/10/24)
- Ver 1.4.8 - Some Minor work on Verse Notes for the New Testament Completed (10/11/24)
- Ver 1.4.9 - Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary Completed thru 1st Timothy (10/11/24)
- Ver 1.5.0 - Added 2nd Timothy for Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary (10/12/24)
- Ver 1.5.1 - Added Titus and Philemon for Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary (10/12/24)
- Ver 1.5.2 - Added Hebrews for Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary (10/12/24)
- Ver 1.5.3 - Added James for Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary (10/13/24)
- Ver 1.5.4 - Added 1-2 Peter, 1-2-3 John and Jude for Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary (10/14/24)
- Ver 1.5.5 - Added Introduction to Revelation for Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary (10/14/24)
- Ver 1.5.6 - Added Revelation for Nicoll's Greek NT Commentary (10/14/24)
- Ver 1.5.7 - Added Greek NT Word Studies for Mark (10/14/24)
- Ver 1.5.8 - Added Greek NT Word Studies for Romans (10/15/24)
- Ver 1.5.9 - Begun Adding Dickson Teacher's Bible with Matthew 1-7 (10/16/24)
- Ver 1.6.0 - Added Matthew 1-14 - Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/17/24)
- Ver 1.6.1 - Completed Dickson Teacher's Bible for Matthew 1-20 (10/17/24)
- Ver 1.6.2 - Added Book of Matthew for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/17/24)
- Ver 1.6.3 - Added Book of Ruth for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/18/24)
- Ver 1.6.4 - Added Book of Ezra for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/18/24)
- Ver 1.6.5 - Added Book of Nehemiah for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/19/24)
- Ver 1.6.6 - Added Book of Esther for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/19/24)
- Ver 1.6.7 - Begun adding Book of Genesis for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/19/24)
- Ver 1.6.8 - Completed Genesis 1-50 for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/20/24)
- Ver 1.6.9 - Added Exodus for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/21/24)
- Ver 1.7.0 - Added Leviticus for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/22/24)
- Ver 1.7.1 - Added Zerr's Commentary for Book of Numbers (10/22/24)
- Ver 1.7.2 - Added Zerr's Commentary for Book of Deuteronomy (10/23/24)
- Ver 1.7.3 - Added Numbers for the Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/23/24)
- Ver 1.7.4 - Added Deuteronomy for the Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/24/24)
- Ver 1.7.5 - Added Zerr's Commentary for the Book of Joshua (10/24/24)
- Ver 1.7.6 - Added Joshua for the Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/24/24)
- Ver 1.7.7 - Added Zerr's Commentary for the Book of Judges (10/24/24)
- Ver 1.7.8 - Added Judges 1-10 for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/24/24)
- Ver 1.7.9 Completed Judges for Dickson Teacher's BIble (10/24/24)
- Ver 1.8.0 Completed 1st Samuel for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/25/24)
- Ver 1.8.1 Completed 2nd Samuel for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/26/24)
- Ver 1.8.2 Completed 1st Kings for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/26/24)
- Ver 1.8.3 Improvements and Corrections for 1st Kings [Chapter Notes] (10/27/24)
- Ver 1.8.4 Completed 2nd Kings for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/28/24)
- Ver 1.8.5 Completed Obadiah with Comments by Homer Hailey and for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/28/24)
- Ver 1.8.6 Completed Joel with Comments by Homer Hailey and for Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/28/24)
- Ver 1.8.7 Added Nahum, Micah, Zephaniah with Comments by Hailey For Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/30/24)
- Ver 1.8.8 Added Habakkuk with Comments by Homer Hailey For Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/30/24)
- Ver 1.8.9 Added Haggai with Comments by Homer Hailey For Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/31/24)
- Ver 1.8.9 Added Zerr's Commentary for the Book of Joel, Obadiah, and Jonah (10/31/24)
- Ver 1.9.0 Completed Jonah with Comments by Homer Hailey For Dickson Teacher's Bible (10/31/24)
- Ver 1.9.1 Added Zerr's For some of the Minor Prophets (10/31/24)
- Ver 1.9.2 Added Zerr's For Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai (10/31/24)
- Ver 1.9.3 Add Zerr's For Malachi and Comments by Homer Hailey on Malachi For Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/01/24)
- Ver 1.9.4 Added Strong Intro for Amos by Homer Hailey and Dickson (Commentary not included)(11/01/24)
- Ver 1.9.5 Completed Amos with Comments by Homer Hailey For Dickson Bible Commentary (11/02/24)
- Ver 1.9.6 Added Introductions for Hosea and Zechariah with Comments by Homer Hailey and Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/02/24)
- Ver 1.9.7 Added Comments by Hailey and Dickson Teacher's Bible For Zechariah (11/03/24)
- Ver 1.9.8 Completed Hosea With Comments by Homer Hailey and Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/04/24)
- Ver 1.9.9 Added Expository Sermons For Hosea and Joel [by Brent Kercheville] (11/04/24)
- Ver 2.0.0 Added More Sermons For Amos thru Nahum [by Brent Kercheville] (11/04/24)
- Ver 2.0.1 Added More Sermons For Habakkuk thru Haggai [by Brent Kercheville] (11/04/24)
- Ver 2.0.2 Add Sermons For Zechariah and Malachi [by Brent Kercheville] (11/05/24)
- Ver 2.0.3 Completed Zerr's Commentary for the Minor Prophets (11/05/24)
- Ver 2.0.4 Added Book of Mark For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/06/24)
- Ver 2.0.5 Added Intro and Commentary on Luke 1-14 For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/07/24)
- Ver 2.0.6 Completed Book of Luke For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/08/24)
- Ver 2.0.7 Started Book of John For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/08/24)
- Ver 2.0.8 Added Philemon, 2-3 John and Jude For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/08/24)
- Ver 2.0.9 Added Book of Titus For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/08/24)
- Ver 2.1.0 Added Book of First John For the Dickson Teacher'S Bible (11/09/24)
- Ver 2.1.1 Added Book of Second Peter For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/09/24)
- Ver 2.1.2 Added Book of First Peter For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/10/24)
- Ver 2.1.3 Added Book of James and Intro to Hebrews For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/10/24)
- Ver 2.1.4 Added Hebrews Chapters 1-8 For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/14/24)
- Ver 2.1.5 Completed Book of Hebrews For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/15/24)
- Ver 2.1.6 Added Book of Second Timothy For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/16/24)
- Ver 2.1.7 Added 2 Thessalonians and First Timothy For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/16/24)
- Ver 2.1.8 Added 1st Thessalonians For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/16/24)
- Ver 2.1.9 Added Colossians For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/16/24)
- Ver 2.2.0 Added Philippians For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/17/24)
- Ver 2.2.1 Added Ephesians For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/18/24)
- Ver 2.2.2 Added Strong Introduction of Galatians For the Dickson Bible, plus Galatians 1-5 (11/18/24)
- Ver 2.2.3 Completed Book of Galatians For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/18/24)
- Ver 2.2.4 Added Book of 1st Corinthians 1-8 For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/19/24)
- Ver 2.2.5 Completed Book of 1st Corinthians For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/20/24)
- Ver 2.2.6 Added Nice Introduction to Romans For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/20/24)
- Ver 2.2.7 Added Romans Chap 1-10 For the Dickson Teacher's Bible
- Ver 2.2.8 Completed Romans For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/21/24)
- Ver 2.2.9 Added Introduction on Revelation and Rev 1-19 For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/21/24)
- Ver 2.3.0 Completed the Book of Revelation For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/22/24)
- Ver 2.3.1 Completed the Book of John For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/27/24)
- Ver 2.3.2 Added Acts Intro and Acts 1-18 for the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/29/24)
- Ver 2.3.3 Completed the New Testament Books for the Dickson Teacher's Bible (11/29/24)
- Ver 2.3.4 Added Introductions to 1st & 2nd Chronicles and 1st Chron 1-20 for Zerr's and the Dickson Teacher's Bible (12/02/24)
- Ver 2.3.5 Completed 1st Chronicles For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (12/01/24)
- Ver 2.3.6 Completed 1st Chronicles For Zerr's Bible Commentary (12/02/24)
- Ver 2.3.7 Completed 2nd Chronicles For the Dickson Teacher's Bible (12/03/24)
- Ver 2.3.8 Added 2nd Chronicles 1-30 For Zerr's Bible Commentary (12/04/24)
- Verseion 2.3.9 Completed 2nd Chronicles For Zerr's Bible Commentary (12/05/24)
- Ver 2.4.0 Completed Lamentations For Zerr's and Dickson Teacher's Bible (12/05/24)
- Ver 2.4.1 Added Commentary on Daniel 1-12 For Th Dickson Teacher's Bible (12/05/24)
- Ver 2.4.2 Added Expanded Introduction for the Book of Daniel (12/06/24)
- Ver 2.4.3 Added Extended Bible Commentary [Chapter Notes] for Daniel 1-10 (12/07/24)
- Ver 2.4.4 Completed Extend Commentary for Daniel [Chapter Notes] for Daniel 1-12
- Ver 2.4.5 Added Expository Sermons for the Book of Daniel (12/07/24)
- Ver 2.4.6 Added Expository Sermons to the Chapter Notes For Lamentations (12/07/24)
<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Great job on the updates!I’m really glad so many commentaries are completed.This will definitely add value for all of us using the Zerr Combined Bible Commentary.Working on the Old Testament will also be excitingI believe your interest in the prophets will bring new insights.May your passions keep you busy <a href=""></a></p>
[quote name='FlorianX5' timestamp='1727156560']
Great job on the updates!I’m really glad so many commentaries are completed.This will definitely add value for all of us using the Zerr Combined Bible Commentary.Working on the Old Testament will also be excitingI believe your interest in the prophets will bring new insights.May your passions keep you busy [url=""][/url]
Great job on the updates!I’m really glad so many commentaries are completed.This will definitely add value for all of us using the Zerr Combined Bible Commentary.Working on the Old Testament will also be excitingI believe your interest in the prophets will bring new insights.May your passions keep you busy [url=""][/url]
[quote name='FlorianX5' timestamp='1727156611'] [quote name='FlorianX5' timestamp='1727156560']Świetna robota z aktualizacjami!Bardzo się cieszę, że tak wiele komentarzy zostało ukończonych.To z pewnością doda wartości nam wszystkim korzystającym z Zerr Combined Bible Commentary.Praca nad Starym Testamentem również będzie ekscytująca.Wierzę, że Twoje zainteresowanie prorokami przyniesie Ci nowe spostrzeżenia.Oby Twoje pasje trzymały Cię w ciągłym ruchu [url=""][/url]
To FlorianX5:
Thanks for the comments. Appreciate what you said.
Just added the Book of Genesis to Zerr's and completed Zerr's for the New Testament.
Zerr's will be found in the Chapter Notes for those books of the Bible which I have completed.
Nicoll's Expositor's Greek Commentary of the New Testament will be found at the very beginning
of the verse notes for any of the New Testament books (Matthew thru Revelation) This one is
taking me longer, and will take me awhile on this one. This Module will also include the Commentaries
on the New Testament(i.e. H. Leo Boles, David Lipscomb and others) I am waiting to hear from the
company "" which has two great sets of commentaries online. I have a preacher friend who
works for them and am hoping that they will give me permission to add both sets, which are also in
print (hardback). Have already converted a few of them for my own use, but won't be able to add them
until I get the go-ahead.
Hope to add more graphics to this module too. Not just maps. Was wanting to add Greek diagrams for
every verse in the New Testament, but not sure yet how much that will affect the size of the module. I
have other ideas that I would like to try, including Wordsearch Puzzles for every chapter in the Bible.
Anyway, thanks again, and check back here. For now I am pretty much adding material to this module
on a daily basis; sometimes 2 to 3 times a day as I find time.
Thanks for the comments. Appreciate what you said.
Just added the Book of Genesis to Zerr's and completed Zerr's for the New Testament.
Zerr's will be found in the Chapter Notes for those books of the Bible which I have completed.
Nicoll's Expositor's Greek Commentary of the New Testament will be found at the very beginning
of the verse notes for any of the New Testament books (Matthew thru Revelation) This one is
taking me longer, and will take me awhile on this one. This Module will also include the Commentaries
on the New Testament(i.e. H. Leo Boles, David Lipscomb and others) I am waiting to hear from the
company "" which has two great sets of commentaries online. I have a preacher friend who
works for them and am hoping that they will give me permission to add both sets, which are also in
print (hardback). Have already converted a few of them for my own use, but won't be able to add them
until I get the go-ahead.
Hope to add more graphics to this module too. Not just maps. Was wanting to add Greek diagrams for
every verse in the New Testament, but not sure yet how much that will affect the size of the module. I
have other ideas that I would like to try, including Wordsearch Puzzles for every chapter in the Bible.
Anyway, thanks again, and check back here. For now I am pretty much adding material to this module
on a daily basis; sometimes 2 to 3 times a day as I find time.
Dear Users,
I anticipate that the Zerr's Combined Bible Commentary will be approx. 400 MB in size (unZipped)
when finally completed. It is now 302 MB in size , or 82 MB ZIPped. Still need to finish 8 books in
the Old Testament. Still too early to say how large the module will end up being, since I still need to
finish the 8 largest books of the Bible. So, the module could end up being close to 500 MB. Soon, I
will start adding more and more expository Sermons for most books of the Bible, making this module
more than just a Bible Commentary.
Have a M-E-R-R-Y C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S !!!!!
I anticipate that the Zerr's Combined Bible Commentary will be approx. 400 MB in size (unZipped)
when finally completed. It is now 302 MB in size , or 82 MB ZIPped. Still need to finish 8 books in
the Old Testament. Still too early to say how large the module will end up being, since I still need to
finish the 8 largest books of the Bible. So, the module could end up being close to 500 MB. Soon, I
will start adding more and more expository Sermons for most books of the Bible, making this module
more than just a Bible Commentary.
Have a M-E-R-R-Y C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S !!!!!
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I deleted the Graphic images that were embedded in Matthew chapters
One and Two thinking that the size of this module would shrink. But
it didn't. I made some updates and posted them today and the size of
the module didn't change. Shouldn't be more than 20MB if that much,
but it is unchanged at 87Mb, which is way too much.
When I created the Zerr Combined Commentary for e-Sword (
didn't seem to have that kind of issue. I like "theWord" better and it is
easier to create a module. Just cannot wrap my mind around this matter of
why the file size on here isn't changing.
Josh, if you see this review, maybe you have some ideas....