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  • Submitted: Jun 30 2012 09:30 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 05 2016 03:41 PM
  • File Size: 8.58MB
  • Views: 4820
  • Downloads: 1,172
  • Author: Don Fleming
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Fleming, Don - Going Places

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Download Fleming, Don - Going Places With Paul

* * * * - 3 Votes
Pauls Letters Church History Bible Characters Missions Acts Copyrighted
Don Fleming

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Fleming, Don - Going Places

The apostle Paul's adventurous travels brought about the rapid expansion of Christianity This book takes readers through a world of new challenges, new horizons and new writings, and in the process stimulates the life of faith.

Used by permission from Bridgeway Publications. http://bridgeway.org.au/titles.php

This is the 5th book in a five book series that has 35 1 page articles along with 35 color photos.

Each of these 5 Pictorial books have 35 full-page colour plates, accompanied by 35 one-page articles that are both informative and inspirational. The articles are an explanatory comment on the biblical text, written with a practical up-to-date relevance that makes the books suitable for a range of uses, from easy-to-read reference materials to attractive gift books.

I will be working on the remaining books in the series. Others include: See Other Bridgeway Titles (More to Come) © Don Fleming 2002

All Rights Reserved
ISBN 0 947342 42 7
Bridgeway Publications
GPO Box 2547
Brisbane 4001


A life prepared 3
From a convert to a leader 4
The church with a vision 5
Messiah and Saviour 6
A new bondage and a new freedom 7
More than just strategy 8
One true and living God 9
Courage and faith 10
Guarding the gospel 11
Divine directions 12
A true friend 13
Great things from small beginnings 14
The price of freedom 15
The King has come 16
Facing up to reality 17
Light and darkness 18
A preacher among the philosophers 19
The weak who shamed the strong 20
Questions of Christian relationships 21
An army of evangelists 22
Action and reaction 23
Blessed are the peacemakers 24
Shepherding the flock 25
Single-mindedness 26
Fading hopes 27
From shattered dreams, fresh courage 28
Righteousness on trial 29
Farewell to the East 30
‘I believe God’ 31
Travellers with a story to tell 32
A victor in chains 33
Letter-writing 34
Matters of leadership 35
Without love, nothing 36
Finishing the course 37
Map: The region of Paul’s travels 38


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