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  • Submitted: Aug 15 2012 11:35 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 05 2016 04:03 PM
  • File Size: 2.5MB
  • Views: 5012
  • Downloads: 1,136
  • Author: Stanley L. Derickson
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Derick

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Download Derickson, Stanley - Mr. D's Notes (Commentaries) on Selected NT Books

* * * * * 3 Votes
Baptist Mark Timothy Ephesians Galatians Colossians Titus Philemon James Dispensationalism Copyrighted
Stanley L. Derickson

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:

This commentary file includes in depth conservative expositional commentaries by Stanley L. Derickson on Mark, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and James.

These are some of my favorite commentaries. Mr. D is currently working on more commentaries that will be added to this cmtx when he is finished.

Used by Permission

About the Author from his site:

Please honor the copyright of these files in your use of the work. I plan to give wide latitude in distribution, but RETAIN THE RIGHT TO CONTROL DISTRIBUTION. If you want to pass this work on to others, please feel free to do so. The copyright laws forbid the resale of such products for your gain. In distributing the work, you may charge for media and a small copy charge. The total charge should not need to be more than double the cost of the disk and postage.

In writing this material, I was interested in making information available for helping others in their work of the Great Commission. I have desired no profit from the effort and trust that each of you will use it to God's glory and honor. His glory and honor has been my life's work and I trust that it is your goal also.

I add to the work now and then so please return from time to time to check the new offerings.

I trust that the Lord will be able to use the efforts that have gone into this work for His glory and for the furtherance of the Great Commission!

A little information about the author so that you can know where he is coming from even if you can't figure out where he is going. HA!

I have pastored, interim pastored and copastored churches over the years. These have been self support type ministries. I taught at a Bible Institute for four years. This is where the title for this book came from. The school attempted to bring about a respect between student and teacher by upholding the tradition of the students addressing the faculty as Mr. Derickson, etc. In my first year of teaching, the students found that Mr. Derickson took to much time, so they shortened it to Mr. D. This title carried with it the same respect, yet to me, seemed to carry with it also a note of familiarity, which I desired.

My education is as follows:
B.A./Denver Baptist Bible College and Seminary
Th.B./Western Baptist College, Salem, OR
Th.M. Toledo Bible College and Seminary
Ph.D./Trinity Seminary, Newburgh, IN.

I am listed in the 1977-78 copy of the book "THE DEAN'S LIST"
I have been listed in various versions and years of the Marquisseries of Who's Who
Hold the Evangelical Teacher Training Association Teachers Diploma
Have articles published in the IFCA "VOICE," and the "BAPTIST BULLETIN."

My wife and I were on deputation for five years with WEFMinistries (Now Biblical Ministries Worldwide). We were unable to raise our support, and felt that the Lord was telling us that He wanted us to minister in the United States.

We have supported ourselves through secular work most of our lives serving in small works that are unable to support a pastor.

I will admit to you now that this work is very strong on missions and fundamentalism. I believe these are two topics that the fundamental churches of America have forgotten to teach to the present generation. I trust that you will be challenged by the work.

THANKS for taking time to read this and for abiding by my wishes in the use of these works.

Stanley L. Derickson 1-2004

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