File Information
- Submitted: Aug 24 2012 01:17 PM
- Last Updated: Aug 24 2012 01:17 PM
- File Size: 48.98MB
- Views: 4545
- Downloads: 1,751
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theWord Module Download:
24 Raw Data Dictionaries in XLSx/Excel Format Version 1
1 Votes
Biblical Studies Context Word Study
This data should be helpful for programmers or modders that want to create their own bundled or combined dictionaries. Each Excel book is divided into two sheets - sheet 1 contains the dictionary topics and definitions, sheet 2 contains information about the dictionary itself.
These were converted from existing Esword and The Word databases and contain RTF markup.
What's New in Version Version 1 (See full changelog)
- *conversion pipeline stage 1
Can the author of this post provide more data. Without knowing the sources of these excel sheets it is hard to want to look into converting them.
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