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- Author: Albert Benjamin (AB) Simpson
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Christ in the Bible
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Simpson, Albert Benjamin - Christ in the Bible (24 vols)
7 Votes
Whole Bible Expository Topics Types Christology Eschatalogy (Endtimes) Soteriology (Salvation)
Albert Benjamin (AB) Simpson
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
Christ in the Bible
In the preface to Genesis, A.B. Simpson said his goal was "to unfold the spiritual teachings of the Scriptures, especially with reference to the Person and work of Christ".
This is the complete, 24 volume commentary, providing an expository analysis of the whole Bible, Christ never far from view. The work parallels the Old and New Testament references, symbols, and types of Christ and redemption.
theWord Edition
This is not the 5 or 6 individual books available elsewhere (and even on this website). This is the complete resource.
The formatting of this resource is very good. All verses are tooltipped. Italics and bold are properly used, as are paragraphs. It's well formatted.
Entire books are not dumped into a single topic entry. The table of contents below represent the actual organizational structure of the module.
Thanks to Niobi for the text.
About Albert Benjamin Simpson
Albert Benjamin Simpson was born on December 15, 1843 and lived until 1919. He grew to be one of the most respected Christian figures in American evangelicalism. A much sought after speaker and pastor, Simpson founded a major evangelical denomination, published over 70 books, edited a weekly magazine for nearly 40 years, and wrote many gospel songs and poems.
After graduating from Knox College in Toronto in 1865, Simpson accepted his first pastorate at Knox Church in Hamilton, one of Canada's largest and most influential congregations.
William MacArthur, a friend and co-worker, said Simpson once told him: "I am no good unless I can get alone with God." MacArthur added: "His practice was to hush his spirit, and literally cease to think, then in the silence of his soul, he listened for the 'still small voice' [of God]."
Simpson discovered he was also developing a deep compassion for the lost. A desire to evangelize began to consume him. In his biographical article on Simpson, Daniel Evearitt wrote: "I discovered that those who knew [Simpson] paint a picture of a dynamic but humble worker for God who inspired others to total commitment to God's service and Kingdom. They portray him as a loving, caring, patient man."
Paul Rader, former pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago and Simpson's long time associate, said: "He was the greatest heart preacher I ever listened to. He preached out of his own rich dealings with God."
Simpson helped to form and head up two evangelization societies—The Christian Alliance and The Evangelical Missionary Alliance. As thousands joined these two groups, Simpson sensed a need for the two to become one. In 1897, they became The Christian and Missionary Alliance.
Serving as pastor until 1918, Simpson continued to seek ways to reach the hurting and unsaved.
A. W. Tozer wrote Wingspread, a book that chronicles Simpson's life. Tozer writes: "For thirty years he continued to lead the society which he had formed, and never for the least division of a moment did he forget or permit the society to forget the purpose for which it was brought into being . . . 'It is to hold up Jesus in His fullness, the same yesterday, and today, and forever!'
". . . He sought to provide a fellowship only, and looked with suspicion upon anything like rigid organization. He wanted the Alliance to be a spiritual association of believers who hungered to know the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ, working concertedly for the speedy evangelization of the world."
Table of Contents
---------Section I: Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch
---------Section II: Contents and Divisions of Genesis
---------Section III: The Development of the Gospel in the Writings of Moses
-----General Plan and Scope of the Book
-----Chapter 1. The Beginning of the Universe
---------Section I: The Creator
---------Section II: Creation of the Heaven and Earth
---------Section III: Chaos
---------Section IV: The Days of Creation
---------Section V: Allusions to Creation in Later Scriptures
---------Section VI: Correspondence Between the Bible Account of Creation and Nature
---------Section VII: Spiritual Lessons From the Story of Creation
-----Chapter 2. The Beginning of the Human Race
---------Section I: Bible Account of the Origin of Man
---------Section II: Errors Contradicted by the Bible Account of Man's Creation
---------Section III: Spiritual Teachings of the Account of Man's Creation
-----Chapter 3. The Beginning of Sin
---------Section I: The Introduction of Sin
---------Section II: The Effects of Sin
---------Section III: Subsequent Developments of Sin in the Book of Genesis
-----Chapter 4. The Beginning of Redemption
---------Section I: In the Story of the Fall
---------Section II: Development of Redemption in the Remaining Chapters of Genesis
-----Chapter 5. The Beginning of the Nations
---------Section I: The Antediluvian Nations
---------Section II: The Family of Noah
---------Section III: The 70 Nations Which Sprang Front the Family of Noah
---------Section IV: Subsequent Development of the Nations
---------Section V: Hybrid Races
-----Chapter 6. The Beginning of the Hebrew Race
---------Section I: The Origin of the Hebrews
---------Section II: The Purpose of God in the Separation of the Hebrew Race
---------Section III: Subdivisions of Hebrew History and Subsequent Developments
---------Section IV: Present Condition of the Hebrew Race
---------Section V: Future Prospects
-----Chapter 7. The Beginning of the Life of Faith
---------Section I: Abel or Justifying Faith
---------Section II: Enoch, or Sanctifying Faith
---------Section III: Noah, or Separating Faith
---------Section IV: Abraham, or the Obedience of Faith
---------Section V: Isaac, or the Patience of Faith
---------Section VI: Jacob, or the Discipline of Faith
---------Section VII: Joseph, or the Victory of Faith Over Suffering and Wrong
---------Section I: Contents and Divisions
---------Section II: Development of the Gospel in the Writings of Moses
General Plan and Scope of the Book
-----Chapter 1. Israel's Bondage
---------Section I: The Scene of Their Bondage
---------Section II: The Entrance of the Hebrews Into Egypt
---------Section III: Israel's Oppression
---------Section IV: Spiritual Lessons
-----Chapter 2. Redemption
---------Section I: The Redeemer
---------Section II: The Redeemed
---------Section III: The Redemption
-----Chapter 3. Christian Pilgrimage As Prefigured in the Book of Exodus
---------Section I: Divine Guidance
---------Section II: Trial
---------Section III: Trial Sweetened and Sanctified
---------Section IV: Divine Healing in Its Earliest Ordinance and Statute
---------Section V: The Springs and Palms of Elim
---------Section VI: The Manna
---------Section VII: The Living Water From the Stricken Rock
---------Section VIII: The Conflict with Amalek at Rephidim
---------Section Ix: Order and Government
-----Chapter 4. The Dispensation of the Law
---------Section I: The History of the Law
---------Section II: The Design of the Law
---------Section III: The Place of the Law Under the Gospel
-----Chapter 5. The Revelation of Grace in Exodus
---------Section I: The Mediation of Moses
---------Section II: The Altar of Earth
---------Section III: The Ordinance of the Hebrew Servant
---------Section IV: The Blood of the Covenant
---------Section V: The Tabernacle
---------Section VI: The High Priest
--General Plan and Scope of the Book
-----Chapter 1. The Four Offerings
---------Section I: The Sin and Guilt Offering
---------Section II: The Fellowship Offering
---------Section III: The Grain Offering
---------Section IV: The Burnt Offering
-----Chapter 2. The Priesthood
---------Section I: Aaron and His Sons
---------Section II: The Consecration of Aaron and His Sons
---------Section III: Warnings and Judgments Against False Priesthood and Strange Fire
-----Chapter 3. The Ordinances of Cleansing
---------Section I: Clean and Unclean Animals
---------Section II: Uncleanness in Connection with Birth
---------Section III: Leprosy of Person
---------Section IV: The Cleansing of the Leper
---------Section V: Mildew of Garments
---------Section VI: Mildew of House
---------Section VII: Personal Uncleanness of the Flesh
-----Chapter 4. The Day of Atonement or Complete Reconciliation
---------Section I: The Day
---------Section II: The High Priest
---------Section III: The Meaning of the Blood
-----Chapter 5. Holiness
-----Chapter 6. Fellowship As Illustrated in the Ancient Feasts
---------Section I: The Sabbatic Feasts
---------Section II: The Five Annual Feasts
-----Chapter 7. The Divine Covenant, or Faithfulness to God
---------Section I: National Faithfulness to God's Covenant
---------Section II: Personal Faithfulness to God
--General Plan and Scope of the Book
-----Chapter 1. The Army
---------Section I: Sons
---------Section II: Soldiers
---------Section Ill: Servants
---------Section IV: Saints
---------Section V: Stewards
-----Chapter 2. The Advance
-----Chapter 3. The Failure and Retreat
-----Chapter 4. God's Provision for Their Wilderness Life, Notwithstanding Their Failure
---------Section I: The Sacrifices Renewed
---------Section II: The Priesthood Renewed
---------Section III: The Red Heifer
---------Section IV: The Waters of Meribah
---------Section V: The Bronze Snake
-----Chapter 5. The Trials of the Wilderness
-----Chapter 6. The New Departure
---------Section I: A New Race
---------Section II: A New Enrollment
---------Section III: A New Leader
---------Section IV: A New Covenant
---------Section V: A New Campaign
---------Section VI: The Division of the Inheritance
---------Section VII: Itinerary of the Journey
---------Section I: Contents and Subdivisions of Deuteronomy
---------Section II: Mosaic Authorship
General Plan and Scope of the Book
-----Chapter 1. Moses' First Address On the Plains of Moab
---------Section I: Recapitulation
---------Section II: The Exhortation
-----Chapter 2. Moses' Second Address On the Plains of Moab
---------Section I: The Covenant in General
---------Section II: Particular Statutes and Judgments with Reference to Details of Religious...
-----Chapter 3. Moses' Third Address On the Plains of Moab
-----Chapter 4. Conclusion of the Book of Deuteronomy
---------Section I: Concluding History
---------Section II: Moses' Song
---------Section III: Moses' Blessing
---------Section IV: The Death of Moses
-----Chapter 1. Our Full Inheritance in Christ
-----Chapter 2. The Graves at the Gateway
-----Chapter 3. The Two Watchwords of Victory
-----Chapter 4. The Conflict and the Conqueror
-----Chapter 5. Thirty: One Kings, or the Victory Over Self
-----Chapter 6. Possessing the Inheritance
-----Chapter 7. The Inheritance of Love
-----Chapter 8. Kiriath Sepher, or the Mind of Christ
-----Chapter 9. The Discipline of Hard Places
-----Chapter 10. Timnath Serah, or the City of the Sun
-----Chapter 11. The Cities of Refuge, or the Sinner's Inheritance
-----Chapter 12. The Inheritance of the Levites, or All in God and God in All
-----Chapter 13. The Trans: Jordanic Tribes
-----Chapter 14. Warnings and Counsels
-----Chapter 15. Four Mighty Alls
-----Chapter 16. The Church's Inheritance
-----Chapter 17. The Millennial Inheritance
Judges, Ruth and Samuel
-----Chapter 1. The Cause of Spiritual Failure
-----Chapter 2. Sinning and Repenting
-----Chapter 3. Shamgar, Deborah and Barak
-----Chapter 4. Gideon, or the Strength of Weakness
-----Chapter 5. The Weapons of Our Warfare
-----Chapter 6. Self: Renunciation and Self: Aggrandizement
-----Chapter 7. Jephthah, or the Faith That Leads to Faithfulness
-----Chapter 8. Separation and Strength: a Lesson From the Life of Samson
-----Chapter 9. Religious Compromises: Their Folly and Fruit
-----Chapter 10. Our Kinsman: Redeemer: Lessons From the Book of Ruth
-----Chapter 11. Samuel, the Great Reformer
-----Chapter 12. The Reformation Under Samuel
-----Chapter 13. Saul, or Self: Life Leading to Destruction
-----Chapter 14. Jonathan, or the Friend That Sticks Closer Than a Brother
-----Chapter 15. Agag, or the Subtleties of the Self: Life
Samuel, Kings and Chronicles
-----Chapter 1. David, the Man After God's Own Heart
---------Section I: God's Seeking
---------Section II: David's Anointing
-----Chapter 2. The Trials and Triumphs of David's Faith
---------Section I: His Trials
---------Section II: His Triumphs
-----Chapter 3. Making Jesus King
-----Chapter 4. Capturing the Strongholds
---------Section I: the Stronghold of the Enemy
---------Section II: the Victory
---------Section III: the Glorious Recompense
-----Chapter 5. Guidance and Victory
-----Chapter 6. The Ark in Zion
---------Section I: the Significance of the Ark Itself
---------Section II: the Removal of the Ark
---------Section III: the Blessing and the Curse Brought by the Ark
-----Chapter 7. Mephibosheth, or Mercy Meeting Misery
---------Section I: the Picture of the Sinner's Condition
---------Section II: the Fathers Mercy
---------Section III: God's Royal Bounty to the Returning Sinner
---------Section IV: the Grateful Return
-----Chapter 8. Sins and Sorrow of David's Reign
---------Section I: the Causes of His Failure
---------Section II: the Gradations of David's Sin
---------Section III: the Aggravation of David's Sin
---------Section IV: Mercy Triumphing Over Judgment
-----Chapter 9. Absalom
-----Chapter 10. The Ideal King
-----Chapter 11. Shimei's Curse
-----Chapter 12. The Law of Sacrifice
-----Chapter 13. God's Compensations
-----Chapter 14. The Land of Cabul
-----Chapter 15. Solomon's Choice
-----Chapter 16. God's Temples
-----Chapter 17. The Queen of Sheba
-----Chapter 18. Solomon's Fall and Its Lessons
-----Chapter 19. Solomon, a Type of Christ
The Kings and Prophets
---------Chapter 1. Jeroboam, or Sin and Its Influence
---------Chapter 2. Ahab, or the Wickedness of Weakness
---------Chapter 3. Jehu, or Zeal Without Godliness
---------Chapter 4. The Prophets of Israel
---------Chapter 5. Jonah and His Message to Our Times
---------Chapter 6. Elijah, the Prophet of Judgment
---------Chapter 7. Elisha, the Prophet of Grace
---------Chapter 8. Amos, the Prophet of Warning
---------Chapter 9. Hosea, the Prophet of Mercy
---------Chapter 10. Rehoboam, or the Peril of Ungodliness and Pride
---------Chapter 11. Asa, or the Fatal Failures of a Well: Meaning Life
---------Chapter 12. Jehoshaphat, or a Goodman in the Wrong Place
---------Chapter 13. Joash, or the Bad End of a Good Beginning
---------Chapter 14. Joel and His Times
---------Chapter 15. Micah and His Message
---------Chapter 16. Hezekiah, the Best of Judah's Kings
---------Chapter 17. Manasseh, a Miracle of Mercy
---------Chapter 1. The Ideal Man
---------Chapter 2. The Coming King
---------Chapter 3. The Head of Humanity
---------Chapter 4. The Ascended Christ
---------Chapter 5. The Suffering Savior
---------Chapter 6. The Fold and the Family
---------Chapter 7. A Psalm of Instruction
---------Chapter 8. The Royal Bridegroom
---------Chapter 9. The Missionary Psalm
---------Chapter 10. The Millennial King
---------Chapter 11. Jesus Our Abiding Home
---------Chapter 12. The Pivot Psalm
---------Chapter 13. The Priest: King
---------Chapter 14. The Hallel
---------Chapter 15. The Pearl Psalm
---------Chapter 1. Isaiah's Call and Consecration
---------Chapter 2. Sin and Salvation
---------Chapter 3. Isaiah's Vision
---------Chapter 4. Isaiah and Jerusalem
---------Chapter 5. Isaiah and the Nations
---------Chapter 6. The Incarnation Sign
---------Chapter 7. The Wonderful Name
---------Chapter 8. The Parable of the Vineyard
---------Chapter 9. The King of Righteousness and Peace
---------Chapter 10. A Nail in a Sure Place
---------Chapter 11. The King and the Man
---------Chapter 12. Quietness and Trust
---------Chapter 13. The Righteous Man and His Blessing
---------Chapter 14. Pentecostal Outpourings of the Holy Spirit
---------Chapter 15. Showers of Blessing
---------Chapter 16. The Holy Spirit and the Gospel
---------Chapter 17. Preparing the Way of the Lord
---------Chapter 18. The Passion of God
---------Chapter 19. The Servant of the Lord
---------Chapter 20. The Servant of the Lord
---------Chapter 21. The Suffering Savior
---------Chapter 22. Christ: Conqueror, Savior and Sufferer
---------Chapter 23. Isaiah's Gospel
---------Chapter 24. The Right and the Wrong Way of Living
---------Chapter 25. The Fourfold Gospel in Isaiah
---------Chapter 26. The "Fear Nots" of Isaiah
---------Chapter 27. Four Awakenings
---------Chapter 28. The Mystery of Prayer
-----Chapter 1. The Birth of the King
---------Section I: His Pedigree
---------Section II: His Birth
---------Section III: His Names
-----Chapter 2. The Childhood of the King
---------Section I: Visit of the Magi
---------Section II: His Rejection
-----Chapter 3. The Inauguration of the King
---------Section I: the Forerunner
---------Section II: the Preparation
---------Section III: the Witness to Christ
---------Section Iv: the Baptism of Christ
-----Chapter 4. First Conflict and Victory of the King
-----Chapter 5. The Righteousness of the Kingdom
-----Chapter 6. The Miracles of the Kingdom
---------Section I: the Kingdom
---------Section II: the King
-----Chapter 7. The Rejection of the King
-----Chapter 8. The Parables of the Kingdom
-----Chapter 9. Christ's Farewell to Galilee
-----Chapter 10. The Glory of the King
-----Chapter 11. The Kingdom and the Home
---------Section I: christ and the Children
---------Section II: the Christian Law of Marriage
-----Chapter 12. The Kingdom and the Church
-----Chapter 13. The Spirit of the Earthly and Heavenly Kingdoms
-----Chapter 14. The Manifestation of the King
-----Chapter 15. The King in Conflict with His Enemies
-----Chapter 16. The Coming of the King
-----Chapter 17. The Crown of Thorns
-----Chapter 18. The Prince of Life
-----Chapter 19. The Mediatorial King
---------Section I: the Royal Proclamation
---------Section II: the Great Commission
---------Section III: This Abiding Presence
--Introduction. The Gospel of Mark
-----Chapter 1. The Preparation
-----Chapter 2. The Beginning of the Master's Work
-----Chapter 3. The Master Workman in Relation to Sickness and Healing
-----Chapter 4. The Master Workman in Relation to Sickness and Healing
-----Chapter 5. The Master Workman in Relation to Sin
-----Chapter 6. The Master Workman and the Power of Satan
-----Chapter 7. Side Issues and Essentials
-----Chapter 8. The First Apostles and the New Society of the Church of God
-----Chapter 9. The Intertwined Miracles
-----Chapter 1. The Son of Man
-----Chapter 2. The Holy Child
---------Section I: His Childhood
---------Section II: His Early Manhood
-----Chapter 3. The Baptism of Jesus
-----Chapter 4. The Temptation of the Son of Man
---------Section I: the Elements of the Temptation
---------Section II: the Method and Process of the Temptation
---------Section III: the Secret of Victory
---------Section IV: the Results of the Temptation
-----Chapter 5. The First Message of the Son of Man
---------Section I: the Background
---------Section II: the Message
-----Chapter 6. The Son of Man and the Sinner
---------Section I: the Calling of Levi
---------Section II: the Sinful Woman in the House of Simon
---------Section III: a Sinful Man
---------Section IV: Christ Weeping Over Jerusalem
---------Section V: the Dying Thief
-----Chapter 7. The Son of Man and the Home
---------Section I: the Spirit of Martha
---------Section II: the Spirit of Mary
-----Chapter 8. The Son of Man and the First Disciples
-----Chapter 9. The Parables of Divine Mercy
---------Section I: the Good Samaritan, or Mercy for the Fallen
---------Section Ii: the Friend at Midnight, or Help in the Time of Need
---------Section III: the Parable of the Great Supper, or Mercy for the Suffering and Outcast
---------Section IV: the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, or Divine Mercy in Contrast with Man...
-----Chapter 10. The Parables of Divine Mercy
---------Section I: the Good Shepherd, or the Mercy of Jesus Seeking the Lost
---------Section II: the Parable of the Lost Coin, or the Mercy of the Holy Spirit
---------Section III: the Parable of the Prodigal Son, or the Mercy of the Father
---------Section IV: Conclusion
-----Chapter 11. The Parables of Human Destiny
---------Section I: the Rich Fool
---------Section II: the Barren Fig Tree, or the Destiny of Fruitlessness
---------Section III: the Prudent Steward, or the Wise Use of Present Opportunity to Prepare ...
---------Section IV: the Rich Man and Lazarus, or the Destiny of Unfaithful Souls After Death
-----Chapter 12. The Parables of Human Destiny
---------Section I: the Unjust Judge
---------Section II: the 10 Minas
-----Chapter 13. The Son of Man and Sickness
-----Chapter 14. The Sufferings of the Son of Man
-----Chapter 15. The Son of Man in His Resurrection Life
-----Chapter 16. The Parting Scenes
--Introduction. The Authorship of the Gospel of John
-----Chapter 1. Scope and Characteristics of the Gospel of John
-----Chapter 2. Jesus, the Son of God
-----Chapter 3. Life in the Gospel of John
-----Chapter 4. Light in the Gospel of John
-----Chapter 5. Love in the Gospel of John
-----Chapter 6. Faith in the Gospel of John
-----Chapter 7. Ten Incidents in the Gospel of John
-----Chapter 8. Ten Miracles in the Gospel of John
-----Chapter 9. Christ's Discourses in John 3: 4
-----Chapter 10. Christ's Discourses in John 5: 6
-----Chapter 11. Christ's Discourses in John 7: 9
-----Chapter 12. Christ's Discourses in John 10: 12
-----Chapter 13. The Parting Words of Jesus to His Own Disciples at the Table
-----Chapter 14. Christs Parting Words to His Disciples On the Way From the Table to the Garden
-----Chapter 15. The Parting Prayer
-----Chapter 1. The Dispensation of the Spirit
---------Section I: the Departing Lord
---------Section II: the Returning Lord
---------Section III: the Descending Holy Spirit
-----Chapter 2. Pentecostal Power
-----Chapter 3. God's Plan for the Age
---------Section I: jerusalem
---------Section II: Judea
---------Section III: Samaria
---------Section IV: The World
-----Chapter 4. Witnessing for Christ
-----Chapter 5. To the Regions Beyond
-----Chapter 6. A Chapter From One of Paul's Missionary Journeys
-----Chapter 7. Paul at Ephesus
---------Section I: Aquila and Priscilla: The Picture of a Home Missionary
---------Section II: the Holy Spirit: The Picture of a Whole Gospel
---------Section III: Revival: The Picture of a Mighty Spiritual Movement
---------Section IV: Worldwide Evangelism: The Picture of a Mightier Ambition
-----Chapter 8. On to Jerusalem and Rome
-----Chapter 9. Paul, the Prisoner
---------Section I: a Providential Protection
---------Section II: a Place of Persecution
---------Section III: a Pulpit and Place of Holy Ministry
-----Chapter 10. A Voyage and Its Lessons
---------Section I: Lessons for the Future History of the Church
---------Section II: Lessons for Our Individual Life
-----Chapter 11. Paul at Rome
-----Chapter 1. The Power of the Gospel
---------Section I: The Power of the Gospel
---------Section II: The Progressive Steps of Faith
-----Chapter 2. God's Picture of Sin
-----Chapter 3. The Sin of the Jew
-----Chapter 4. The Righteousness of God
-----Chapter 5. The Law of Faith
-----Chapter 6. The Blessings That Flow From Justification
-----Chapter 7. Sanctification Through Death and Resurrection
-----Chapter 8. Sanctification by the Grace of God
---------Section I: Our Death to the Old Husband, the Law
---------Section II: Our New Husband
---------Section III: The Transition
-----Chapter 9. Sanctification Through the Spirit
---------Section I: The Life of the Flesh
---------Section II: The Life of the Spirit
-----Chapter 10. Divine Providence
-----Chapter 11. God's Purpose Regarding Israel and the World
-----Chapter 12. Consecration and Service
---------Section I: Its Characteristics
---------Section II: The Effects of Consecration
-----Chapter 13. Consecration in Relation to Our Civil and Social Duties
-----Chapter 14. Consecration in Relation to Our Duty to the Weak and Erring
-----Chapter 15. Practical Consecration in Relation to the Evangelization of the World
-----Chapter 16. Object Lessons of Christian Service
First Corinthians
-----Chapter 1. The Unity of the Church
---------Section I: The Membership of the Church
---------Section II: The Gifts and Graces of the Church
---------Section III: Its Lack of Unity
-----Chapter 2. The Teaching of the Church
---------Section I: It Is a Paradox and a Contradiction
---------Section II: It Is Personal
---------Section III: It Is Practical
---------Section IV: It Is Progressive
---------Section V: Conclusion
-----Chapter 3. The Ministry of the Church
-----Chapter 4. The Purity of the Church
-----Chapter 5. The Church and the Christian in Relation to the World
---------Section I: The Christian in Relation to Business
---------Section II: The Christian in Relation to the Home
---------Section III: The Christian in Relation to Society
-----Chapter 6. The Christian Ministry: Its Authority and Support
---------Section I: The Authority of the Ministry
---------Section II: The Rights of the Ministry
---------Section III: The Voluntary Sacrifice of Rights
---------Section IV: The Principle of Accommodation
---------Section V: The High and Glorious Ambition
-----Chapter 7. Living in the End of the Age
---------Section I: The Types and Examples of the Past
---------Section II: Warnings of the Past
---------Section III: Our Responsibility
-----Chapter 8. The Ordinances of the Church
---------Section I: Abuses in Connection with the Lord's Supper
---------Section II: The True Nature and Right Observance of the Lord's Supper
---------Section III: Conclusion
-----Chapter 9. The Supernatural Gifts and the Ministries of the Church
-----Chapter 10. Love, the Crowning Grace of the Church and the Christian
---------Section I: The Negative Qualities of Love
---------Section II: The Positive Qualities of Love
---------Section III: The Passive Qualities of Love
-----Chapter 11. The Worship and Fellowship of the Church
-----Chapter 12. The Hope of the Church
---------Section I: A Distinct Definition
---------Section II: A Great Evidence
---------Section III: A Great Theme
---------Section IV: The Practical Application
-----Chapter 13. The Lord's Day
---------Section I: an Ancient Institution
---------Section II: A Mosaic Institution
---------Section III: Reenacted Under the New Testament Dispensation
-----Chapter 14. The Support of the Church: The Principle of True Spiritual Giving
---------Section I: The Divine Law of Giving
---------Section II: The Divine Method of Giving
---------Section III: The Standard of Christian Giving
---------Section IV: The Administration of the Gifts of God's People
Second Corinthians
-----Chapter 1. Victorious Suffering
-----Chapter 2. The Dependableness of God
-----Chapter 3. Victory
-----Chapter 4. Paul's Testimony About His Ministry
-----Chapter 5. Paul's Testimony Concerning Supernatural Life for the Body
-----Chapter 6. Paul's Testimony About Salvation
-----Chapter 7. Paul's Testimony About Holiness
-----Chapter 8. Two Kinds of Sorrow
-----Chapter 9. Our Spiritual Warfare
-----Chapter 10. The Grace of Giving
-----Chapter 11. The Things Paul Gloried In
-----Chapter 1. Free Grace, or Christ in Galatians
-----Chapter 2. Free Grace in Our Sanctification
-----Chapter 3. Burden Bearing
-----Chapter 1. Chosen in Him
-----Chapter 2. Redemption Through His Blood
-----Chapter 3. Saved and Sealed
-----Chapter 4. The Spirit of Illumination and Revelation
-----Chapter 5. Resurrected and Seated in the Heavenlies
-----Chapter 6. Brought Near
-----Chapter 7. The Mystery of the New Life: The Indwelling Christ
-----Chapter 8. The Church in the Heavenlies
-----Chapter 9. The Spiritual and Practical
-----Chapter 10. The Conflict in the Heavenlies
-----Chapter 1. The Christian Temperas Exemplified and Illustrated in Paul
-----Chapter 2. The Christian Temperas Exemplified in Christ
-----Chapter 3. The Christian Temperas Illustrated in the Friends of Paul
-----Chapter 4. The Christian Temper, Supernatural and Divine
-----Chapter 5. The Christian Temper, Aggressive and Progressive
-----Chapter 6. A Spirit of Love, Joy and Peace
-----Chapter 7. Whatever Is Lovely
-----Chapter 8. The Great Secret
-----Chapter 9. The Boundless Sufficiency
-----Chapter 1. Christ in Colossians
-----Chapter 2. The Christian in Colossians
-----Chapter 3. The Christian Worker in Colossians
First and Second Thessalonians
-----Chapter 1. The Epistles of the Advent
---------Conviction and Conversion
---------A Motive to Faithful Ministry
---------A Motive for Christian Love
---------Source of Comfort
---------A Message and a Warning
---------An Incentive to Holiness
---------Different for the Righteous and the Wicked
---------Apostasy and Signs
---------Not Fanatical Excitement
-----Chapter 2. The Christian Life in Thessalonians
---------Genuine Conversion
---------Founded On the Word of God
---------A Life of Faith
---------The Life of Love
---------The Life of Joy and Cheer
---------A Life of Prayer
---------A Life of Holiness
-----Chapter 3. A Pattern Worker and Minister
---------His Aim and Motive
---------His Personal Life
---------Independence of All Mercenary Methods
---------Prayer and Power
---------The Spirit of Gentleness and Love
---------Glimpses of the Gospel Paul Preached
---------The Spirit of Paul's Ministry
-----Chapter 4. God's Best
---------The Closing Days
---------The Highest Christian Life
First and Second Timothy
-----Chapter 1. Christ in the Epistles to Timothy
---------A Revelation of God
---------A Revelation of Jesus Christ
---------A Revelation of the Love and Grace of God
---------A Revelation of God's Goodness
---------The Fruits of the Gospel
---------A Revelation of the Future Life
-----Chapter 2. The Gospel in the Epistles to Timothy
---------Calling and Purpose
---------The Government of the Church
---------The Support of the Ministry
---------The Care of the Needy
---------The Perils of the Church in the Last Days
---------The Security of the Church
-----Chapter 3. Paul, Timothy and Their Fellow Workers
---------The Companions of Paul
---------The Picture of Paul
-----Chapter 4. The True Minister of Jesus Christ
---------The Foundation
---------The Power
---------The Culture
---------Sound Doctrine
---------The Preaching
---------What Others Are Preaching
---------Careful Preparation
---------An Evangelist and Teacher
---------A Personal Worker and Pastor
---------Worldly Entanglements
---------His Deportment
---------His Selection of Workers
---------A Thoroughly Disciplined Soldier
---------His Accountability to God
-----Chapter 5. The Man of God
---------A Man of Faith
---------Other: Worldliness
---------Courage, Fortitude and Christian Soldiership
---------Passive Virtues
---------Family Life and Duty
---------The Resources
---------The Expectations
-----Chapter 6. Our Trusteeship
---------The Truth
---------Our Own Age and Time
---------The Future
---------Our Country and Community
---------Our Brethren in the Churches
---------Our Children
---------The Evangelization of the World
---------A Missionary Trust
-----Chapter 1. The Gospel in Titus
---------The Doctrines of Grace
---------The Duties of the Christian Life
---------The Outlook of Faith and Hope
-----Chapter 1. The Apostle of Our Profession
---------The Authorship
---------The Plan
---------Christ Our Apostle
---------The Dignity and Glory of the Messenger
-----Chapter 2. Our Response to God's Message
---------Pay Careful Attention
---------See to It
---------Hear His Voice
---------Let Us Fear
---------Make Every Effort
-----Chapter 3. Our Great High Priest
---------His Functions
---------His Qualifications
---------The Practical Lessons of Christs Priesthood
-----Chapter 4. Our Great High Priest Superior to Aaron
---------A Superior Order of Priesthood
---------A Superior Tribe
---------A Higher Calling and Appointment
---------A Better Tenure
---------A Higher and Holier Character
---------Ministers in a Better Sanctuary
---------The Mediator of a Better Covenant
---------A Better Offering and Sacrifice
---------The Efficacy of Christ's Sacrifice
-----Chapter 5. The Author of Our Faith
---------The Nature of Faith
---------The Importance and Value of Faith
---------Practical Application
-----Chapter 6. The Patriarchs of Faith
---------Abel, or the Faith That Saves
---------Enoch, or the Faith That Sanctifies
---------Noah, or the Faith That Separates
---------Abraham, or the Obedience of Faith
---------Sarah, or the Faith That Takes Supernatural Strength Even for the Body
---------Isaac, or the Faith That Suffers
---------Jacob, or the Discipline of Faith
---------Joseph, or the Faith That Overcomes Sorrow and Turns the Curse Into a Blessing
-----Chapter 7. The Seven Types of Faith
---------Faith for the Family
---------Faith for Our Individual Choice
---------Faith Separating From the World and Making Good Its Choice
---------Faith Appropriating the Blood of Christ
---------Faith Stepping Out and Going Forward On the Word of God
---------Faith Overcoming and Entering Into the Full Inheritance of Promise
---------The Faith That Lifts and Sends
-----Chapter 8. Lighthouses of Faith
---------Gideon, or Faith Finding Strength Through Weakness
---------Barak, or the Present Tense of Faith
---------Samson, or the Faith That Brings Physical Strength
---------Jephthah, or the Faith That Keeps Faith with God
---------David, or the Faith That Can Wait God's Time and Still Claim God's Promise
---------Samuel and the Prophets, or the Faith That Hearkens and Then Speaks for God
-----Chapter 9. The Cloud of Witnesses
---------The Cloud Itself
---------Their Witness to Us
-----Chapter 10. The Finisher of Our Faith
---------Christ Is the Pattern of Our Faith
---------Christ the Author of Our Faith
---------Christ the Finisher of Our Faith
---------Our Attitude Toward the Author and Finisher of Our Faith
-----Chapter 11. The School of Faith
---------The Name Here Given to Trial
---------The Present Effect of Trial
---------The Fruit of Trial
---------The Process Through Which All This Is Accomplished
-----Chapter 12. The Goal of Faith
---------No Condemnation
---------Come to Mount Zion
---------The Heavenly Jerusalem
---------Thousands of Angels
---------The Church of the Firstborn
---------The Judge of All Men
---------The Spirits of Righteous Men
---------Jesus the Mediator
---------The Sprinkled Blood
---------Him Who Speaks
---------Shaking the Earth
---------Be Thankful
-----Chapter 13. "Let Us"
---------"Let Us Be Careful"
---------"Let Us Enter That Rest"
---------"Let Us Hold Firmly"
---------Let Us Come in Our Time of Need
---------"Let Us Go On"
---------"Let Us Draw Near"
---------"Let Us Hold Unswervingly"
---------Let Us Help Others to Enter In
---------Let Us Run the Race
---------Let Us Receive Grace
---------Let Us Go
---------Let Us Praise and Serve
-----Chapter 14. Concluding Messages
---------Practical Application
---------Parting Benediction
-----Chapter 1. The Practical Discipline of Life
---------The Discipline That Comes to Us Through Temptation
---------The Discipline of Providence
-----Chapter 2. Practical Faith
---------The Principle of Faith
---------Faith and Wisdom
---------Faith and Works
---------Faith and Healing
---------Faith and Service
-----Chapter 3. Practical Obedience
---------The Will of God
---------The Word of God
---------The Law of Liberty
---------The Grafted Word
---------The Moral Conditions
---------The Self: Revealing Power
---------The Blessedness of Doing
-----Chapter 4. Practical Love
---------The Royal Law of Love
---------The Application of the Law of Love
-----Chapter 5. The Practical Use of the Tongue
---------The Test of Character
---------The Influence and the Power of the Tongue
---------Its Power for Evil
---------The Good Tongue
-----Chapter 6. Practical Sanctification
---------The Carnal Heart or the Old and Sinful Nature
---------The Forbidden World
---------The Antidote
---------The Place of Grace
---------The Secret of Receiving
-----Chapter 7. The Practical Hope of the Lord's Coming
---------The Spirit of Godless Secularism and Greed of Gain
---------The Spirit of Greedy Hoarding
---------The Spirit of Luxurious Extravagance and Self: Indulgence
---------The Picture of Injustice and Oppression
---------The Divine Forbearance
---------Human Patience
---------The Great Incentive
-----Chapter 8. Practical Prayer
---------The Common and Everyday Affairs of Life
---------In Connection with Trial
---------In Connection with Joy and Blessing
---------In Sickness
---------For Others and the Work of God
First and Second Peter
-----Chapter 1. Words of Comfort for Tried Ones
-----Chapter 2. He Is Precious
---------Christ's Sufferings
---------Christs Resurrection
---------The Posthumous Ministry of Christ
---------The Exaltation and Glorious Second Coming of Jesus Christ
---------His Relation to the Church As the Chief Cornerstone
---------Christ's Relation to the Individual Believer
---------Christ's Relation to the Unbeliever
-----Chapter 3. Our High Calling in Christ
-----Chapter 4. Social and Civic Duties of the Christian Life
-----Chapter 5. Sanctification
---------Regeneration and Sanctification
---------Sanctification: Its Principles and Process
---------Sanctification and Growth in Grace
-----Chapter 6. Ministers of Christ
---------The Sources of the Christian Ministry
---------The Spirit of the Ministry
---------The Reward of the Faithful Minister
-----Chapter 7. The Coming of the Day of God
---------General References to the Lord's Appearing in First Peter
---------The Transfiguration: A Foreshadowing of the Parousia
---------The Word of Prophecy: Better Than the Transfiguration
---------The Lord's Coming: An Object Lesson
---------The Final Catastrophe
---------A Response to Scoffers and Skeptics
---------The Principle of Time in Connection with the Coming of the Lord
---------The Practical Preparation for the Lord's Coming
First, Second and Third John
-----Chapter 1. The Life
---------Christ Is the Eternal Life
---------The Life Manifested
---------The Life Crucified
---------The Life Risen
---------The Life Indwelling
-----Chapter 2. The Walk
---------The Motive of His Life
---------The Principle of His Life
---------The Rule and Standard of His Life
---------The Source of His Life
---------The Activities of His Life
---------The Suffering Life
---------The Finer Touches of Holy Character
---------The Power of His Life
-----Chapter 3. The Father
---------What the Divine Fatherhood Means
---------Its Privileges and Blessings
-----Chapter 4. The Anointing
---------The Anointing of Jacob
---------The Anointing of the Tabernacle
---------The Anointing of the Priesthood
---------The Anointing of the Leper
---------The Anointing of the Sick
-----Chapter 5. The Love of God
---------God Is Love
---------Christ Is the Manifestation of God's Love
---------Love Begets Love
---------Love Is the Organ by Which We Know Love
---------Faith Is the Means by Which God's Love Is Revealed
---------Love Leads to Confidence
---------The Love of God Leads to the Love of One Another
-----Chapter 6. The Confidence
---------We Know We Have Eternal Life
---------We Have What We Ask of Him
---------We Know That He Sanctifies and Keeps Us
---------We Know Him
-----Chapter 7. The Conflict
---------The Devil
---------False Spirits
---------False Prophets and Antichrist
---------False Brethren
---------The World
---------The Power of Sin
-----Chapter 8. The Victory
---------The Battle Is the Lord's
---------The Blood of Christ
---------The Word of God
---------The Anointing of the Spirit
---------The Divine Indwelling
---------Faith Is the Victory
-----Chapter 9. The Ministry of Letter Writing
---------The First Letter
---------The Second Letter
-----Chapter 1. The Epistle of Jude
---------Salvation and the Gospel
---------Warnings Against False Brothers
---------An Announcement of the Second Coming
---------An Exhortation to True Followers
---------Christian Service and Soul: Winning
---------A Doxology
-----Chapter 1. Heaven Opened
---------God's Last Word
---------Specially for Our Times
---------Christ's Own Revelation
---------An Unsealed Vision
---------God's Picture of the Ascended Christ
---------God's Thought for His Church
---------God's Thought for the World
---------God's Program for the Future
---------Practical Value
-----Chapter 2. Christ in the Apocalypse
---------Jesus As Divine
---------Jesus As Human
---------Jesus As Crucified
---------Jesus As the Risen and the Living One
---------Jesus As Our Great Prophet
---------Jesus As Our Great High Priest
---------Jesus As the Lord of Providence
---------Jesus As the King of the Nations
---------Jesus As the King of Israel
---------Jesus As the King of the Saints and the Head of the Church
---------Jesus As Our Coming Lord
---------Jesus As the Light and Glory of Heaven
---------Jesus As the Lover of His People
---------Jesus As the Lover of Sinners and Savior of the Lost
-----Chapter 3. The Vision of the Churches
---------Seven Types of Church Life and Character
---------Seven Prophetic Eras
---------A Church Within the Church
---------The Relation and the Revelation of the Lord Jesus to the Churches
-----Chapter 4. The Throne, the Lamb, and the Seals
---------The Throne
---------The Lamb
---------The Seals
-----Chapter 5. The Trumpets and the Tribulation
---------The Awful Silence
---------The Solemn Prayer Offering
---------Hail, Fire and Blood
---------The National Judgments
---------The Ecclesiastical Judgments
---------The Darkness
---------The Fallen Star
---------The Angels of Judgment
---------The Two Witnesses
---------The Jewish People
---------The Coming of the Lord
-----Chapter 6. The Mother Church and the Manchild
---------The Mother Church
---------The Dragon
---------The Manchild
---------The Conflict
-----Chapter 7. The Two Beasts
---------The Political Wild Beast
---------Seven Heads
---------The Ten Horns
---------The Wounded Head and Its Healing
---------A Worldwide Power
---------A Blasphemous Power
---------A Persecuting Power
---------The Length of Triumph
---------The Spiritual Beast
-----Chapter 8. The Firstfruits and the Harvest
---------The Firstfruits
---------Their Number
---------Their Place
---------In Touch with Heaven
---------Separated Ones
---------Pure and Undefiled
---------True Ones
---------A Worldwide Evangel
---------The Vision of the Fall of Babylon
---------The Warning
---------A Vision of the Blessed Dead
---------The Vision of the Harvest of the Earth
---------The Vintage of the Earth
-----Chapter 9. The Vials and the Plagues
---------The First Vial
---------The Second Vial
---------The Third Vial
---------The Fourth Vial
---------The Fifth Vial
---------The Sixth Vial
---------An Interruption
---------The Seventh Vial
-----Chapter 10. Mystical Babylon, the Woman and the Beast
---------The Figure of a Woman
---------A Harlot
---------Sitting On Many Waters
---------Dwelling in the Wilderness
---------Her Attire
---------Holds a Golden Cup
---------The Blood of Saints
---------The Name On Her Forehead
---------Her Motherhood
---------The City
---------The Mountains
---------The Woman's Attitude
---------The Attitude of the 10 Horns
---------The Destruction of Babylon
-----Chapter 11. The Marriage of the Lamb
---------A Supreme Event
---------The Supreme Event
---------The Bride Groom
---------The Bride
---------Her Raiment
-----Chapter 12. The Epiphany, the Resurrection and the Millennium
---------The Epiphany
---------The Armageddon Conflict
---------The Binding of Satan
---------The First Resurrection
---------The Millennial Reign
-----Chapter 13. The Great White Throne
---------The Great White Throne
---------He Who Sits Upon It
---------The Risen Dead
---------The Judgment
---------The Execution of the Sentence and the Doom of the Condemned
-----Chapter 14. The New Heaven and Earth and the New Jerusalem
---------A New Heaven and Earth
---------The New Earth, God's Abode
---------No Death or Sorrow
---------No Sin
---------The New Jerusalem
-----Chapter 15. Even so, Come
---------The Sacredness of This Book
---------The Prophetic Messenger
---------The Time at Hand
---------The Morning Star
---------A Hardened Age
---------The Spirit's Cry
---------The Missionary Cry
---------The Last Invitation
---------The Lord's Last Word
---------The Response of Love
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