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  • Submitted: Sep 12 2012 12:18 PM
  • Last Updated: Sep 12 2012 12:18 PM
  • File Size: 296K
  • Views: 4248
  • Downloads: 1,465
  • Author: David Scott Clark
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: DS Clark - Revelation

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Download Clark, D.S. - Commentary on Revelation 1.0

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Eschatalogy (Endtimes) Preterism Rapture Presbyterian Revelation

David Scott Clark

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
DS Clark - Revelation

"This early twentieth-century Post-millennial commentary on the Book of Revelation, written by the father of theologian Gordon Clark, offers an easy-to-read alternative to the popular Pre-millennial/Dispensational views of the best-selling Scofield Reference Bible and a multitude of other dissertations on end-time prophecy..." – Anonymous

Clark (1859-1938) was Pastor of Bethel Presbyterian Church, and Instructor in the Philadelphia School for Christian Workers of the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches.

From the Foreward:

It seems desirable to state in the beginning that this exposition of The Revelation seeks to present the obvious meaning of the Apocalypse as it appears in the text taken at its face value, including its many references to other parts of the Scriptures. We have not tried to force the book into the molds of any theory; but to ask, what does the book say and what does it evidently mean?

In the pursuit of this purpose we have been led to pass criticism upon the premillennial view of the Apocalypse. We trust such criticism has not been unduly pressed; but since the view in question is somewhat prevalent at the present time, and is backed with a considerable literature it has received more than a passing notice in the present volume. This statement is made because the writer desires to disclaim antagonism to the premillennialists for whom he entertains a very high regard and whom he counts as his friends. For while the writer dissents from that particular doctrine he stands firmly by and with the premillennialist in his defense of the integrity, authority and inspiration of the holy Scriptures; and would define himself as a postmillennial fundamentalist.

From the Preface:

But what does it mean? Is it historical, prophetical, or both? Is it past or future? Has it been fulfilled, does it deal with the present day world events, or with things yet to come upon the stage of the world's affairs? Is it all about the Premillennial doctrine of the Second Coming, or is that read into it by men of large imagination?


We may admit that there are a few things in the prophetical books that are obscure; some few things which the prophets could scarcely understand, and must search diligently what the Spirit in them did signify; but on the whole, a book is expected to be intelligible to its first readers; and the principle of interpretation is incontrovertibly sound. Any interpretation therefore that makes the body of a book unintelligible to those addressed is to be rejected. This principle has its bearing upon the present discussion, and we may say in advance that the book of Revelation had more to do with the age in which it was written than some modern interpreters are willing to allow.

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