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  • Submitted: Oct 16 2012 10:40 AM
  • Last Updated: Oct 16 2012 11:17 AM
  • File Size: 12.39MB
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  • Author: John Kitto
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Palestine
  • Suggest New Tag:: Manners and Customs, Palestine

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Download Kitto, John - Palestine - The Illustrated Bible History of the Holy Land

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John Kitto

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3.x - 4.x

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Manners and Customs, Palestine

John Kitto wrote this book for schools because they lacked a proper History of Palestine.

This book includes accounts of the geography of the country, and of the manners, customs, and institutions of its ancient inhabitants. Kitto presents the history of the Hebrew nation from the time of Abraham, through the various political forms which it assumed till the dispersion of that peculiar people.

In the Introductory Chapters much assistance has been obtained from the Biblical Archaeology of Professor Jahn, and from a variety of other sources—the whole being illustrated by the results of such acquaintance with Oriental customs as the author’s former residence in the East enabled him to acquire.

The present Edition has been carefully revised throughout; considerable improvements have been made—particularly in the Introduction; and a greatly increased number of really Illustrative Wood-cuts have been inserted.

About John Kitto
John Kitto lived just 50 years, from 1804 to 1854.

Kitto had been a careful observer of physical detail – the topography, the animals, architecture, agricultural methods, the manner of interaction between people. His retelling of Bible stories in the light of what he had seen brought the narratives to life and confirmed the accuracy of the ancient texts. He showed how the activities described by the prophets and apostles accorded with the realities of Eastern culture. He supplemented his own observations with details from the journals of other travellers, and helped the Bible reader to understand many things previously obscure or contradictory to the Western mind. His careful research into the geography, biology and archaeology of Bible lands served to support and encourage confidence in the accuracy of the Bible.

In his generation Dr Kitto was a most significant contributor to Christian scholarship, and he provided much help for Evangelicals defending the Bible against the attack of liberal critics. He eventually wrote a total of twenty-three books, of which Charles Spurgeon considered the Daily Bible Illustrations to be "more interesting than any novel that was ever written, and as instructive as the heaviest theology."

John Kitto summed up his life with the following words:

"I perhaps have as much right as any man that lives, to bear witness that there is no one so low but that he may rise, no condition so cast down as to be really hopeless, and no privation which need, of itself, shut out any man from the paths of honourable exertion or from the hope of usefulness in life. I have sometimes thought that it was possibly my mission to affirm and establish these great truths."

Table of Contents
Title Page
Prepared by BibleSupport.com
Tables of Scripture Measures, Weights, and Coins
----Historical and Physical Geography
--------Historical Geography
--------Climate and Seasons
----Agriculture and Pasturage
--------Laws and Operations
--------Principal Vegetable Products
--------Pastoral Life and Animals
----Habits of Life
--------Food and Dress
--------Women and Children
--------Customs Relating to the Dead
----Literature, Science, and Art
--------Science and Art
--------Commerce and War
--------Religious Institutions
--------Political Institutions
--------Judicial Institutions
B.C. 2348 to 1635
----B.C. 2348 to 1909
----B.C. 1909 to 1893
----B.C. 1893 to 1796
----B.C. 1796 to 1739
----B.C. 1739 to 1703
----B.C. 1708 to 1635
B.C. 1571 to 1452
----B.C. 1571 to 1491
----B.C. 1491
----B.C. 1491 to 1490
----B.C. 1490 to 1489
----B.C. 1489 to 1432
----B.C. 1452
B.C. 1451 to 1095
----B.C. 1451
----B.C. 1451 to 1426
----B.C. 1426 to 1285
----B.C. 1285 to 1157
----B.C. 1155 to 1117
----B.C. 1149 to 1095
B.C. 1095 to 975
----B.C. 1095 to 1091
----B.C. 1095 to 1050
----B.C. 1059 to 1055
----B.C. 1055 to 1034
----B.C. 1034 to 1015
----B.C. 1015 to 975
B.C. 975 to 588
----Israel from B.C. 975 to 918
----Judah from B.C. 975 to 889
----Israel from B.C. 918 to 897
----Judah from B.C. 889 to 809
----Israel from B.C. 897 to 771
----Judah from B.C. 809 to 696
----B.C. 771 to 721
----B.C. 698 to 588
B.C. 588 to 169
----B.C. 588 to 535
----B.C. 535 to 516
----B.C. 516 to 444
----B.C. 444 to 312
----B.C. 314 to 187
----B.C. 175 to 169
B.C. 167 to 37
----B.C. 167 to 163
----B.C. 163 to 143
----B.C. 143 to 78
----B.C. 78 to 54
----B.C. 54 to 37
B.C. 37 to A.D. 1850
----B.C. 37 to B.C. 4
----B.C. 5 to A.D. 25
----A.D. 25 to 36
----A.D. 36 to 64
----A.D. 64 to 70
----A.D. 70 to 1076
----A.D. 1076 to 1203
----A.D. 1203 to 1850

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