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- Submitted: Mar 09 2012 05:50 PM
- Last Updated: Aug 31 2012 06:47 PM
- File Size: 3.54MB
- Views: 8727
- Downloads: 3,068
- Author: Arno C. Gaebelein
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: AnnotatedBible
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Gaebelein, Arno C - Annotated Bible (Commentary) v0.2

Whole Bible Dispensationalism

Arno C. Gaebelein
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
About The Annotated Bible
Written over a 10 year period, Gaebelein considered the Annotated Bible to be his crowning achievement. Today, bible scholars consider the Annotated Bible a classic and Gaebelein to be one of America's truly great Bible teachers.
This passage by passage commentary features:
- 9 volumes
- 3,100+ pages (8 megabytes of text!)
- Solidly Dispensational
- Every Book of the Bible
Gaebelein was a careful teacher of prophecy. As World War I unfolded around him, many Christians of the time believe they were experiencing Armageddon. Gaebelein cautioned believers against this view, having an understanding of Israel's place in prophecy that had not yet been fulfilled. His prudence against "date setting" and other reckless prophetic teaching makes his studies in Scripture worthy of attention today. Gaebelein taught that the Bible foretold the return of Israel to their promised land, but died before being able to witness those events take place.
The Annotated Bible commentary takes a stand against higher criticism that seeks to strip the Bible of its prophetic authority and addresses historical and doctrinal issues. The reader will find aid in the passage divisions offered by Gaebelein as well as his book introductions, which address internal and external testimonies of the authorship of the books of the Bible.
---C.I. Scofield said of Gaebelein's commentary:
"Admirable analyses and clear, sane, and spiritual interpretations."
---J. D. Pentecost, Dallas Theological Seminary, said:
They are highly recommended to Bible students for their keen insight into the books, their faithfulness in exposition of the truths of the Word, and the warmth of love for the Lord they reflect.
Revised Edition:
March 2012: The old module was so poorly formated and organized, the module was completely unusable. Most who downloaded the old module deleted it for this reason.
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