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  • Submitted: Feb 29 2012 03:41 PM
  • Last Updated: Jul 04 2016 12:48 PM
  • File Size: 2.39MB
  • Views: 6533
  • Downloads: 2,671
  • Author: F.B. Meyer
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Meyer Homily
  • Module Identifier: jb21

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Download Meyer, F.B. - Our Daily Homily (Commentary) 1.0

* * * * - 4 Votes
Whole Bible Baptist Devotional
F.B. Meyer

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Meyer Homily

Module Identifier:

About "Our Daily Homily" (5 Volumes - Commentary)
In a commentary/devotional style, Meyer picked one verse from every chapter in the Bible. The resulting commentary/devotional is "Our Daily Homily", a 5 volume work. In his preface to the 5th volume, Meyer noted:

"None of my books is dearer to me than this, or seems to contain more of my innermost thought; but at best it is only a handful of meal in the barrel, which may God multiply till He send rain on the earth."

About the theWord Edition
This version of the resource is in commentary format, since theWord shows which verses have comments. For this resource, I believe this is the ideal format. Previously, this version was made as a Book/Topic and Devotional file.

Preface to Our Daily Homily
The Angels who daily spread the table in the wilderness during the desert wanderings could hardly have had more pleasure in their work than I have had in preparing a daily meal for many of God's children; and the response has been quite remarkable.

From sick chambers, from souls in sore distress and perplexity, from discouraged servants of God, from those occupied in lonely outpost duty, from all parts of the world—testimony has come to the appropriateness and directness with which the Daily Homily has spoken to the needs of God's people. To Him be the glory, who still multiplies the five barley-loaves and two small fish.

In response to many requests, these brief meditations are now published in a permanent form; and it is hoped that they will be largely used in the private closet and at the family altar; especially where the holy habit prevails of reading the Word of God through, in due course, from cover to cover.

They do not profess to be comprehensive or profound. "A Homily," says an authority, "is distinct from mere exegesis or exposition; because the latter is addressed to the understanding, while the Homily is meant to affect the heart also, and to persuade those who hear to apply the lessons of Scripture for the reformation of their lives." This definition admirably describes my purpose. I have endeavored to build an exhortation to the heart from a careful consideration of the selected passage, often in the fresh light thrown on it from the Revised Version.

About F.B. Meyer
Frederick Brotherton Meyer (1847–1929). Baptist pastor, Bible conference speaker and writer. Born in London, Meyer was convinced from his childhood that he would be a preacher.

While at Priory Street Church in 1873, Meyer befriended Dwight L. Moody and Ira D. Sankey, who had arrived in England to minister but had found that the two men who had invited them had died. Invited to York, Moody found Meyer very helpful in getting his campaign started. This friendship resulted in Moody inviting Meyer to America in 1891, the first of twelve trips. He spoke at the East Northfield Summer Conference for two weeks and proved to be so popular that he was asked to give post-conference addresses. In one meeting at Northfield, J. Wilbur Chapman was touched by Meyer’s preaching and testified later to a life-changing commitment made there.

Prior to his coming to the U.S., his written works had received much attention. His biographies of Bible characters gained great popularity, as did his expositional and devotional works.



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