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  • Author: James Hastings
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Hastings Prayer, Faith, Peace

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Download Hastings, James - The Great Christian Doctrines of Prayer, Faith, and Peace (3 vols)

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Baptist Expository Topics Prayer Devotional Living a Christian Life
James Hastings

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3.x - 4.x

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Hastings Prayer, Faith, Peace

Focusing on theology and application, Hastings wrote about three important doctrines of Christianity: Prayer, Faith, and Peace. Hastings believed spiritual growth revolved around an understanding of these three areas.

Over 1,200 pages of scholarship in 3 volumes, this Series represented Hasting’s final endeavor with some of this material published after his death. Hastings sought to avoid a “dry” presentation of Christian doctrine by compiling practical exposition with examples and illustrations. His method of writing was more “literary” because of his study of classical literature.

Encouraging, practical, engaging, and inspiring, this classic series will benefit teachers, preachers, and students.

Series Preface
There is a widespread and earnest desire on the part of teachers of the Bible to do more than has lately been done for the teaching of Christian doctrine. The complaint that doctrine is dry is due to the way it is taught, even more than to the “spirit of the age.” Anything is dry that is disorderly or unreal. The Doctrines are presented in an orderly sequence, and contact with reality is maintained at every step by means of illustration or example.

The Christian Doctrine of Prayer
Hastings addresses the complicated issue of prayer. He explores the nature, principles, types, and value of prayer. Hastings also gives practical encouragement and advice for those beginning in prayer, as well as for seasoned prayers. Included are bibliographies, lists of books for further reading, and examples. See the table of contents below.

The Christian Doctrine of Faith
Hastings brings together both the doctrine and practice of faith in this work. He recognizes the necessity as well as the difficulty of faith for Christians. He studies different topics such as range, faith in God, faith in humanity, degrees of faith, and faith in Christ as savior. Hastings offers practical guides and examples for pastors and those exploring the nature of faith. Included are bibliographies, lists of books for further reading, and examples. See the table of contents below.

The Christian Doctrine of Peace
Published posthumously, this resource on Christian peace was the last edited works of Hastings. He not only focuses what peace is for the Christian, but on social and culture peace as well. Hastings discusses peace with God, peace with man, peace of conscience, and the impact of war. Included are bibliographies, lists of books for further reading, and examples. See the table of contents below.

About Hastings
James Hastings (1852-1922) was a Presbyterian clergyman, author, and Bible scholar. Hastings was born in Scotland, studied the classics at the University of Aberdeen, attended the Free Church Divinity College in Aberdeen, and was ordained a Free Church minister in 1884. Hastings was a prolific author. Hastings studied Literature extensively prior to his pursuit of theology. That uniquely qualified Hastings to intertwine theology with classic literature.

About the theWord Edition:
This text was scanned, digitized, and proofread by WordModules.com.
  • The text has been changed slightly from the print edition:
  • Scripture references have been better formatted for electronic presentation in theWord.
  • Most implicit scripture references were made specific to reference the actual book chapter:verse rather than expecting the reader to deduce the chapter or book.
  • Scripture citations were added to unattributed Scripture quotes (common with nineteenth and early twentieth century authors because readers then were more knowledgeable than modern readers).
  • The "Literature" sections were moved from the beginning of each chapter to the end.
  • The "Chapter" designation in each topic was added and the roman numeral was replaced with Arabic digits, i.e. "Chapter 5" instead of "IV."
Faith Table Of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction
----The Importance Of Faith
----The Necessity Of Faith
----The Heroism Of Faith
Chapter 2: Faith In One's Self
----The Value Of Faith In One's Self
----Its Perils
----Its Foundation
Chapter 3: Faith In Men
Chapter 4: The Range Of Faith
----In Daily Life
----In Science
----In Society
----Faith In Religious Life
Chaper 5: Faith In God
Chapter 6: The Venture Of Faith
Chapter 7: Faith In Jesus
----An Energy
Chapter 8: Faith In Christ As Saviour
Chapter 9: Degrees of Faith
----Little Faith
----Great Faith
Chapter 10: The Growth Of Faith
----The Consciousness Of Progress
----The Encouragement Of Progress
----The Signs Of Progress
Chapter 11: The Fight Of Faith
----The Enemy
----The Purpose
----The Method
Chapter 12: The Full Assurance Of Faith (Part 1)
----The Word
----The Conditions Of Assurance
Chapter 13: The Full Assurance of Faith (Part 2)
----The Object Of Assurance
----The Necessity Of Assurance
----The Value Of Full Assurance
Chapter 14: The Foundation of Faith
----The Church
----The Bible
----Argument Or Intuition
Chapter 15: The Confirmation Of Faith
----The Testimony Of Others
----Its Fruits
----The Witness Of The Spirit
Chapter 16: Justification By Faith
----The Necessity
----The Meaning
----The Channel
----The Blessings
Chapter 17: Sanctification By Faith
----Faith Justifying And Sanctifying
----New Life
Chapter 18: Personality In Faith
----The Person Of Christ
----Our Own Personality

Peace Table Of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction
----A Great Subject
----The Uses Of TheWord
Chapter 2: The God Of Peace
----The Name
----The Gifts
Chapter 3: Peace of Christ
----The Secret Of Christ's Peace
----The Lord Of Peace
Chapter 4: The Search For Peace
Chapter 5: Peace With God
Chapter 6: Peace Of Conscience
----The Discords Of Life
----A Quiet Conscience
----The Hindrances
Chapter 7: Peace And Progress
----Peace In Work
----Peace In Warfare
Chapter 8: Peace With All Men
----As Much As In You Lieth
Chapter 9: Peace Or War
----The Teaching Of Christ
----The Secret Of Christ
Chapter 10: The Sermon On The Mount
----Its Hearers
----Its Method
----Its Aim
Chapter 11: The Realization Of The Ideal
----The Coming Of The Kingdom
----The Increasing Purpose
Chapter 12: The Use Of Force
----The Pacifist Theory
----The Militarist Theory
----The Word And Example Of Christ
Chapter 13: War
----That War Will Always Be Necessary
----That War Is Never Necessary
----When Is War A Necessity?
Chapter 14: The Good Of War
----Civilization and Social Progress
----National Life
----Character and Heroism
Chapter 15: The Evil Of War
----The Cost Of War
----The Horrors Of War
----The Moral Mischief Caused By War
Chapter 16: The End Of War
Chapter 17: What Are We To Do?
----Christian Influence
----The Influence Of The Individual
----The Influence Of The Church

Prayer Table Of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction
----The Proof of Prayer
----The Practice Of Prayer
Chapter 2: The Nature of Prayer
----Prayer Is Desire
----Prayer Is Communion
----Prayer Is Petition
Chapter 3: Address and Adoration
----The Address
Chapter 4: Confession
----General and Particular
----Desire for Holiness
----Endeavour After New Obedience
Chapter 5: Petition
Chapter 6: Intercession
Chapter 7: Thanksgiving
Chapter 8: The First Principles Of Prayer
----According To The Will Of God
----In The Name Of Christ
----In The Power Of The Spirit
Chapter 9: Personal Demands Of Prayer
----Faith, Hope, And Love
Chapter 10: Minor Aids To Prayer
Chapter 11: Scientific Objections To Prayer
----The Physical And The Spiritual
----The Meaning Of Law
----Mind And Will In Natural Law
Chapter 12: Philosophical Objections To Prayer
----Our Self-Sufficiency
----The War Of Interests
----What Is Man
----A Perfect Providence
----The Unchangeable Will
Chapter 13: The Value Of Prayer
Chapter 14: Hindrances To Prayer
Chapter 15: Encouragements To Prayer
----The Name Of God
----The History Of Israel
----The Life Of Christ
----The Promises
Chapter 16: The Perplexities Of Prayer
----No Answer
----Deferred Answer
----Different Answer
Chapter 17: Answers To Prayer
----Expect Answers
----Answers Do Come
----Special Providences
----Some Examples
----Spiritual Communications
Chapter 18: Prayer To The Trinity
----Prayer To God
----Prayer To God The Son
----Prayer To God The Holy Spirit
Chapter 19: The Fit Times For Prayer
----Fixed Times
----Frequent Occasions
----Much Time
Chapter 20: The Manner Of Prayer
----The Posture
----Form Or Freedom
----The Length
----The Voice

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