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  • Submitted: Nov 29 2012 11:56 PM
  • Last Updated: Nov 29 2012 11:56 PM
  • File Size: 1.6MB
  • Views: 3250
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  • Author: James Arminius
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: The Works of James Arminius by James Arminius

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Download Arminius, James - The Works of James Arminius (3 Vols) 1.0

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James Arminius

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3.x - 4.x

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The Works of James Arminius by James Arminius

Jacobus Arminius, a 16th century, Dutch Reformed theolo- gian, had a profound impact on John and Charles Wesley, and consequently contemporary Protestantism. But Arminius is perhaps best known as the father of Arminianism--a theological position which challenges Calvinism. Yet, Arminius' own work is often neglected. This three volume set, the Works of James Arminius, attempts to fix that neglect. It brings together some of Arminius' most important works, such as the "Declarations of Sentiment" (volume I), his commentary on Rom_7:1-25 (volume II), his letters (volume III), and "Nine Questions" (volume I). It also contains a variety of interesting, but lesser-known treatises as well. As a whole, these volumes will challenge the way you believe; they con- tain more than simply critiques of Calvinism, but also subtle and instructive theological ideas. The Works of James Arminius shows that Arminius should be studied along with other great theologians such as St. Augustine, St. Anselm, St. Aquinas, and Calvin. Ideal for anyone interested in the reformation or Arminianism, the Works of James Arminius is an instructive and important text.

Tim Perrine
CCEL Staff Writer

Table of Contents

Volume 1
A Sketch of the Life of James Arminius
Lectures on the Study of Theology
Arminius' Theological Sentiments
The Apology of James Arminius
Nine Theological Questions
Public Disputations

Volume 2
Private Theological Debates
An Interpretation of Romans 7
An Open Letter to Hippolytus A Collibus
Controversial Articles of Faith
The Sin Against the Holy Spirit

Volume 3
Discussion of Predestination: Pro and Con
Comments of Arminius on Predestination
Examination of a Treatise on Predestination
Analysis of Romans 9

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