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  • Submitted: Dec 31 2012 11:36 AM
  • Last Updated: Dec 31 2012 11:36 AM
  • File Size: 234K
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  • Downloads: 403
  • Author: Michael Vlach
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Vlach - The Kingdom Program in Matthew

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Download Vlach, Michael - The Kingdom Program in Matthew's Gospel

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Matthew Dispensationalism Theology Eschatalogy (Endtimes)

Michael Vlach

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Vlach - The Kingdom Program in Matthew

http://www.theologicalstudies.org/ This material is under copyright. Used by permission from Michael Vlach.

www.theologicalstudies.org has resources from the ministry of Michael Vlach Ph.D.

"TheologicalStudies.org--One of the best 'one stop theological shops' on the web."
--The Masters Seminary website

There is a lot of good material on this web site to look through. It is from a dispensational perspective.

From the Introduction

The kingdom of God is one of the great themes of Scripture. It is also one of the most debated topics in theology. The kingdom is a subject of disagreement among premillennialists, amillennialists, and postmillennialists. Even among dispensational premillennialists there are differences of thought concerning the nature and timing of the kingdom. For instance, at the 2009 ETS Dispensational Study Group, David L. Turner argued for a progressive dispensational perspective on the kingdom1 against a traditional dispensational view as espoused by men like Alva J. McClain, Stanley Toussaint, and Charles Ryrie. At the heart of the issue was whether the kingdom had been inaugurated with the first coming of Christ. Thus, while dispensationalist s agree on a future earthly millennial kingdom which involves a special role for national Israel, there is debate as to whether the kingdom is entirely future from our current standpoint or is an already/not yet entity with certain aspects of the kingdom being in operation today.

The purpose of this paper is to survey the kingdom as presented in Matthew’s Gospel. Since there is near universal acceptance among Christian theologians that Matthew is a gospel about the King and His kingdom, Matthew’s Gospel is a good place to start to try to establish a sound kingdom theology. So then, we will examine the nature and timing of the kingdom in Matthew. In regard to “nature” this work will look at whether the kingdom is primarily earthly or spiritual or a combination of these two elements. In regard to “timing” we will survey whether Matthew’s Gospel presents the kingdom as present or future or something in between.

Table of Contents

Chapters 1-2 (The Promised King)
Chapters 3-4 (The Nearness of the Kingdom in the Ministries of John and Jesus)
Chapters 5-7 (The Sermon of the King)
Chapter 8 (Gentile Inclusion in the Kingdom Program)
Chapter 9 (Miracles as Previews of the Kingdom)
Chapter 10 (The Nearness of the Kingdom Presented to the Cities of Isreal)
Chapter 11 (Rejection of the Kingdom by the People of Israel)
Chapter 12 (Rejection of the Kingdom by the Leaders of Israel)
Chapter 13 (Mysteries Concerning the Kingdom)
Chapter 14-15 (Death of the Kingdom's Forerunner)
Chapters 16-17 (A Kingdom Preview)
Chapters 18-19 (The Kingdom, the Regeneration, and the Restoration of Israel)
Chapter 20
Chapters 21-22 (Coming Judgement for Unbelief)
Chapters 23 (Woes to Those who Shut Off the Kingdom)
Chapters 24-25 (The Kingdom after Tribulation)
Chapters 26-28 (Death and Resurrection of the King)
Summary of the Kingdom in Matthew's Gospel

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