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  • Submitted: Mar 17 2013 11:00 PM
  • Last Updated: Mar 17 2013 11:00 PM
  • File Size: 524K
  • Views: 3957
  • Downloads: 649
  • Author: Ramsay, William Mitchell
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Ramsay Galatians

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Download Ramsay, William Mitchell - A Historical Commentary on St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians

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Galatians Bible Interpretation History
Ramsay, William Mitchell

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Ramsay Galatians

In the Preface, Ramsay says,

"The attempt is made in this book to show how much light the epistle to the Galatians throws on contemporary history in the widest sense—the history of religion, society, thought, manners, education—in the Eastern provinces of the Empire,"

Ramsay discusses the book and history of Galatians, relating the ancient culture to our western minds..

theWord Edition
This module is by special request and the text is from Bill Anderson @ StillTruth.com.

About Sir William Mitchell Ramsay
Sir William Mitchell Ramsay (15 March 1851 - 20 April 1939) was a British archaeologist and New Testament scholar. Educated at Oxford, he held several prestigious professorships, including "First Professor of Classical Archaeology" and "Lincoln and Merton Professorship of Classical Archaeology and Art" at Oxford, and "Regius Professor of Humanity" at the University of Aberdeen. He received gold medals from Pope Leo XII, the University of Pennsylvania, the Royal Geographical Society, and the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, and was knighted in 1906.

Mitchell was raised as an atheist and as an archaeologist was convinced that the Bible was fraudulent. "He had spent years deliberately preparing himself for the announced task of heading an exploration expedition into Asia Minor and Palestine where he would [find] the evidence that the book was the product of ambitious monks, and not the book from heaven it claimed to be. He regarded the weakest spot in the whole New Testament to be the story of Paul's travels. These had never been thoroughly investigated by one on the spot. Equipped as no other man had been, he went to the home of the Bible. Here he spent fifteen years digging. Then in 1896 he published a large volume, Saint Paul, the Traveler and the Roman Citizen."

Ramsay was struck by the accuracy of the book of Acts. In his quest to refute the Bible, he discovered many facts which confirmed its accuracy. He concluded that Luke’s account of the events and setting recorded in the narrative were exact even in the smallest detail. Of Luke, he wrote: Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy...this author should be placed along with the very greatest historians.

"The book caused a furor of dismay among the skeptics of the world. Its attitude was utterly unexpected because it was contrary to the announced intention of the author years before. For twenty years more, book after book from the same author came from the press, each filled with additional evidence of the exact, minute truthfulness of the whole New Testament as tested by the spade on the spot. And these books have stood the test of time, not one having been refuted, nor have I found even any attempt to refute them."

Ramsay shook the contemporary intellectual world by declaring that he had converted to Christianity, having found himself accepting the Bible as God’s Word because of the evidence of his explorations and discoveries.

His numerous publications include: The Historical Geography of Asia Minor (1890); The Church in the Roman Empire(1893); The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia (2 vols., 1895, 1897); St Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen (1895; Germ. trans., 1898); Impressions of Turkey (1897); Was Christ born at Bethlehem? (1898); Historical Commentary on Galatians (1899); The Education of Christ (1902); The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia (1905); Pauline and other Studies in Early Christian History (1906); Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire(1906); The Cities of St Paul (1907); Lucan and Pauline Studies (1908); The Thousand and One Churches (with Miss Gertrude L. Bell, 1909); and articles in learned periodicals and the 9th, 10th and 11th editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His wife, Lady Ramsay, granddaughter of Dr Andrew Marshall of Kirkintilloch, accompanied him in many of his journeys and is the author of Everyday Life in Turkey (1897) and The Romance of Elisavet (1899).

Historical Introduction: Society and Religion in Central Asia Minor in the Time of St. Paul.
-----Section I: Preliminary
-----Section II: North Galatia: Land and Peoples
-----Section III: Pre-Galatic History of North Galatia
-----Section IV: The Pre-Gaulish Inhabitants of Galatia
-----Section V: The Religion of Asia Minor
-----Section VI: Settlement of the Gauls in Galatia
-----Section VII: The History of Galatia, B.C. 232-64
-----Section VIII: The Galatian State
-----Section IX: The Religion of Galatia
-----Section X: Galatia as a Roman Client State
-----Section XI: Origin of the Province Galatia
-----Section XII: History of the Province Galatia, B.C. 25-A.D. 50
-----Section XIII: Civilisation of Galatia Under the Roman Empire
-----Section XIV: Language and Letters in North Galatia
-----Section XV: The Influence of Christianity in North Galatia
-----Section XVI: Later History of the Province Galatia
-----Section XVII: The Cities and the Peoples of South Galatia
-----Section XVIII: The Jews in South Galatia
-----Section XIX: Pisidian Antioch
-----Section XX: Iconium
-----Section XXI: Lystra
-----Section XXII: Derbe
-----Section XXIII: Summary
Historical Commentary: Epistle to the Galatians
-----Chapter 1
----------The Introductory Address
----------II. The Epistle Authorised by the Church In Antioch
----------III. Persons Mentioned in the Epistle
----------IV. Relation of Paul to Barnabas
----------V. “I Marvel” (Gal_1:6)
----------VI. “Ye Are So Quickly Removing”
----------VII. Cause of the Galatian Movement
----------VIII. Paul as a Judaistic Preacher (Gal_1:6-10)
----------IX. Another Gospel (Gal_1:6-7)
----------X. “Seeking to Please Men” (Gal_1:10)
----------XI. Tone of Address to the Galatians
----------XII. The Gospel Which Ye Received
----------XIII. Dates of the Autobiography
----------XIV. The Province of Syria and Cilicia (Gal_1:21)
----------XV. The Klimata of Syria and Cilicia
----------XVI. The Visits to Jerusalem (Gal_1:18; Gal_2:1 ff)
----------XVII. The First Visit to Jerusalem (Gal_1:18-20)
-----Chapter 2
----------XVIII. The Second Visit to Jerusalem (Gal_2:1-10)
----------XIX. Limits and Purpose of the Autobiography
----------XX. St. Peter in Antioch (Gal_2:11)
-----Chapter 3
----------XXI. Spirit of Chapters 3, 4
----------XXII. The Address “Galatians,” in Gal_3:1
----------XXIII. Galatia the Province
----------XXIV. Galatians and Gauls
----------XXV. St. Paul’s Roman Point of View
----------XXVI. Foolish Galatians
----------XXVII. The Two Stages (Gal_3:3)
----------XXVIII. The Marvellous Powers (Gal_3:2-5)
----------XXIX. The Teaching of Paul
----------XXX. The Message to the Galatians
----------XXXI. Sons of Abraham (Gal_3:6-9)
----------XXXII. Oi ek pisteus
----------XXXIII. A Man's Will, Diatheke (Gal_3:15-17)
----------XXXIV. The Use of Diatheke in the Pauline Epistles
----------XXXV. Greek Law in Galatian Cities
----------XXXVI. The Argument From Seed (Gal_3:16)
----------XXXVII. Function of the Law (Gal_3:19-22)
----------XXXVIII. The Mediator (Gal_3:20)
----------XXXIX. Law the Child Guardian (Gal_3:23-25)
----------XL. Equality in the Perfect Church (Gal_3:26-29)
-----Chapter 4
----------XLI. The Infant Son and Heir (Gal_4:1-7)
----------XLII. The Rudiments of the World (Gal_4:3; Gal_4:9)
----------XLIII. He Sent Forth His Son (Gal_4:4)
----------XLIV. The Address at Pisidian Antioch
----------XLV. Paul’s Visits to Galatia in Acts
----------XLVI. Paul’s Visits to the Galatic Churches
----------XLVII. Cause the First Galatian Visit
----------XLVIII. The Thorn in the Flesh
----------XLIX. Sequence of Thought in (Gal_4:12-20)
-----Chapter 5
----------L. The Allegory of Hagar and Sarah (Gal_4:21; Galatians 5)
----------LI. The Conclusion (Gal_5:1)
----------LII. Personal Recapitulation (Gal_5:2-12)
----------LIII. The Whole Law (Gal_5:2-4)
----------LIV. Freedom and Love (Gal_5:13-15)
----------LV. The Spiritual Life (Gal_5:16-26)
----------LVI. The Faults of the South Galatic Cities
-----Chapter 6
----------LVII. The Unforgiving Phrygians (Gal_6:1-5)
----------LVIII. Voluntary Liberality to Teachers (Gal_6:6-10)
----------LIX. Was There a Letter From the Galatians?
----------LX. The Large Letters (Gal_6:11-17)
----------LXI. The Parting Message
----------LXII. The Concluding Blessing and Denunciation (Gal_6:16-17)
----------LXIII. The Stigmata of Jesus (Gal_6:17)
----------LXIV. Result of the Epistle

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