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- Submitted: Jun 14 2013 11:43 AM
- Last Updated: Jun 15 2013 08:41 AM
- File Size: 187K
- Views: 4620
- Downloads: 639
- Author: Gordon Watt
- theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
- Tab Name: Cross Meaning
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Watt, Gordon - The Meaning of the Cross: Studies of the Cross of Christ throughout the Bible
2 Votes
Soteriology (Salvation) Christology
Gordon Watt
theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x
Tab Name:
Cross Meaning
This book presents the message of the Cross in a clear and Biblical way. Watt presents the Cross throughout the Bible, and how it holds the central place in salvation, victory, power and service.
Watt examines the doctrinal meaning of the cross and how it relates to other aspects of Christian faith and living, reinforcing the prominent place the message of the cross should have in our daily lives as well as in all church services.
Isolating the cross from the Christian's life, removes the meaning and purpose of Salvation and redemption, as well as the reason for witness before the world, along with the source for all spiritual guidance and divine power. It is imperative that all Christians get back to the simple message of Salvation and consecration, and a real understanding of the cross in faith and conduct.
About Gordon Watt
Gordon Beattie Watt was born on September 25, 1865 in Stonehaven, Kincardine, Scotland, in the church parsonage.
He received an M.A. from the University of Aberdeen, in 1888.
He became the minister of the High Kirk, in Kilmarnock, Scotland, in 1896.
In April, 1901, Gordon was 35 and working as a minister of High Parish Kirk. He was living with his mother, Elizabeth, who was 70.
On July 15, 1902, he was married to Agnes Michie Dobie at St. Michael’s Church of N. Merchiston, Edinburg.
From 1912 to 1921, he was the minister of the stately yet beautiful and recently rebuilt (1906) St. Laurence Church of Forres, Moray, Scotland.
As with many of the popular Holy Spirit led preachers of the time, he entered the ministry and it was 15 years later when he finally came to the end of himself and quit trying to work for the Lord, and instead allowed God to work through him, making God his All in All.
Gordon Watt was one of the better known preachers (along with Griffith Thomas and Charles Trumbull) at the early American Keswick meetings. These meetings were held in Northfield, Massachusetts; Stony Brook, New York; Cedar Lake, Indiana; and the permanent “America’s Keswick” in New Jersey.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Threefold Aspect of the Cross
-----The Aspect of New Birth
-----The Aspect of Crucifying our Old Man
-----The Aspect of Strategic Position
Chapter 2: Our Indebtedness to the Cross
-----The Cross Marks the Purpose of Christ’s Coming
-----The Cross Pledges Christ’s Return
-----The Cross is the Secret of Life
-----The Cross Enables the Gift of the Holy Spirit
-----The Cross Brings Victory
-----The Cross Obligates Holiness
-----The Cross Instills Christian Zeal
-----The Cross Grants Assurance
Chapter 3: The Message of the Cross in the Old Testament
-----The Cross in Genesis
-----The Cross in Exodus
-----The Cross in Leviticus
-----The Cross in Numbers
-----The Cross in Deuteronomy
Chapter 4: The Gospels
-----The Purpose of Christ’s Coming
-----Christ’s View of His Mission
-----Christ’s Meaning of the Cross
Chapter 5: The Cross in the Epistles
-----Our Faith and Hope
-----The Plan of Service
-----The Pathway of Life
-----Aim of Life
-----The End of Life
-----The Purpose of Life
-----Light beyond the Present
Chapter 6: The Cross in the Revelation
-----The Message of Forgiveness
-----The Glory of the Changed Sphere
-----The Cleansing of Character
-----Glory of Perfect Victory
-----The Glory of Consecration
-----The Glory of Service
-----The Glory of Fellowship
-----Glory of True Government
Chapter 7: The Mold of the Cross
-----The Mold of Dying Daily
-----The Mold of Suffering
-----The Mold of Fellowship
-----The Mold of Resurrection
-----The Mold of Victory
Chapter 8: The Imperatives of the Cross
-----Be Reconciled to God
-----Glorify God
-----Live unto God
Chapter 9: Following the Lamb: the Way of the Cross
-----Following Is Obedience
-----Following Is Discipleship
-----Following Is Being Redeemed
-----Following Is Willingness to be Misjudged
-----Following Is Going All the Way
-----Following Is Upholding the Standard
-----Following Is to Be Blameless
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