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  • Submitted: Apr 19 2012 09:22 AM
  • Last Updated: Apr 19 2012 03:58 PM
  • File Size: 3.47MB
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  • Downloads: 2,440
  • Author: Neighbour, Robert Edward
  • theWord Version: 3.x - 4.x
  • Tab Name: Sermons and Bible Studies

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Download Neighbour, Robert E - Sermons and Bible Studies On... (12 Volumes)

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Dispensationalism Christology Soteriology (Salvation) Baptist Illustrations/Quotations Sermon Helps Sermons/Outlines
Neighbour, Robert Edward

theWord Version:
3.x - 4.x

Tab Name:
Sermons and Bible Studies

Tired of small topics that you read once and forget? This one is 10 megs and 1700+ topic title entries. There's enough Bible study, teaching, and preaching material for years!

Well of Living Water is a passage by passage commentary. But "Sermons and Bible Studies On... is a topical collection of Biblical analysis, exposition, outlines, and truths from Dr. Robert E. Neighbour's sermons." Most topics include an illustration.

This 12 volume collection began from the author's sermon notes and was published separately according to theme:

Volume 1. The Deeper Life and Service
Volume 2. Characters and Types
Volume 3. Real Salvation Themes
Volume 4. The Psalms and Prophecy
Volume 5. Christ, The Holy Spirit, and Satan's Strategies
Volume 6. Sermons and Bible Studies in Christ Jesus
Volume 7. the Glory That Will Follow
Volume 8. God's Men and Their Message
Volume 9. From the Cross to the Crown
Volume 10. Helpful Messages for God's People
Volume 11. God's Message for His Church
Volume 12. God's message for Israel

"Dr. Robert Edward Neighbour worked extensively with Southern Baptist missions and pastored a number of churches, including the First Baptist Church of Atlanta, GA. While there, he started the Baptist Bible Union and left the Southern Baptist denomination behind. After a number of years at the helm of the BBU, he left and continued his work as an evangelist and missionary until his death in

During his life, Dr. Neighbour wrote 94 books, including 2 hymn books, and started 82 churches. Only God knows how many people he won to Christ or how many people's lives were affected for eternity!"

Volume 1: The Deeper Life and Service
-----Following the Lord Fully
---------Following Christ in Salvation
---------Following Christ Through Deprivations
---------Following Christ Above Relatives
---------Following Christ Above Riches
---------Following Christ Above Self
---------Following Christ Even Unto Death
---------Following Christ Amid the Raptured Saints
---------Following Christ and Reigning with Him
---------Following Christ No Matter What Others Do
-----Elisha Follows Elijah
---------The Setting
---------Elisha at Gilgal
---------Elisha at Bethel
---------Elisha at Jericho
---------Elisha at Jordan
---------Elisha's Blessing
---------The Aftermath
-----Christ--All in All
---------Christ Predestinated My Life
---------Christ Produced My Life
---------Christ--The Product of My Life
---------Christ--The Purpose of My Life
---------Christ--The Princely Leader of My Life
---------Christ--The Praise of My Life
---------Christ--The Propelling Power of My Life
---------Sanctification Defined
---------Sanctification God's Will
---------The Scope of Sanctification
---------Sanctification God's Work
---------Sanctification Brings Blessing
---------Second Coming Instils Sanctification
-----The Will of God
---------The Will of God Our Chief Aim
---------Standing in the Will of God
---------Standing Perfect in the Will of God
---------Standing Complete in the Will of God
---------Standing in All the Will of God
---------Doing God's Will
---------How May We Ascertain God's Will?
-----The Two Covenants
---------The Law Covenant
---------The Law Covenant--Results
---------The Covenant of Grace
---------Grace Better Than Law
---------A Solemn Warning
---------The Law Insufficient
-----The Rewards of the Righteous
---------The Fact of Rewards Set Forth
---------Acts That Merit Reward
---------Rewarded According to Works
---------Rewards at Our Lord's Return
---------Rewards May Be Lost
---------Rewards an Inspiration for Service
-----The Life of Prayer
---------The Avenue of Prayer
---------Prayer and Fellowship
---------Prayer and Petition
---------Prayer a Cure for Worry
---------Prayer--Preparation for Service
---------Prayer the Source of Power
---------Call to Prayer
-----Seven Characteristics of the Believer
---------A Study of II Timothy, Chapter 2
---------The Believer Is a Son
---------The Believer Is a Soldier
---------The Believer Is a Wrestler
---------The Believer Is a Workman
---------The Believer Is a Vessel
---------The Believer Is a Servant
---------The Believer Is a Husbandman
-----Fishing for Men
---------Preparation for Those Who Would Fish for Men--Win Souls
---------Purpose in Soul-Winning
---------Plan in Soul-Winning
---------The Place to Practice Soul-Winning
---------Prayer in Soul-Winning
---------The Practice of Soul-Winning
---------The Pay for Soul-Winning
-----Why the Saved Are Safe
---------Salvation Is a Gift
---------The Gift Is Eternal Life
---------The Life Is a Spiritual Birth
---------A Life Hid with Christ in God
---------A Life Secure in the Father's Hands
---------A Life Secured by an Unfaltering Love
---------A Life Sealed by the Spirit
---------A Life Possessing God's Earnest
---------A Life Secured by the Will of Christ
---------A Life Secured by the Grace of God
-----Apostates From the Faith
---------Apostates From the Faith--Foretold
---------Apostates From the Faith--Within the Fold
---------Apostates From the Faith--Their Denials
---------Apostates From the Faith--Their Character
---------Apostates From the Faith--Their Danger
---------Apostates From the Faith--Warned
---------Apostates From the Faith--Their Saving
-----Followers of the Faith
---------The Fullness of the Faith
---------The Fundamentals of the Faith Set Forth
---------The Fight for the Faith
---------The Followers of the Faith Are Admonished to Build Themselves Up in Their Faith
---------The Followers of the Faith Are Admonished to Pray in the Spirit
---------The Followers of the Faith Are Admonished to Keep in God's Love
---------The Followers of the Faith Are Admonished to Keep Looking for the Mercy of the Lord...
---------The Followers of the Faith Are Preserved
---------The Followers of the Faith Shall Be Presented
-----Israel and Missions
---------The Call of Abram
---------Joseph, God's Missionary to Egypt
---------Elisha, God's Missionary to Syria
---------David, God's Missionary to the Philistines
---------Jonah, God's Missionary to the Ninevites
---------The Three Hebrew Children, God's Missionaries to the Babylonians
---------Daniel, God's Missionary to the Medo-Persian World-Empire
---------Israel's Missionary Fruitlessness
---------God's Curse On Israel Because of Her Anti-Missionary Spirit
---------Israel, Restored and Forgiven, Will yet Prove the True Missionary of Christ to the ...
---------Israel, Restored and Forgiven, Will Be a World-Wide Blessing, As Seen in the Prophets
-----The Early Church and Missions
---------Pentecost and the Mixed Multitudes
---------The Great Persecution
---------Peter's Vision
---------Philip and the Eunuch
---------Paul's Conversion
---------The Man of Macedonia
---------The Assembly at Antioch
---------The Conference in Jerusalem
-----The Church at Antioch
---------Antioch Was a Church Born Out of Persecution
---------Antioch Was a Church Born Without Any Ecclesiastics
---------The Church at Antioch Kept Itself Unentangled From the Traditions of Men
---------Antioch Was a Church Where Saints Were First Called Christians
---------Antioch Was a Church with Members Gifted in God's Word and Work
---------Antioch Was a Church That Did a Valiant Work at Home
---------Antioch Was a Church That Was Endowed with the Missionary Spirit
-----Missionary Message: The Benediction
---------The Love of God--The Scope of His Love
---------The Love of God--The Gift of His Love
---------The Love of God--The Objective of His Love
---------The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ--The Riches of His Glory
---------The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ--His Poverty On Earth
---------The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ--His Objective
---------The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit--The Command, "Tarry Until"
---------The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit--The Enduement
---------The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit--The Objective
-----Missionary Lesson: Woe, Lo, Go
---------Woe! Or the Cry of the Believer
---------Woe! Or the Cry of the Unbeliever
---------Lo! Or the Answer of Christ
---------Go! God's Call to the Individual
---------Go! Or God's Command to His Church
---------Lo! Or God's Promise of Aid
Volume 2: Characters And Types
---------God's Estimate of Job
---------Satan's Slander Against Job
---------Eliphaz the Temanite
---------Bildad the Shuhite
---------Zophar the Naamathite
---------Job's Replies to His False Friends
---------Elihu the Son of Barachel, the Buzite
---------God Speaks to Job
-----Rebekah, the Beautiful Bride
---------Abraham's Desire Toward Isaac
---------Rebekah's Home Life
---------Rebekah Was Very Fair
---------Rebekah Was Virtuous
---------Rebekah Was Sought in Marriage
---------Rebekah Was Richly Rewarded
---------Isaacs Happy Home
-----Rebekah--A Dispensational Study
---------Abraham's Desire
---------The Eldest Servant
---------The Gracious Response
---------The Long Journey Begun
---------The Eldest Servant Conducting
---------The Meeting
---------The Marriage
-----Moses, or the Life of Faith
---------Moses Refused
---------Moses Chose
---------Moses Esteemed
---------Moses Looked
---------Moses Forsook
---------Moses Endured
---------Moses' Last Words
---------Samson Was Called to Serve in a Great Time of Need
---------Samson Was Especially Prepared for Service
---------Samson Wrought Some Great Victories for God
---------Samson Loses Out with God
---------Samson Serves the Philistines
---------Samson's Strength Restored
---------Samson Wrought a Great Victory
-----The Young Man Absalom
---------His Home Life
---------His Immediate Environment
---------His Personal Accomplishments
---------His Unholy Ambitions
---------His Deceitful Measures
---------His Premature Death
---------His Broken-Hearted Father
---------Grace Longing
---------Grace Unfolding
---------Grace Explaining
---------Grace Designating
---------Grace Fetching
---------Grace Bestowing
---------Grace Praised
---------A Disastrous Inquiry
---------A Disastrous Occurrence
---------Another Dead Man in the Road
---------David's Displeasure
---------David Afraid of God
---------Obed-Edom Blessed
---------The Ark Brought Home
---------Jonah Commissioned
---------Jonah Fleeing From God
---------Jonah Pursued by a Storm
---------Jonah Discovered
---------Jonah Swallowed but Undigested
---------Jonah's Prayer
---------Jonah Recommissioned
---------Nineveh Repents
---------Jonah Under the Gourd
-----Jonah, a Type of Israel
---------A Commission to the Gentiles
---------The Commission Disobeyed
---------Pursued with Judgments
---------Scattered Among the Nations
---------Swallowed but Undigested
---------In Anguish, Cries to God
---------Restored to the Land
---------Recommissioned to the Gentiles
---------The Gentiles Turn to God
-----Jonah, a Type of Christ
---------Upon the Jonah Sign Christ Staked His Deity
---------Wherein the Jonah Sign Attests the Deity of Our Lord
---------Wherein the Jonah Sign Is Established
---------If the Jonah Sign Falls, the Scriptures Fall with It
---------If the Jonah Sign Is False, Then the Saints of Old Gave a False Witness Concerning ...
---------If the Jonah Sign Is Vain, the Cross Is Vain
---------If the Jonah Sign Perishes, Then Those Asleep in Christ Are Perished
---------If the Jonah Sign Is Done Away, Then Christ's Coming and His Kingdom Are Done Away
-----Daniel, the Young Man
---------Daniel's Early Training
---------Daniel's Holy Purpose
---------Daniel's Undaunted Courage
---------Daniel's Unwavering Trust
---------Daniel's Reward
---------The Day of Heavenly Rewards
-----Daniel, the Faithful Man
---------Daniel Was a Man Prepared for Life's Task
---------Daniel, a Man of Vision
---------Daniel, a Man of Undaunted Courage
---------Daniel Was a Man with Unsullied Record
---------Daniel Was a Man Who Worshiped God
---------Daniel, a Man with a Great Longing for His People
---------Daniel, a Man with a Future Blessing
---------Belshazzar in Life: Was a Pleasure Seeker
---------Belshazzar in Life: He Was Given to Debauchery
---------Belshazzar in Life: He Mocked God
---------Belshazzar in Life: He Thought Himself Secure
---------Belshazzar in Death: His Death Was Not Without Warning
---------Belshazzar in Death: His Death Was Sudden
---------Belshazzar in Death: His Death Was in Fear
---------Belshazzar in Death: His Death Was Under Condemnation
-----Belshazzar's Judgment
---------Daniel's Endictment: Thou Knewest All This
---------Daniel's Endictment: Thou Hast Not Humbled Thyself
---------Daniel's Endictment: Thou Hast Lifted Up Thyself
---------Daniel's Endictment: Thou Hast Not Glorified God
---------God's Handwriting: Mene! Mene!
---------God's Handwriting: Tekel
---------God's Handwriting: Upharsin
-----Herod, a Christ-Rejecter
---------The Wilderness Preacher
---------A Preaching Scene--Herod Hears John
---------Herod Puts John in Prison
---------Herod Beheads John
---------Herod's Conscience Is Stirred
---------Herod's Degeneracy
---------Herod Mocks Christ
-----The Prodigal Son
---------The Home Spurning
---------The Home Leaving
---------The Home Forgetting
---------The Home Longing
---------The Home Coming
---------The Longings at Home
---------The Welcome Home
-----The Raising of Lazarus
---------Four Days Dead
---------The Compassionate Christ
---------Roll Ye Away the Stone
---------Lazarus, Come Forth!
---------Bound with Grave Clothes
---------Loose Him
---------Let Him Go!
Volume 3: Real Salvation Themes
-----God's Imperative Musts
---------Ye Must Be Born Again
---------Christ Must Die
---------The Must of His Name
---------We Must Believe
---------The Gospel Must Be Preached
---------We Must Suffer
---------We Must Appear
-----Great Calvary Words
-----The Lame Man Healed
---------The Lame Man
---------Peter's Response
---------An Unheard-of Request
---------The Helping Hand
---------The Lame Man Healed
---------The People Marvel
---------An Honor Wrongly Placed
-----Peter's Sermon Upon the Occasion of the Healing of the Lame Man
---------God Hath Glorified Jesus
---------Ye Denied the Holy One
---------Christ Raised From the Dead
---------The Name That Maketh Strong
---------The Sufferings of Christ
---------A Call to Repentance
---------Jesus Christ Received Into Glory
---------Jesus Christ Sent From the Father
-----At the Bethesda Pool
---------The House of Lovingkindness
---------The Great Multitude of Impotent Folk
---------Jesus in the Midst
---------A Striking Question
---------A Despairing Response
---------A Marvelous Command
---------He Was Made Whole
-----Children of God
---------The Fact of Sonship Stated
---------How We Become Children
---------God's Family
---------God's Child-Training
---------The Father Heart of God
---------The Children's Refuge
---------The Father's Special Gift
---------Children Are Heirs of God
---------As Children We Will Soon Be Going Home
---------The Children Shall Be Like Him
-----What We Were! What We Are! How It Happened!
---------What We Were
---------What We Are
---------How It Happened
---------The Perspective--Grace in the Ages to Come
-----Not of Works
---------By the Law Is the Knowledge of Sin
---------For Whom Was the Law Laid Down?
---------Under the Law, Under the Curse
---------Only Doers of the Law Shall Be Justified
---------Under the Law, a Debtor to the Whole Law
---------Could the Law Bring Righteousness?
---------If Righteousness Is by the Law, Christ Died in Vain
---------Righteousness by Law, Gives Man Whereof to Boast
---------Righteousness by Faith, Apart From the Law
-----Tokens of Salvation
---------Faith in Christ
---------Forsaking of Sins
---------Sorrow for Sinning
---------Love for God's People
---------The Witness of the Spirit
---------Obedience to His Word
---------The Fruit of the Spirit
---------A Longing for Christ's Return
-----The Things God Puts First
---------"First, Cleanse the Inside of the Cup"
---------First, Cast Out the Beam Out of Thine Own Eye
---------First, Be Reconciled to Thy Brother
---------First, Seek the Kingdom of God
---------Giving Yourself to God
---------Giving First to God
---------Showing Piety First at Home
-----Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
---------The Character of Saul--As Touching the Law, Blameless
---------The Character of Saul--A Pharisee of the Pharisees
---------The Character of Saul--He Was High in His Aspirations
---------The Character of Saul--He Was Learned and Well Schooled
---------The Character of Saul--He Was of the Tribe of Benjamin
---------The Character of Saul--He Was Zealous in His Religion
---------The Character of Saul--He Was Doing the Best He Knew
---------Steps That Led to Saul's Conversion--Those Who Were in Christ Before Him
---------Steps That Led to Saul's Conversion--The Dying of Stephen
---------The Steps That Led to Saul's Conversion--The Pricking of the Spirit
---------The Steps That Led to Saul's Conversion--The Vision of the Risen Christ
---------The Steps That Led to Saul's Conversion--The Vision of the Grace of God
---------Some Things That Followed Saul's Conversion--He Sought to Know God's Will for Him
---------Some Things That Followed Saul's Conversion--He Implicitly Obeyed Orders
---------Some Things That Followed Saul's Conversion--He Was Baptized
---------Some Things That Followed Saul's Conversion--He Began Immediately to Preach Christ
-----Paul's Message to Felix
---------The Faith in Christ
---------Paul's First Message--Righteousness
---------Paul's Second Division--Self-Control
---------The Third Message--"the Judgment to Come"
---------The First Result of Paul's Preaching--Felix Trembled
---------Felix Deferred
---------Felix Promised
-----Paul's Message at Thessalonica
---------Paul's Manner of Entering In
---------Paul's Manner of Life
---------Paul's First Message--The Cross
---------The Result of Paul's First Message
---------Paul's Second Message
---------The Result of Paul's Message On the Resurrection
---------Paul's Third Message
---------The Result of Paul's Message On the Coming of Christ
-----Paul at Ephesus
---------Have Ye Received the Holy Ghost?
---------Preaching the Word of the Lord
---------The Testimony of a Demon
---------The Many Who Believed
---------Many Came and Confessed
---------They Showed Their Deeds
---------The Prevailing Gospel
-----Seven Men Who Said, "I Have Sinned"
the Sorrow Unto Death"
---------Pharaoh Said, "I Have Sinned"
---------Achan Said, "I Have Sinned"
---------Balaam Said, "I Have Sinned"
---------Saul Said, "I Have Sinned"
---------Judas Said, "I Have Sinned"
---------David Said, "I Have Sinned"
---------The Prodigal Said, "I Have Sinned"
-----Seven Bible Fools
---------The Fool Who Says There Is No God
---------The Fool Who Believes Not the Prophets
---------The Fool Who Mocks at Sin
---------The Fool Who Builds Upon the Sand
---------The Fool Who Does Not Redeem the Time
---------The Fool Who Lays Up Treasures for Himself
---------The Fool Who Dies Outside the City of Refuge
---------Conscience Defined
---------A Good Conscience
---------A Weak Conscience
---------An Evil Conscience
---------A Defiled Conscience
---------No More Conscience for Sin
---------An Answering Conscience
---------A Convicting Conscience
Volume 4: The Psalms and Prophecy
-----Christ Vs. Antichrist
---------A Study of Psalms 1, 2, 3
---------The Marks of the Blessed Man
---------The Marks of the Ungodly
---------The Federation Against Christ
---------The Federation Overthrown
---------Absalom's Insurrection
---------David's Assured Trust
---------The Closing Admonition
-----Songs Unto the Lord
---------A Study of Psalms 7, 8, 9
---------O Lord, Save Me
---------Arise, O Lord in Thine Anger
---------O Lord, How Excellent Is Thy Name
---------I Will Praise Thee, O Lord
---------Sing Praises to the Lord, Which Dwelleth in Zion
---------Arise, O Lord, Let Not Man Prevail
-----Christ Crucified, Risen, and Reigning
---------A Study of Psalms 22
---------The Words of the Cross
---------The Reason for the Cross
---------The Reproach of the Cross
---------The Groups Around the Cross
---------The Physical Agonies of the Cross
---------The Trust of Christ Upon the Cross
---------The Resurrection Assured
---------The Reign Asserted
-----The Joy of Sins Forgiven
---------A Study of Psalms 32
---------A Threefold Description of Wickedness
---------A Threefold Manifestation of Grace
---------The Threefold Agonies of Sinning
---------The Threefold Marks of Repentance
---------The Threefold Pledge of Security
---------The Threefold Promise of Succor
---------A Threefold Song of Praise
-----The Righteous Vs. The Wicked
---------A Study of Psalms 37
---------The Names of the Wicked
---------The Names of the Righteous
---------The Attitude of the Wicked Toward the Righteous
---------The Attitude of the Righteous Toward the Wicked
---------The End of the Wicked
---------The End of the Righteous
---------Our Sevenfold Commission
-----The Bridegroom King
---------A Study of Psalms 45
---------The King
---------The King Described
---------The King at War
---------The King Enthroned
---------The King's Delight
---------The King's Wife
---------The King's Daughter
---------The Companions of the King's Daughter
-----Confession and Restoration
---------A Study of Psalms 51
---------The Plea
---------The Confession
---------A Consideration
---------The Method
---------The Soul's Desire
---------The Blessed Results
---------The Desire of Jehovah
---------The Future Application
-----The Kingship of Christ
---------A Study of Psalms 101; Psalms 102; Psalms 103; Psalms 104
---------The King Longed For
---------The King Rejected
---------The King's Appearing
---------The King Praised
---------The King's Benefits
---------The King Judging
---------The King's Glory
-----A Psalm of Praise for Deliverance
---------A Study of Psalms 107
---------Delivered From Wilderness Wanderings
---------Delivered From Rebellion Against God's Word
---------Delivered From Foolish Transgressions
---------Delivered From Raging Seas
---------A Call to Praise
---------The Cursing Turned to Blessing
---------The Loving Kindness of Jehovah
-----Three Hallelujah Psalms
---------A Study of Psalms 111; Psalms 112; Psalms 113
---------Praise God for His Works
---------Praise God for His Word
---------Praise God for His Worthy One--his Character
---------Praise God for His Worthy One--his Future Glory
---------Praise God for His Wonderful Name
---------Praise God for His Wonderful Grace
-----The Word of God
---------A Study of Psalms 119
---------Word--a Saying or a Speech
---------Word--that Which Is Spoken
-----The Rest That Remaineth
---------A Study of Psalms 120-131
---------Israel's Distress-Wanderers
---------Israel's Help--preserved
---------Israel's Millennial Rest--home Again
---------Israel's Distress-Scorned
---------Israel's Help--succored
---------Israel's Millennial Rest--secured
---------Israel's Distress--in Captivity
---------Israel's Help--the Lord's Keeping
---------Israel's Millennial Rest--increased
---------Israel's Distress-Afflicted
---------Israel's Help--forgiveness
---------Israel's Millennial Rest--hope
-----Ruth--a Dispensational Study
---------Some Striking Personages
---------Striking Personages
---------A Famine in the House of Bread
---------The Departure for Moab
---------The Return
---------Ruth Accompanies Naomi
---------Ruth's Recompense
---------The Kinsman Redeemer
---------Spiritual Lessons
-----The Certainty of Christ's Coming
---------Is Christ Sure to Come?
---------Is Christ's Coming Near?
---------Who Will Be Taken?
---------Who Shall Be Left?
---------The Happy Lot of Those Who Go
---------The Sad Lot of Those Left
---------An Admonition
-----The Rainbow About the Throne
---------The Rainbow--a Comparison
---------The Rainbow Suggests That God's Judgment Will Not Make a Full End
---------The Rainbow Suggests That in Wrath God Remembers Mercy
---------The Rainbow Bespeaks a Revived Earth
---------Enduring Peace
---------The Call of the Rainbow
-----When the King Comes Back
---------When the King Comes Back Peace Will Be Given Men
---------When the King Comes Back Righteousness Will Reign
---------When the King Comes Back Social Equity Will Be Established On Earth
---------When the King Comes Back Man Will Be Physically Restored
---------When the King Comes Back the Earth and Its Creatures Will Be Released From Bondage
-----The Hope of the Church
---------The Blessed Hope
---------The Purifying Hope
---------The Pacifying Hope
---------The Comforting Hope
---------The Expectant Hope
---------The Unfailing Hope
---------The All-Glorious Hope
Volume 5: Christ, The Holy Spirit, and Satan's Strategies
-----Where Faith Sees Christ
---------Coming Again
---------The Atonement, the Advocacy, and the Advent
---------The Good Shepherd, the Great Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd
---------Jesus, Lord, Christ
---------The Three Great Jewish Feasts--The Passover, Pentecost, and Feast of the Tabernacles
---------Romans, Ephesians, Thessalonians
---------Christ Our Prophet, Priest, and King
---------The Transfiguration, the Empty Tomb, and the Olivet Mount
---------The Building, the Body, and the Bride
---------Faith, Love, and Hope
---------Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification
---------We Have Been Saved, We Are Being Saved, and We Will Be Saved
-----Christ in the Midst
---------Christ in the Midst Serving
---------Christ in the Midst Suffering
---------Christ in the Midst Comforting
---------Christ in the Midst Hearing
---------In the Midst Observing
---------Christ in the Midst Worshiped
---------In the Midst Shepherdizing
---------In the Midst Singing
-----The Jehovah Titles
-----The Divine Intensity
---------The Intensity of His Compassion
---------The Intensity of His Service
---------The Intensity of His Personal Watch-Care
---------The Intensity of His Approval
---------The Intensity of His Claim to Holiness
---------The Intensity of His Approval of Bible Study
---------The Intensity of His Calvary Prayer
-----Christ Our Master
---------Master (Gr. Rabbi), Great Chieftain
---------Master (Gr. Kathagetes), Leader
---------Master (Gr. Didaskate), Teacher
---------Master (Gr. Epistata), One Set Over
---------Master (Gr. Despote), Sovereign Lord
---------Master (Gr. Oiko Despote), Master-of-the-House
---------Master (Gr. Kurios), Lord
-----Christ Interpreting the Father
---------Christ the Interpretation of the Father
---------Christ Interpreted the Character of the Father
---------Christ Interpreted the Father in His Words
---------Christ Interpreted the Father in His Works
---------Christ Interpreted the Father in His Will
---------The Wrath and Judgments of Christ Manifest the Father
-----The Angels of God
---------The Number of the Angels of God
---------The Wisdom of the Angels
---------The Power of Angels
---------The Sex of Angels
---------The Position of Angels
---------The Office of Angels
---------The Ministration of Angels
---------An Angel Announces His Birth
---------The Angels Voice Their Praise at the Birth of Christ
---------An Angel Warns Joseph
---------Angels Minister to Him in the Wilderness
---------An Angel Ministers Unto Christ in the Garden
---------Two Angels Announce His Resurrection
---------Two Angels Announce the Lord's Second Coming
---------The Lord Descends with the Voice of the Archangel
---------Angels Worship and Praise the Exalted Christ
---------Angels Administer the Seal, the Trumpet and the Vial Judgments
---------Angels War in the Clouds
---------The Angels Will Reap the Whitened Harvest of the Earth
---------Angels Descend with Christ to the Earth
---------An Angel Binds Satan for One Thousand Years
-----The Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ
---------Christ Was Born of the Spirit
---------Christ Was Anointed of the Spirit
---------Christ Was Filled with the Spirit
---------Christ Was Led of the Spirit
---------Christ Ministered in the Spirit
---------Christ Was Raised by the Spirit
---------Christ Gave Commandment in the Spirit
-----The Holy Spirit in the Acts
-----The Holy Spirit in Galatians
---------Beginning in the Spirit
---------The Indwelling Spirit
---------The Conflict Between the Flesh and the Spirit
---------Walking in the Spirit
---------The Fruit of the Spirit
---------Sowing to the Spirit
---------The Hope in the Spirit
-----The Wonderful Word
---------The Adaptability of the Word
---------The Infallibility of the Word
---------The Unfathomableness of the Word
---------The Endurance of the Word
---------The Most Hated Word
---------The Foretellings of the Word
---------The Predictions Concerning Christ's First Coming
-----Satan's Strategies Against the Seed of the Woman
---------The Death of Abel
---------Corrupting the Whole Race
---------Beguiling Abraham
---------Israel Afflicted in Egypt
---------David's Life Sought
---------Slaughter of the Seed Royal
---------Hezekiah and Coniah Attacked
-----Satan's Strategies Against the Son of God
---------The Slaughter of the Children
---------The Temptation
---------The Attempted Murder at Nazareth
---------The Storm at Sea
---------The Nigh Death in Gethsemane
---------The Crucifixion
---------The Resurrection and Ascension
-----Satan's Strategies Against Israel
---------Israel's Affliction Foretold
---------Wilderness Testings
---------The Story of the Judges
---------Under the Kings
---------During the Captivity
---------Israel's Present Blindness
---------The Day of Jacob's Trouble
-----Satan's Strategies Against the Church
---------Satan's First Strategy--Seen in the Parable of the Sower
---------Satan's Second Strategy--Seen in the Parable of the Tares
---------Satan's Third Strategy--Seen in the Parable of the Mustard Seed
---------Satan's Fourth Strategy--Seen in the Parable of the Leaven
---------Satan's Fourfold Success--A Love Waxed Cold
---------Satan's Fourfold Success--A Form of Godliness
---------Satan's Fourfold Success--A Departure From the Faith
---------Satan's Fourfold Success--A Dislike for Sound Doctrine
-----Satan's Strategies Against the Believer
---------Satan Resists Our Cleansing
---------Satan Resists Our Full Surrender
---------Satan Lifts Us Up with Pride
---------Satan Resists Our Cross-Bearing
---------Satan Resists Our Best Service
---------Satan Seeks to Sift the Believer
---------The Believer's Assured Victory
-----Satan's Strategies Against the Unbeliever
---------Satan Imparts a False Peace
---------Satan Subtly Places His Snares
---------Satan Drives Men to Their Ruin
---------Satan Blinds Eyes to Coming Glories
---------Satan Proclaims a False Righteousness
---------Satan Binds Men with Unbearable Diseases
---------The Remedy for the Unbeliever
Volume 6: Christ Jesus
-----Christianity--Where Christ Is All in All
---------The Person of Christ, Our Preaching
---------The Passion of Christ, Our Promptings
---------The Presence of Christ, Our Power
-----Christ Jesus
---------Christ with the Father
---------Christ Made Flesh
---------Christ Rejected of Men
---------The Reasons for Christ's Rejection
---------Some Who Received Christ
---------What Receiving Christ Signifies
---------The Children of God
-----The Son of Man
---------The Meaning of the Expression "Son of Man"
---------Christ's Identification with Humanity As Son of Man
---------Christ's Work Upon the Cross Was Done As the Son of Man
---------Christ Seated at the Right Hand of God, As the Son of Man
---------Christ, As the Son of Man, Distinct From a Son of Man
---------Distinctions Made Plain
---------Christ Is Invested with Power As the Son of Man
-----At Jesus' Feet
---------At His Feet to Worship
---------1. The Worship of Man Is Prohibited
---------2. The Worship of Christ Is Commanded
---------At His Feet to Learn
---------At His Feet in Trouble
---------At His Feet in Confession
---------At His Feet in Anticipation
---------At His Feet a Sinner
---------At His Feet Restored
-----The Life Which Is in Christ Jesus
---------The Life Defined
---------The Life and Its Manifestations
---------The Life and Its Security
---------The Life and Its Precedence
---------The Life and the Life More Abundant
---------The Life and Its Tabernacle
---------The Life and How It Is Obtained
-----The Obedience in Christ Jesus
---------Obedience and Faith
---------Obedience and Love
---------Obedience and Fellowship
---------Obedience and the Holy Spirit
---------Obedience and Knowledge
---------Obedience and the Word
---------Obedience and the Daily Walk
---------Obedience and Its Rewards
-----The Humility Which Is in Christ Jesus
---------The Prodigal Son
---------Saul of Tarsus
-----The Faith Which Is in Christ Jesus
---------The Faith That Saves
---------The Faith That Grows
---------The Faith That Overcomes
---------The Faith That Secures Access
---------The Faith That Commits
---------The Faith That Walks
---------The Faith That has Works
---------The Faith That Stands the Test
---------The Faith That Keeps the Faith
-----The Love Which Is in Christ Jesus
---------The Fact of Christ's Love
---------The Proof of Christ's Love
---------The Endurance of Christ's Love
---------The Accomplishment of Christ's Love
---------The Child-Training of Christ's Love
---------Rooted and Grounded in Christ's Love
---------We Love Because He Loved
-----The Peace Which Is in Christ Jesus
---------Follow Peace
---------A False Peace, or Peace When There Is No Peace
---------The Basis of Peace
---------The Prince of Peace
---------The God of Peace
---------The Peace of God
-----The Patience in Christ Jesus
---------Tribulation Worketh Patience
---------Serving with Patience
---------Suffering with Patience
---------The Fruitage of Patience
---------Examples of Patience
---------The Secret of Patience
---------Waiting with Patience
-----The Joy in Christ Jesus
---------The Beauty of Joy
---------Fullness of Joy
---------Joy in the Word
---------The Present Joy
---------The Joy Set Before
---------The Joy in Soul-Winning
---------Saved with Joy
-----The Full Salvation in Christ Jesus
---------Full Salvation Set Forth. (1) Salvation From Sin's Curse
---------Full Salvation Set Forth. (2) Salvation From Sin's Dominion
---------Full Salvation Set Forth. (3) Salvation From Sin's Presence
---------Full Salvation in Type
---------1. The Passover
---------2. Pentecost
---------3. The Feast of Tabernacles
---------Full Salvation in Emblem
---------1. The Church As a Building--Salvation Past
---------2. The Church As a Body--Salvation Present
---------3. The Church As a Bride--Salvation in Anticipation
---------Full Salvation in Testimony
---------1. Epistle to the Romans
---------2. The Epistle to the Ephesians
---------3. The 1st Epistle to the Thessalonians
-----His Riches--His Poverty--How He Made Many Rich
---------Our Lord Was Rich
---------Our Lord Became Poor
---------The Pathway of His Humiliation
---------The Pathway of His Exaltation
---------Sharing His Poverty
---------Sharing His Riches
-----Christ Our High Priest
---------The Conditions of Christ's Priesthood
---------The Offering of Christ, As Priest
---------Offerings, Fulfilled in Christ
---------Christ an Intercessory High Priest
---------1. Christ Our High Priest Will Present Our Cause
---------2. Christ Our High Priest Will Cleanse Us
---------3. Christ Our High Priest Will Give Us Grace, in Our Time of Need
---------Christ's High-Priestly Accomplishments
---------1. We Are Glorified Through the Work of Christ Our Risen High Priest
---------Christ Our King-Priest
-----The New Birth in Christ
---------The Necessity of the New Birth
---------The New Birth Is the Work of God
---------The Master's Answer--Born of Water
---------The Master's Answer--Born of the Spirit
---------The Master's Answer--Born by One Who Came Down From Heaven
---------The Master's Answer--Born by One Who Is in Heaven
---------The Master's Answer--Born by the Cross of Christ
---------The Master's Answer--Born by Faith in Christ
---------The Master's Answer--Born by the Love of God
-----The Meaning of the Cross
---------The Cross and the Father
---------The Cross and Christ
---------The Cross and the World
---------The Cross and the Christ Objective
---------The Cross and Redemption
---------The Cross and Victory
---------The Cross and Its Rejecters
Volume 7: The Glory That Will Follow
-----The Lord's Coming, a Practical Hope.
Critics of His Coming
---------Those Who Delay His Coming
---------Those Who Veil His Coming
---------Those Who Turn to Fables
---------Those Who Scoff His Coming
---------Those Who Confess Not His Coming
---------How the Critics Prepare for the Antichrist
-----Faith's Far-Flung Vision
---------Abel, or the Faith That Sees the Blood
---------Enoch, or the Faith That Sees the Rapture
---------Noah, or the Faith That Sees Coming Judgment
---------Abraham, or the Faith That Sees the Land and the City
---------Sara, or the Faith That Sees an Innumerable Seed Begotten of One As Good As Dead
---------Abraham, or the Faith That Sees the Resurrection
---------Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, or the Faith That Sees Israel's Inheritance
---------Moses, or the Faith That Sees the Recompense of the Reward
---------Many Saints, or the Faith That Sees the Things God has Provided
-----The Age of the Church
---------The Church Hid From Seers of Old
---------Christ's Silence As to the Church
---------Israel's Temporary Rejection
---------The Church's Time Boundary
---------The Mission of the Church
---------The Church Taken Out
---------Israel Grafted in Again
-----One Taken and the Other Left
---------The Rapture Asserted--by Illustration
---------The Rapture Asserted--taught by Plain Scripture Statement
---------The Rapture--a Selection
---------The Rapture--a Separation
---------The Raptured--their Blessedness
---------The Left Behind--Their Sorrow
-----Christ's Resurrection
---------Ruling His Church
-----The Resurrection of Saints
---------An Illustration
---------An Individuality
---------An Improvement
---------An Image
---------An Implication
---------An Inquiry
---------An Inspiration
-----The Overcomers I
---------The Church at Ephesus
---------The Overcomers at Ephesus
---------The Church at Smyrna
---------The Overcomers at Smyrna
---------The Church at Pergamos
---------The Overcomers at Pergamos
-----The Overcomers II
---------The Church at Thyatira
---------The Overcomers at Thyatira
---------The Church at Sardis
---------The Overcomers at Sardis
---------The Church at Philadelphia
---------The Overcomers at Philadelphia
---------The Church at Laodicea
---------The Overcomers at Laodicea
-----Conditions of the End Times As It Was in the Days of Noah--of Lot
---------Fleshly Appetites--They Ate and They Drank
---------Fleshly Lusts--they Married and Gave in Marriage
---------Fleshly Activities--bought and Sold
---------Living in False Security--knew Not Until
---------Overwhelmed with Water--with Fire
---------The Deliverance of Noah
---------The Deliverance of Lot
-----The Times of Refreshing and the Times of Restitution
---------A Call to National Repentance
---------National Forgiveness Foretold
---------Christ's Present Abode
---------Preparing Israel for Christ's Promised Return
---------The Times of Refreshing
---------The Times of Restitution
-----The Twelve Tribes Restored Under One King
---------What Isaiah Says of Christ As King
---------What Jeremiah Says of Christ As King
---------What Ezekiel Says About Christ As King
---------What Daniel Says About Christ As King
---------What Hosea and Joel Say About Christ As King
---------What Amos and Obadiah Say About Christ As King
---------What Jonah Says About Christ As King
---------What Micah and Nahum Say About Christ As King
---------What Habakkuk, Zephaniah and Haggai Say About Israel's Restoration and Christ As King
---------What Zechariah and Malachi Say About Christ As King
-----The Glory of Israel When Christ Returns
---------Israel Restored to Her Land
---------Israel Aided by the Gentiles
---------Israel Inheriting Jerusalem
---------Israel Saved From Sin
---------Israel's Temple and Worship
---------Israel Great Among the Nations
---------Israel a World-Wide Blessing
-----Is Christ's Coming Before or After the Millennium? Does It Matter?
---------Postmillennialism Delays the Lord's Return
---------Postmillennialism Robs Christ of His Personal Reign
---------Postmillennialism Does Not Accept the Bible Literally
---------Postmillennialism Distorts the Mission of the Church
---------Postmillennialism Annuls the Hope of Israel
---------Postmillennialism Robs the Church of Her Blessed Hope
---------Postmillennialism Mars the Co-Operation of the Holy Spirit
-----The Bride, the Lamb's Wife
The Righteous--after Death, What?
---------What Is the Meaning of Death?
---------What Occurs at a Christian's Death?
---------Is Death an Enemy to the Christian?
---------What Occurs Between Death and the Resurrection?
---------Resurrection and the Body
---------After Resurrection, What?
-----The Wicked--after Death, What?
---------Is There Existence After Death?
---------Is There Salvation After Death?
---------Is There Annihilation at Death?
---------The Punishment of the Wicked As Set Forth in the Gospels
---------The Punishment of the Wicked As Set Forth in the Epistles
---------The Punishment of the Wicked As Set Forth in Revelation
Volume 8: God's Men and Their Message
-----Blind Bartimaeus or Salvation Made Simple
---------His Condition
---------His Opportunity
---------His Hindrances
---------His Earnestness
---------His Appeal
---------His Approach to Christ
---------His Healing
-----The Paralytic or Grace Through Faith
---------A Unique Preaching Service
---------An Interrupted Service
---------Studying the Paralytic
---------The Responsive Christ
---------The Critical Scribes
---------Christ to His Critics
---------The Paralytic Healed
-----The Ethiopian Treasurer or Seeking, Sought and Saved
---------Behind the Scenes
---------Seeking for Light
---------Sought of God
---------Instructed by Philip
-----Onesimus, Profitless and Profitable
---------Onesimus in Colosse
---------Onesimus Running Away
---------Onesimus in Rome
---------Onesimus in Jail
---------Onesimus and Paul
---------Onesimus Saved but Serving His Term in Jail
---------Onesimus Sent Back to Colosse
-----Abraham Offers Isaac or Finds Jehovah-Jireh
---------The Supreme Test
---------The Three Days' Journey
---------Where Is the Lamb?
---------Isaac Bound
---------In the Stead of His Son
---------Because Thou Hast Done This Thing
-----The Pharisee and the Publican a Contrast
---------The Pharisee Acknowledged No Sin
---------The Publican Boasted No Righteousness
---------The Pharisee Trusted in Himself
---------The Publican Trusted Not in Himself
---------The Pharisee Compared Himself with Men
---------The Publican Compared Not Himself with Men
---------The Pharisee Confessed No Saviour
---------The Publican Confessed a Saviour
---------The Result
-----Faith and Works a Contrast
-----Jehoiachin or Bondage and Deliverance
-----Thomas or the Sin of Unbelief
---------Some Experiences Thomas Enjoyed
---------Some Attestations Thomas Received
---------The Wreckage of Thomas' Unbelief On Earth
---------The Wreckage That Thomas' Unbelief Would Have Wrought in Heaven
---------The Sin of Unbelief to-day
---------The Sin of Unbelief in the Realm of Man's Need
---------The Sin of Unbelief in the Realm of Daily Living
-----Joash Shooting Arrows or Victory Through Prayer
---------Elisha's Last Sickness
---------Take Bow and Arrows
---------The Placing of Elisha's Hands
---------The Open Window
---------The Arrow of Deliverance
---------He Smote Three Times and Stayed
---------Smiting Syria Thrice
-----Elisha or the Iron That Swam
---------A Willingness to Serve
---------An Accepted Invitation
---------The Lost Axe Head
---------Alas! It Was Borrowed
---------Where Fell It?
---------The Axe Head Restored
---------The Iron Did Swim
-----Paul or the Stormy Sea
---------A Discounted Warning
---------Human Reasons for Setting Sail
---------The Great Storm
---------The Sun and Stars Hidden
---------Hope 'Mid the Darkness
---------The Four Anchors
---------The Escape to Land
-----Paul and the Ministry of Suffering
---------Paul's Privations--What He Gave Up
---------Paul's Perils
---------Paul's Pains
---------Paul's Purpose
---------Paul's Prospective
-----Peter and the Ministry of Suffering
---------The "Needs Be" of Suffering
---------The Now of Suffering
---------The Novelty in Suffering
---------The Nobility in Suffering
---------The Nestling of the Sufferer
---------The New Vision of Suffering
---------The Note of Glory in Suffering
-----Israel or Lest We Forget
---------Thou Shalt Remember the Way the Lord Led Thee
---------Thou Shalt Remember How the Lord Led Thee to Prove Thee
---------The Methods by the Way--Afflictions
---------The Methods by the Way--Blessings
---------Beware Lest Thou Forget
---------Beware Lest Thou Say
---------The Punishment When We Forget
-----The Carnal Christian
---------Wilderness Wanderings
---------Lusting and Leanness
---------Idolatry and Idleness
---------Fornication and Fleshly Lusts
---------Tempting and Turning Back
---------Mutterings and Murmurings
---------Failure and Falling
---------Paul's Personal Practice
-----The Sins of Saints
---------Naaman a Picture
---------Leprosy and the Loss of Fellowship
---------Leprosy in the Lives of Saints
---------Helps Toward Deliverance
---------Hindrances to Deliverance
---------Deliverance Obtained
---------Deliverance and Its Aftermath
Volume 9: From the Cross to the Crown
-----The Passover Lamb
---------God Makes a Difference
---------Three Epochal Dates
---------Three Preliminary Steps
---------Statements Concerning the Lamb
---------The Sprinkled Blood
---------The Roasted Lamb
---------The True Token
-----An Old Testament Story of Redemption
---------A Retrospective Scene
---------The Compassionate Christ
---------The Divine Quickening
---------The Divine Oath
---------The Divine Claim
---------The Divine Provision
---------The Renown of the Redeemed
-----In Whom
---------In Whom We Have Forgiveness
---------In Whom We Have Redemption--A Backward Look
---------In Whom We Have Redemption--A Forward Look
---------In Whom We Are Made an Inheritance--The Father's Chief Delight
---------In Whom We Are Made an Inheritance--The Father's Chief Riches
---------In Whom We Have an Inheritance--The Present View
---------In Whom We Have an Inheritance--The Future View
-----The Offense of the Cross
---------The Place of the Cross in Paul's Ministry
---------The Place of the Cross in Paul's Experience
---------The Place of the Cross in Real Salvation
---------A Shuddering Statement
---------A Startling Subterfuge
---------A Startling Sequence
---------A Saddening Sentence
-----The Bread From Heaven
---------The Lack of Hunger--Its Significance
---------The Fact of Hunger--Its Significance
---------God's Provision for the Hungry
---------The Bread of Life
---------The Bread Prepared for Food
---------The Bread the Staff of Life
---------The Bread and the Incense
-----The Blood of Jesus Christ, His Son
---------The Blood--The Basis of the Atonement
---------"The Blood of Jesus Christ, His Son"--The One Who Atones"
---------Cleanseth--The Work of the Atonement
---------Us--The Scope of the Atonement
---------From Sin--The Need of the Atonement
---------From Sin--The Delivering Power of the Atonement
---------From All Sin--The Sweep of the Atonement
-----The Two Adams
---------Sin Enters Into the World--Righteousness Enters Into the World
---------Many Constituted Sinners--Many Constituted Righteous
---------In Adam All Are Sinners--In Christ Jesus All Are Saints
---------In Adam Death Passed Upon All--In Christ Jesus Life Passed Upon All Who Believe
---------In Adam All Are Judged and Under Condemnation--In Christ Jesus All Are Justified an...
---------In Adam Death Reigned--In Christ Life Reigned
---------In Adam Sin Abounds--In Christ Grace Much More Abounds
-----With Christ in His Ascension
---------From Humility to Exaltation
---------From Incarnation to Transfiguration
---------From Condemnation to Acclamation
---------From Temptation to Authorization

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